Mid-Michigan Health Sciences Libraries

Meeting Minutes

Friday, February 10, 2006

Location: MSU Libraries’ South Conference Room

Present: John C., Sheila, Susan, Arlene, Marilia, Mike, Nancy

Minutes: Arlene

Announcement of election results: Marilia will be Secretary and Jaime will be Treasurer beginning July 1, 2006.

Deb Porter is retiring. Her retirement lunch will be at Smokey Bones at noon on March 6.

Sunshine Fund: the group decided to end the practice of sending out birthday cards to members. The President should initiate cards for major events like deaths, births and weddings.

Mike urged everyone to send him comments about the MHSLA Strategic Plan.

Local Arrangements:

Nancy volunteered to help out at the registration booth for the 2006 conference.

Mike said that Jada wanted us to switch some events from the Big 10 room to the Lincoln Room.

Logo issues: No one likes the current proposal. Mike will contact the person who did the 2004 and 2005 conference logos.

Vendors will be in the Lincoln Room where we are eating.

MSU breakfast on Thursday a.m.? Should Mike present on MSU resources? Do we have time/room for this?

Transportation to the Library for the CE class? The a.m. at Kellogg and the p.m. at the Library? We would then need a snack/break at the MSU Library in the p.m. Mike will call Paul Trudell regarding the buses.

Welcome Reception: Fruit and cheese w/entertainment?

Do we have in-and-out parking privileges at Kellogg? Mike will ask Paul Trudell.

Arlene needs to work on MLA CE certification for Deb Dunbar.

Lunch and Learn with Bob Morrissey, Maureen Jordan, Access Medicine?

Vendors need more exposure on Thursday and Friday.

We should have an iPod drawing late on Friday. Must be present to win. Will keep people there.

David Slawson signed the contract.

Sheila will contact Kellogg for more info. Can we have a couple of options for a served dinner or does everyone have to have the same thing? We may want the “all day package” for Thursday and Friday since we don’t need to have dinner at Kellogg on these days. You get 3 breaks and a lunch and one of the “break” options is a continental breakfast.

Do people have to select their lunches on the registration form?

Arlene: Preliminary program.

We need to arrange a conference call with Yvonne.