Asbestos Disposal Data Requirements

Where any building work is being organised directly by the school/P&C/DET Central Office or through the Infrastructure Manager or Infrastructure Advisor, it is strongly recommended that a specialist Project Manager is engaged to ensure that the work is fully compliant with government, departmental and safety requirements.

If a Project Manager is not appointed, then the Building Manager (BM)/Nominated Officer (NO)/Central Office Coordinator/Infrastructure Manager or Infrastructure Advisor must adhere to the procedures for the all building-related works as detailed in the Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) for DET Facilities (see Attachment 3).

This includes managing asbestos survey/sampling or disposal data requirements to ensure that the electronic Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR) can be updated. Data obtained from the contractor/service provider must be provided in the required format and meet technical specifications.

It is highly recommended that Building and Asset Services (BAS) is engaged to undertake the removal and disposal of confirmed asbestos-containing material (ACM).

Where BAS are engaged, all data management responsibilities including updating records in BEMIR will be assumed by BAS.

Progressive removal of ACM

As stated in the Queensland Government Asbestos Management Policy for its Assets, the Queensland Government’s long term objective is for all government controlled buildings to be free of ACM.

Until this is achieved, the department has adopted and will implement the following strategies for the progressive removal of ACM based on risk:

  • All ACM identified as being in poor physical condition (physical state 1 or 2) or having a BEMIR Score of 76 or greater will be made safe and scheduled for removal, to ensure the on-going well-being of all building occupants.
  • In addition to this removal strategy, the progressive removal of ACM is to be considered for all capital and minor works projects involving the refurbishment and upgrade of existing facilities. Based on the likelihood of extensive disturbance to friable ACM and the need for excessive control measures to mitigate risk and cost as part of the refurbishment works, consideration will be given to the removal of all identified friable ACMs in the work area.

ACM removal requirements

Asbestos removal work must be:

  • carried out by licenced certificate holders in accordance with Work Health and Safety legislation and the AMP for DET Facilities (see section 6.17 (Undertaking New Works) for further information); and
  • undertaken outside of school and ECEC operational hours.

ACM Disposal Data Requirements – BAS not engaged

If BAS is not engaged to manage asbestos removals, then the BM/NO/Central Office Coordinator/Infrastructure Manager or Infrastructure Advisor (relevant officer responsible for the works) is required to manage the ACM disposal data requirements including:

  • Providing the contractor/service provider with the Department of Housing and Public Works (DHPW) technical specifications available from the DHPW Govnet Asbestoswebsite;
  • Ensuring the data provided by the contractor/service provider meets the DHPW technical specifications;
  • Providing the contractor/service provider with the ACM Disposal Form available from the DHPW Govnet Asbestos website;
  • Ensuring the ACM disposal data obtained from the contractor/service provider on the ACM Disposal Form includes the ACMID data linkage;
  • Obtaining all clearance certificates from the contractor/service provider;
  • Scanning and emailing all ACM disposal data and clearance certificates to DHPW BEMIR Central Office at and BM/NO as it is received; and
  • Attaching the scanned ACM disposal data to the WAAP by the BM/NO in BEMIR before it is closed.

Asbestos removal data management procedure – BAS engaged

Further information

For more information about asbestos removals and disposals including the required data technical specifications, see the DHPW Govnet Asbestos website.

For further information, please contact your Infrastructure Manager or Infrastructure Advisor.

* Note: the Asbestos Management Plan for DET Facilities (AMP) is available from the website accessed via the OnePortal Quick links ‘Asbestos Management’