
Rochester Home Handyman Services

for Older Adults


Skilled volunteers provide minor household maintenance and repair for individuals in Olmsted County. This service is available on a cost-sharing basis to individuals ages 60 and older (fees are determined based on ability to pay).

Examples of Services offered:

·  Outdoor Chores: yard work,

·  Indoor Chores: grab bar installation, changing batteries in smoke alarms, light housekeeping

Website: www.familyservicerochester.org/handyworker/

Phone: 507-287-2010

Family Service Rochester

Seniors Helping Seniors offers in-home services where seniors who need help are matched with seniors who want to help throughout SE Minnesota.

Examples of Services offered:

·  Seasonal Chores: snow shoveling, mowing the yard

·  Household Chores: light housekeeping, safety and fall prevention

Website: www.seniorcareseminnesota.com/

Phone: 507-396-8080 E-mail:

Address: 4600 18th Ave. NW Rochester, MN 55901

Seniors Helping Seniors

Address: 1604 Second Avenue NW, Austin, MN 55912

Examples of Services offered:

·  General home maintenance repairs

·  Yard work – leaf raking and clean up, mowing the lawn, snow removal

Website: www.deanshandymanservicesmn.com/about.html

Phone: 507-358-6202

Dean's Handyman Services

Address: 1800 Hiawatha Ct NE, Rochester, MN 55906

Examples of Services offered:

·  General home improvement

·  Indoor: fix-it jobs, exhaust fan cleaning

Website: http://www.jlisthandyman.com/noflash/index.html

Phone: (507) 398-9416

J-List Handyman Services

Address: 5823 Edelweiss Ln NW, Rochester, MN 55901

For more information:

Senior LinkAge Line is a free telephone information and assistance service, which makes it easy for older adults and their families to find community services. Call1-800-333-2433for information about senior services or visitwww.mnaging.org/advisor/SLL.htm

The Elder Network provides information and assistance to older adults free of charge. They assist with referrals and can connect individuals with chore services. Call 507-285-5272 to speak with the Olmsted County Senior Advocates. Learn more at http://www.elder-network.org/senior_ad.html.

This program is supported, in part, by a Live Well at Home grant from Minnesota Department of Human Services.