Director of Ministerial Formation
Assistant Professor of Theology
1114 Aduana Ave. BarryUniversity
Coral Gables, Florida33146Department of Theology & Philosophy
305 666-9120 (home) 305 213-7043 (cell) 11300 N.E 2nd Avenue
iamiShores, Fl. 33161
Curriculum Vitae
Born 1963, Miami Beach, Florida
BarryUniversityD. Min. 2003
University of FloridaB.S.1986
D. Min. Thesis: Redeeming a Dangerous Memory: gay / lesbian & catholic
M.A. Thesis: The Sacramentality of Creation: Exploring the sacred dynamic between God, humanity and the earth.
Primary Teaching Expertise
Practical Theology
Social / Feminist Ethics
Pastoral Care & Counseling
Field Education / Ministerial Formation
Queer Theology
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate & Graduate M.A. & D. Min. at BarryUniversity
2006 --- Assistant Professor (1999 – 2006 Adjunct)
THE 800A Fundamentals of Practical Theology
THE 800 Integrative Seminar
THE 701 M1 Ecclesial Ministry
THE 660 Pastoral Care and Cross Cultural Counseling
THE 620 Ministerial Formation I
THE 621 Ministerial Formation II
THE 499 M1 Womanist Theology and the Black Church
THE 360 Women in the Church
THE 327 Peace & Justice
THE 325 Feminist Ethics
THE 306 Dynamics of Faith
THE 303 Comparative Religions
THE 201 Theology: Faith, Beliefs and Traditions
THE 103 World Religions
Administrative Experience
Director of Masters in Practical Theology
Director of Ministerial Formation
Advising Committee: Hispanic Latino Institute of Theology & Ministry
- Presenter: CTSA, Animadores, The Education and Formation of Ecclesial Leaders for the Emerging Church, June 2008.
- Presenter: Wedgeworth Leadership Institute, University of Florida: Cultural Diversity and the effects of the new Immigration Policy in S. Florida, November 2007 and January and October 2008.
- Guest Lecturer: RCIA program, Barry University: Catholic Social Teaching and the implications for living a moral life, January 2008.
- Guest Lecturer: Dr. Beverly Thompson’s Women’s Studies Course: Gender and Culture: Begotten not Made, Florida International University, Jan. & Nov. 2008.
- Guest Lecturer: Dr. Linda Clarke’s Counseling Psychology Course: Gender and Culture: Begotten not Made, Carlos Arbezu University, November 2007.
- Opening Keynote NCAN conference: Are We One Body?Loyola University, Chicago, 2006.
- Presenter at NCAN conference: Understanding Grief in a multi-cultural contextLoyola University, Chicago, 2005.
- Presenter and participant at Hispanic Ministry Training Session in WashingtonDC“Solo un Tejido”—Sponsored by USCCB, 2004.
- Presider and Preacher at Agape Service:Redeeming a Dangerous Memory.
A Practical Component of my Doctor of Ministry thesis project, Cor Jesu Chapel, Barry University, 2003.
- Presented Gender Sensitivity Training, MiamiCountryDay School, and
Miami BeachSenior High School, with Project YES, 2003.
- Presenter: Culture Homosexuality and the Catholic Church, at New Ways Ministry
National Conference, “Out of Silence God Has Called Us, Gay/Lesbian
Catholics and the Vatican II Church”, Louisville, Kentucky, 2002.
- Presenter Parents as Allies and Prophets Instituto de padres y madres. at LLEGO (The National Latina/o Lesbian Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization) 3rd International Conference, Miami, 2002.
- Opening Reflection, Walking Two by Two, North American Catholic AIDS Network, Loyola, University, Chicago, 2000.
- Panel Member at New Ways Ministry Conference, Addressing Always Our Children, concurrent with North American Catholic Bishops Conference, Washington, D.D. 1998.
Hope Lament and Prophetic Imagination in a World Living With HIV AIDS, Chapter contribution and Imago Dei, Introduction in book, Calling For Justice Throughout the World: Catholic Women Theologians on HIV AIDS, published by Continuum Press 2009
Co-edited Calling For Justice Throughout the World: Catholic Women Theologians on HIV AIDS, with Mary Jo Iozzio and Mary Roche Doyle, published by Continuum Press 2009.
Faith and Mental Health: Religious Resources for Healing by Harold Koenig, M.D., Templeton Foundation, 2005. In progress, for Catholic Studies, on line journal.
Publications in progress
Animadores, The Education and Formation of Ecclesial Leaders for ACTHUS Journal
Symposium Proceedings: The Future of Catholic Hispanic Ministry in the United States,
Boston College, June 2009
Book review: Happiness and the Christian Moral Life: An Introduction to Christian Ethics by Paul Wadell, Rowman & Littlefield 2008. In progress, for Catholic Studies, on line journal.
BarryUniversity Service
- Coordinated a renovation of the Mary Grotto, currently awaiting funding, 2009
- Coordinated a beautification project between O’Laughlin and Fine Arts with Mark Wedig, O.P.; donated to and directed the landscaping project in the area.
- Coordinator of Cafecito & Conversation, a book review of Fighting Castro: A Love Story, with Author Kay Abella as well as the protagonists of the book, Dr. Lino Fernandez and his family, February 2008.
- Coordinated The Andy Gato Gallery Fundraiser for the University, December 2007; Secured $40,000+ for the renovation of an underused University space for a Fine Arts Gallery; Work to be completed by August 2008.
- Ethics Committee 2006—2008
- ATS Self study, subcommittee C, chairperson 2008
- Inter-disciplinary course development for NEH grant, directed by Bernie Cantens: CARDI (Cultural And Racial Diversity: Interdisciplinary Humanities project) 2006—
- Member of coordinating team for “Cuban Identity: Religion, Philosophy & Art”
Lecture and Art exhibit at BarryUniversity, 2007
- ATS self study, graduate student participation 2002-2003
- Freshmen Seminar, teaching team & planning committee 1996-99
- QIP (Quality Improvement Program), committee member 1997-99
- University Retention Committee 1998-99
- Inter-faith committee 1996-99
- Diversity Committee 1997- 98
- Beautification Committee 1997-99
Service to the Archdiocese of Miami
- Served on the Task Force, In All ways Our Children
- Directed the first retreat for parents of gay and lesbian Catholics in the Archdiocese of Miami, 1999
- Promoted dialogue as per the Pastoral letter Always Our Children in area parishes through the Family Life Office
Professional Service
- Collaborating with Artist, Laura Luna in a Theo-Artistic Pilgrimageto Santiago De Compostela, 2009 and a future Art exhibit to be held at Barry University, Fall 2010. Proceeds from sale of the art will fund a scholarship in Theology / Art at Barry.
- National Symposium on thePresent /Future of Catholic Hispanic Ministry in the U.S.
- Secretary of subcommittee for Graduate Programs In Ministry, at National Symposium on Lay Ecclesial Ministry, St. John’s University, July 2007.
- Co-chair of National Catholic AIDS Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, 2006.
- Co-chair of steering committee CATFE (Catholic Association of Theological Field Educators) conference for 2008 to be hosted at Barry University, 2006 – 2008; re-elected to steering committee for 2008 – 2010, conference to convene in Cleveland.
- Collaborated with Otto Maduro of Drew University on promoting the Hispanic Summer Program for summer 2007 at DukeUniversity.
- Committee member and co-chair of NCAN National Catholic HIV/AIDS Network, 2005
- Work in conjunction with Caritas International and LoyolaUniversity, Chicago on
educational strategies to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS and promote the sanctity of human life, 2004 – 2006; 2009
Ministerial Experience
- Mentor: Maxine Lee-Fatt Thesis Project on Renewed Model for Spiritual Direction in the Catholic tradition
- RCIA sponsor for Barry student, Jung Ho 2008.
- Mentor to Barry employee, Oswald Jones on the creation of a 501 (c) non-profit LLC to benefit elementary school children in Flankers, St. James Jamaica, 2006--2007.
- RCIA sponsor for Barry student, Felipe Barrios 2005.
- Coordinated and developed material for Catholic parent’s workshop.
The Stages of Coming Out: The Journey from Shame to Pride. Presented at Riviera Presbyterian Church and at St John Newman Catholic Church 2002.
- Directed 1st Retreat in S. Florida for gay and lesbian Catholics & parentsParticipated and Coordinated Conversations for gay/lesbian catholicsand their families in local parishes in Archdiocese of Miami, 1999 - 2002.
- Conducted Independent Research on homosexuality & the Catholic Church 2000--
1996 – 1999 Associate Director of Mission & Ministry, BarryUniversity
- Coordinated mission effectiveness workshops, lectures and luncheons
- Coordinated inter-faith liturgies, retreats and meditation practice
- Coordinated workshops with Inter-faith Committee
- Coordinated university wide liturgical and para-liturgical events
- Presided and preached at liturgical events
- Co-founded Integrity, Prayer and Conversation for GLBT Persons, Friends and Family
- Member of the teaching team for R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, 1997
1993 – 1999 Boston College, Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry
Student and Faculty Co-ordinator – Summers Only –
- Co-ordinated ongoing hospitality for Summer Faculty
- Organized Recreational Activities for International Students and visiting faculty
- Hosted Faculty Conversations
- Maintained Chapel aesthetics and daily reflections (Residence Hall)
- Served as Preacher and/or Presider at Liturgy
- Served as Liaison between students and Institute Staff
1986 – 1996 Faculty & Campus Minister at Our Lady of LourdesAcademy, Miami
- Planned and coordinated school liturgies and retreats
- Coordinated School wide service program for local & distant missions
- Provided opportunities for Theological Reflection for students and faculty interested in mission activities with Amor en Accion
- Developed a Peer Ministry team for Juniors and Seniors
- Served as Moderator of Student Council from 1987-1990
Preaching Occasions
Memorial Service, Andy Gato, 2006.
Funeral Services, Evelio Cuervo, 2004.
AGAPE Service, D. Min. thesis project at Cor Jesu Chapel, 2002.
Funeral Liturgy, Hugo Acebo, Coral Gables Congregational 1999.
Good Friday Services, 1998; Easter Vigil 1999; Various Sundays in Ordinary time
1996-99-- BarryUniversity, Cor Jesu Chapel.
Summer Liturgies, St.Mary’s Chapel, Boston College 1988 – 1995.
Professional Membership
AAR: AmericanAcademy of Religion
AGPIM: Association of Graduate Programs In Ministry
CTSA: Catholic Theological Society of America
ACHTUS: Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians US
ATFE / CATFE: Catholic Association of Theological Field Educators
NCAN: National Catholic AIDS Network (currently working on an offshoot with
Rev. Bob Vitello of Caritas Internacionales to convene as Global AIDS Network)
Conference Participation
- ATFE Prophetic Imagination in Field Education, Winter 2009
- ATS Women in Leadership Conference, Fall 2008
- CTSA, presenter and participant Summer 2008
- ACTHUS, participant and consultant to hospitality committee, Summer 2008
- Emerging Models of Church Conference, Orlando Florida, Spring 2008
- AGPIM, Association of Graduate Programs in Ministry Spring 2008
- Co-chair planning team for CATFE conference, 2008 at Barry University
- ATS: Profiles In Ministry—Assessments Conference, 2007
- National Symposium on Lay Ecclesial Ministry, 2007
- National Catholic HIV/Aids Network, 2007
- Participated in ATS Diversity Conference: Black and Hispanic Dialogue II Examining Institutional Cultures: The School and the Classroom, 2006.
- Attended AAR conference in WashingtonD.C. 2006
Service to the Community
- Board Member, secretary and black Captain, Riviera Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood advocacy group promoting good citizenship, community involvement and active participation in concerns effecting residents of Coral Gables. Served as interim Secretary, 2008, elected to Vice President 2009.
- Board Member, YES Institute: Community advocacy group protecting children from harassment and discrimination and suicide prevention; educating adults and professionals on issues of gender and human rights 1998 – 2001; currently a member of the speakers bureau.
Updated February 2009