Stockton University

Social Work Program


Please circle the responses that best describe your field experience using the scales provided:

SD = Strongly Disagree, D = Disagree, A = Agree, SA = Strongly Agree, N = Not Applicable

  1. My Field Agency…SDDASAN
  1. Provided a good work environment1234N
  2. Provided orientation to agency’s mission,1234N

goals, philosophy

  1. Reflected the values of social work1234N
  1. My Field Instructor…
  1. Facilitated an open learning environment1234N
  2. Provided orientation to the fieldplacement1234N
  3. Took the time to assess my learning needs

and my learning style1234N

  1. Listened and accepted student feedback 1234N
  2. Developed a good working relationship

With the student 1234N

  1. Provided regular supervision meetings 1234N
  2. Was prepared for supervision meetings1234N
  3. Was accessible for discussions and questions1234N
  4. Kept me sufficiently informed of agency policies,


  1. Informed me of expectations regarding my


  1. Demonstrated good professional social work

Knowledge 1234N

  1. Supported the completion of my learning contract1234N
  2. Assigned appropriate learning tasks1234N
  3. Taught and applied the NASW Code of Ethics1234N
  4. Effectively taught and addressed cultural


  1. Was fair in evaluating my field performance1234N
  2. Maintained professional boundaries, avoided dual


  1. Helped me relate classroom knowledge to practice1234N
  2. Was an effective field instructor1234N

The Field Coordinator

  1. Was available to answer questions or discuss


  1. Was helpful to me during the course of my


  1. Visited me at my agency 1234N
  2. Contacted me by telephone or email1234N
  3. Listened to my concerns regarding field1234N
  4. Overall, I found the Field Coordinator supportive

and helpful1234N

  1. Field Experience SD D A SA N
  2. Increased my understanding of the effects

of oppression based on race, age, gender,

sexual orientation, ethnic origin or disability

status 1234N

  1. Increased my understanding of human rights,

social justice etc.1234N

  1. Increased my cultural competency in social

work practice1234N

  1. Applied knowledge of human behavior and

the social environment1234N

  1. Increased my understanding and skills as a

generalist practitioner 1234N

  1. Helped me to work with systems of all sizes1234N
  2. Helped me learn to analyze the impact of

social policies on clients1234N

  1. Learned to function within the structure of

an organization and service delivery systems 1234N

  1. Increased my understanding of organizational


  1. Increased my self-awareness, professional use

of self1234N

  1. Helped me learn agency documentation formats1234N
  2. Applied quantitative reasoning skills1234N
  3. Applied computer skills, did library research

using web-based tools1234N

  1. Provided a clear understanding of core social

work values1234N

  1. Increased my ability to identify and resolve

ethical dilemmas

  1. Student Self Rating…

Overall, I developed my capacity for professional

social work practice at this field placement 1234

  1. Overall Field Experience…

Overall, how would you rate your field experienceat this agency?

(1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Excellent) 12 3 4


I give permission for a copy of this evaluation to be released to my field instructor. (Please check) Yes_ No_

Student’s signature______Date______