Name ______Date ______
Diversity of Life Project
To help students understand the diversity of life, each student will prepare a children’s book about the six kingdoms of life (Archaea, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia) and Viruses (although they are not considered a living thing, they are still very interesting).
The childrens book must contain:
Table of contents
seven chapters (one for each group)
a glossary of terms
Resource page – you need to cite ALL of the sources that you used to obtain the information for this project – use numbers to reference sources. ALL sources must provide author, publisher, or both. Resource page (bibliography) should be in MLA format.
Use the textbook as a guideline and supplement with internet resources (especially pictures). DO NOT CUT AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET! (Pictures may be copied from the Internet, but MUST be cited!!)
*Any projects that are plagiarized will be given a zero! Missing resource page is considered plagiarism!
**Projects must be hand written and legible!
For each kingdom/group make sure to include:
- Defining characteristics of each kingdom (or viruses). Below are some examples (but not ALL) of what you should include:
- Types of environment they are found in
- Autotrophic or heterotrophic
- Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic
- Unicellular or multicellular
- Major phyla/divisions (subgroups for viruses) and WHY they are classified in this group
- How they are thought to have evolved
- Example of a historical event involving that kingdom
- Effect on humans – give both a positive (food, medicine, economics, etc) and negative (disease, pests, etc.) example
- PICTURES (This is the only part that you can copy directly from the internet)
The project will be graded on content depth, accuracy, creativity, and overall effort. This project will count as a full test grade. The project is due ______.
Expert / Practitioner / NoviceKingdom Archaea / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Kingdom Eubacteria / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Kingdom Protista / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Kingdom Fungi / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Kingdom Plantae / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Kingdom Animalia / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Viruses / Includes ALL components from checklist / Missing 1-2 components from checklist / Missing 3-4 components from checklist
Glossary / ALL terms are clearly identified and defined / Missing 1-2 terms/definitions / Missing 3-4 terms/definition
Table of Contents / Organized well and
includes all chapters / Not very clear
missing 1-2 chapters / Not clear at all
missing more than 2 chapters
Grammar/Spelling / All grammar and
All spelling is correct / 1-2 mistakes on spelling or grammar / More than 2 spelling or grammar mistakes
Creative, Neat and Organized / Very creative
Nicely organized
very neat / There is some creativity
It is neat and organized. / Could have taken more time to make sure that it is neat, organized
Missing creativity
Resources – note:
Missing resource page is considered plagiarism = zero / All information is cited
All sources are credited / Most information is cited
Most sources are credited / Some information is cited
Some sources are credited
Chapter checklist – not all project components are listed here
Kingdom Archae
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Kingdom Eubacteria
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Kingdom Protista
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Kingdom Fungi
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Kingdom Plantae
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Kingdom Animalia
Defining characteristics
Major phyla
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings
Defining characteristics
How they evolved
Historical event
Effects on humans (+, -)
Pictures or Drawings