Adamawa ES/NFI & CCCM Sector Meeting
Meeting minutes | 26 January 2016
Observer Agencies: UNOCHA
The last previous meeting was held on September 29th 2015.
1. Review of minutes of last meeting
2. Updates and planning of CCCM & ES/NFI activities
3. Work plan for activities in displacement and return areas
4. Standards of ES/NFI packages and quality of items
5. Any other business
I. Updates and planning of CCCM & ES/NFI activities
1. ES/NFI Activities
a. IRC plans to target 1,150 HH in Maiha LGA.
b. Tearfund/CRUDAN distributed handwashing soap during hygiene promotion in Yola South and Numan.
c. Some of the activities reported were considered as Livelihood and Food Secuirity. It was suggested to be reported under that sector.
2. Shelter Activities
a. UNHCR continues working towards construction of 100 houses in Maiha. Vendors are in the process of being selected.
b. Oxfam/Ciscope distributed basic shelter items to 26 HH in Malkohi village camp
3. CCCM Updates
a. Population in camps as of 22 January 2016: 8,560 persons.
b. Burnt Brick Factory in Mubi Town intends to restart production and request relocation of transit centre now working within its premises.
c. IDPs living in Deeper Life Ground camp were requested to abandon the church’s premises. The institution is willing to pay 3-month rent support to every family.
d. Deported IDPs from Cameroon continue to arrive to Yola. Last movement to Borno was in mid-December 2015 (1,600+).
Action Points:
ü Members to update the 4W matrix with the correct information per LGA and Ward/camp/site/location to avoid duplication for a better focalisation of the response.
II. Work plan for activities in displacement and return areas
The newly created Return Protocol and Durable Solutions Implementing Committee will request, at the HCF, all sectors to present their Work Plans to support the Returnees in Areas of Return, and to assist the return of IDPs.
A template will be designed to capture simple and straightforward activities per organizations, for the sectors to compile and present to the HCF and the Committee.
Action Points:
ü All sector members in Adamawa to start organizing its own planning for the assistance of returnees and IDPs for their return.
ü After the Work plan template is shared, sector members should give their inputs ASAP and for the longest period possible.
III. Standards of ES/NFI packages and quality of items
Sector members were re-introduced to the need of creating standard packages of ES/NFI. This exercise has been tried in several occasions since the creation of the working group. Members were urged to review the previously shared documents with list of items per organization and the proposed packages.
IRC commented about the kind of cooking pot Affected population prefer. Instead of the flat bottom widely distributed as kitchen set, population prefers cooking pot with tripod legs, since the majority used wood as fuel, not gas or electricity.
IOM commented about the distribution of sandals for children in camps, which has resulted in more request of this kind of items from the IDPs in camps and Host Communities.
The chairman urged the members to also mind the quality of items, looking to maintain it above standards.
Action Points:
ü Members to review the list of items per organization, the specifications and the proposed packages for ES/NFI to be discussed in the next meeting.
The chairman informed the members about the situation of the communities of Girei recently attacked by Fulani herdsmen. Human lives were lost and properties damaged or completely burnt.
The Chairman requested assistance to the affected population and offered to organize security escort to those willing to provide it.
Action Points:
ü Members to evaluate the capacity of response and security context.
Next meeting
The next ES/NFI & CCCM sector meeting will be held on 9th February 2016 at 10.00 am, Venue SEMA, Office D320, 2nd floor at the director’s office for RR&R.
Meeting minutes | 26 January 2016 2