Grant Proposal Template

Project Name:
Applicant/Organization’s Name:
  1. Project Summary
  1. Work Plan
  1. Commitment to the U.S. EPA, regional MCDI and the DEQ’s Programmatic Priorities

This certifies that my organization is committed to helping the U.S. EPA, the MCDI, the Michigan Clean Diesel Program, and the DEQ achieve clean diesel programmatic priorities as outlined in the “Instructions” section of this document and the project proposal.

  1. Description of Administrative Abilities, Staff Expertise and Previous Project History

Staff and Partner Roles and Responsibilities

Name of Project Staff / Title of Staff / Affiliated Organization / Role/Responsibility

Previous (Grant) Project Experience

Name of Grant Project / Start and End Dates of Grant / Name of Grantor/ Agency / Grant Project Number
  1. Timeline with description of Tasks and Name of Person Responsible and Deliverable

Anticipated Timeline for Project Completion by Month / Task and Name of the Person Responsible to Complete Task and Deliverable
  1. Anticipated Outputs/Outcomes

Outputs – Type of Fleet -Vehicles - Technology Used in Project

Applicant Name: / City: / County:
Fleet Type / Fleet Owner / Industry / Technology / Total Number of Vehicles/Eq. / Total Number of Engines Affected

Outcomes – Short, Medium and Long-Term

  • Short-term and Medium-term Outcomes:
  • Long Term Outcomes:

Outcomes - Cost Effectiveness Calculations

Type of Pollutant / Annual Emission Reductions (tons/yr.) / Lifetime Emissions Reductions (tons/yr.) / Total Grant Cost Effectiveness
Amount of grant funding used for project activities:$
Amount of fuel saved for projects involving the installation of idle reduction technology i.e. fuel operated heaters: gallons per year.

Source of Cost Effectiveness Calculations:

  1. Budget Form

An editable version of the budget sheet can be accessed on the Michigan Clean Diesel Program Web site at . Your budget must be completed and submitted on the correct form to fulfill the budget requirement of your proposal. If a federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) if being used, a copy of the current approved NICRA must be included with your application. Alternate budget forms will not be considered.

  1. Audit Review Letter
  1. U.S. EPA Fleet Description Spreadsheet

An editable version of the U.S. EPA Fleet Description Spreadsheet can be accessed on the Michigan Clean Diesel Program Web site at . Also, include supporting evidence indicating that proposed replacement projects constitute an “early replacement.”

  1. Letters of Commitment