Grades 3 - 5
Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful summer vacation. I am looking forward to a fun and rewarding year in Physical Education class.
Physical Education will meet twice a week. Stretches and cardiovascular exercises are done in each class. I would like to review the curriculum and policies for the year with you. I ask that you review them with your child.
UNIFORM: Students are expected to be in complete uniform for each class. They must dress with the following CLEAN St. John’s gym uniform. It ishighly recommended that each student have two sets of monogrammed uniforms.
- Dennis gray T-shirt MONOGRAMMED** in navy with student’s last name above the crest.
- Dennis navy blue nylon mesh or knit P.E. shorts MONOGRAMMED** in redwith student’s last name on the bottom of the left leg.
- White socks. “Short” socks must be visible above shoes.
- Appropriate athletic shoes that tie tightly to the foot or Velcro shoes are acceptable. Slip-on shoes are not recommended. NO black soles,thick-heeled shoes or roller shoes allowed.
- Jewelry is not to be worn during class.
- When a new uniform is purchased, it must be monogrammed** within two weeks.
During inclement weather, students may wear the DennisREDhooded pullover or zipper sweatshirtand DennisNAVY“Cardinal” sweatpants.Sweatshirts must be monogrammed* *with last name above the emblem.
True Grits Physical Educationuniformsare still allowed to be worn.
** Monogramming at Santa Margarita Embroidery 949-766-1823
PHYSICAL EDUCATION GOALS: To develop and utilize the student’s movement potential through involvement in a well-balanced program of sports activities, highly organized games and physical fitness testing. Your student will be experiencing some of the following organized games:
- First Trimester will emphasize: Handball, Volleyball, Flag Football and Fitness Testing
- Second Trimester will emphasize: Basketball, Soccer, Track and Field events and Fitness Testing
- Third Trimester will emphasize: Track and Field events
NON-PARTICIPATION DUE TO INJURY OR ILLNESS: A note is required from a parent or a doctor. The note should state what specific activities a student is allowed to do in class. A date of when a student may participate once again in regular activities should be noted.
EVALUATION: Your student’s Physical Education grade will be based on the following factors:
1. Skill level of organized games and sports
2. Physical Fitness Test
3. Participation with a sincere effort
4. Demonstration ofgood character and sportsmanship
5. Respect forclassmates and teacher
6. Responsible use of equipment
Above Grade Level
Grade Level
Below Grade Level