Coningsby Town Council Meeting
23rd March 2017
Public Forum – not required, two members of public attended.
In attendance – Chairman Cllr Matthew Mason, Cllr Glyn Olive, Cllr Paddy Donnellan, Cllr Mrs Mary Walker, Cllr Mrs Marlene Wilson, Cllr Mrs Ruth Sharples, Cllr Dick Johnson, Cllr Kevin Moorhouse, District & Town Cllr Martin Foster & Cllr Mrs Sharon Beamish
County Councillor Colin Mair& District Cllr Stan Avison
Clerk Kathy Roberts
131.Welcome to March meeting
132.The Town Clerk reported apologies for absence had been received from Lou Short RAF Coningsby.Mayor has spoken with Cllr Mrs A Flifcroft regarding attendance, Cllr Flitcroft will be in touch shortly.
133. No declarations of interest at this point.
134.Notes from meeting held 23rd February previously circulated, Proposed Cllr Johnson to accept as true and correct record of the meeting, seconded Cllr Olive all voted in favour RESOLVED- minutes signed and dated by Chairman.
135.Police Report –Allan Barker car park no issues raised by residents last month, no further reports of disturbance have been reported to Police or Council, 5 x theft 2 x violence, 2 x criminal damage to vehicles, 4 x drunken behaviour, 3 x domestic, 4 traffic offence.
136.County Cllr Colin Mair, NHs funding – LCC are hoping to help to provide more in home care on a local level, saving costs on travel etc. Lincolnshire hospitals are still under review, lots of options are being looked but no definite areas to date and this will be on-going forsome time, areas not addressed include diabetes care, please try and read some if not all of the consultation document.
District Cllr Martin Foster – there is some confusion over the Harbour Fisheries planning orders – hopefully this will be resolved after comments have been made.
District Cllr Stan Avison – Budget is agreed including council tax increases, Harbour fisheries enforcement is still looking into the flooding of the car park during food preparation.
137.Coningsby decorative signage – Alpha signs – to be contacted for prices.
138.Annual Parish Meeting – Speaker confirmed Marc Jones Police & Crime Commissioner –Proposal to purchase refreshments, seconded, all in favour RESOLVED.
139. Outside groups – CCTV, all set to go starting Mid April replacing the existing cameras first. Southern Area Forum – attended by Cllr Martin Foster & Cllr Mary Walker – a very good evening very informative with interesting speakers just poorly attended. Planning Enforcement Day ELDC – attended by Cllrs Johnson, Wilson, Walker & Clerk – not what was expected by any of the attendees, no interaction on actual cases or examples, purely how the enforcement officers decide the outcome, which is down to personal interpretation and why and when the planning system came into force. An outside agency provided the presentation; unfortunately this would have cost ELDC money to provide rather than doing an in house presentation which all felt would have been more beneficial
140.Finances – to pay invoices and salaries as listed for March - RESOLVED
Nest pensions (March) / DD / 158.98E- on - Pavillion / DD / 143.34
BT Phone & Broad band / DD / 165.21
Salaries / BACS / 2,183.59
Creative Play / BACS / 8,400.00
C. Roberts - Church Grounds / BACS / 260.00
C. Roberts - Bins / BACS / 30.00
Ellgia waste collection / BACS / 31.95
S. Kulwicki - Travel Expenses / BACS / 30.80
S- Kulwicki - wages underpaid / BACS / 49.32
S- Kulwicki - Risk assessment / BACS / 351.00
S- kulwicki – office painting / BACS / 86.00
K. Roberts - Office painting / BACS / 86.00
C. Roberts - Allan Barker Skate Park / BACS / 120.00
Creative Play / BACS / 8,399.99
HMRC PAYE via Post Office / 304317 / 464.38
Community Hall for March meeting / 304318 / 18.00
Goodwins / 304319 / 137.81
UK Waste Solutions / 304320 / 72.67
J E Ranshaw / 304321 / 33.45
Cooleys / 304322 / 10.00
Post Office Ltd - Stamps / 304323 / 235.36
UK Waste Solutions - Overweight / 304324 / 18.30
K. Roberts - Office expenses / 304325 / 19.87
G. Olive / 304326 / 126.94
LALC - Annual subscription / 304327 / 529.64
K. Roberts - Ipad expenses / 304328 / 6.50
Bank Charges / 6.00
141.Car Parking charges – Coningsby Car park; 1. Free parking on Sundays, 2. Two hoursfree/ticketed; 3. Half hour or hourly charge afterwards; 4.£2 all day ticket available from 6am – 6pm; 5. Machines to be set up “no return within two /three hours”, not 24hrs as before as this caused multiple problems. 6. At least one disabled bay needs to be nearer to the shops if possible. Proposed Cllr Johnson, seconded; Cllr Mrs Wilson Proposal (1)
Counter proposal Cllr Moorhouse parking to be free on a two hour ticketed basis; seconded Cllr Donnellan; Vote taken on this proposal 2 votes for, 8 against.
Vote taken on Proposal (1) carried 8 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention. RESOLVED as above
142. Planning – 0/035/00356/17 No. 29 Silver Street – signage, there is much confusion over the application to keep the illuminated sign, as council objected to the downright signage, none of the signage was applied for at all in the application to build. Comments Objecting to the illuminated sign, needs to be reduced in sizeto match the other one on building for the Pizza shop; also Council object to the downright signs, sending requests to ELDC within objections. RESOLVED
143.Clerks report – RAF have been contacted regarding purchase of additional land. Risk Assessments – this is proving to be a bigger job than expected, PPE items have all been purchased, and employees will be furnished with thenasap. Safe working system sheets are being compiled for all, Council will need to meet with each employee to set this all in place.
Meeting closed.