PSY 410
Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology
Spring II 2008
Jamey DiVietroPHONE:
Title / Abnormal PsychologyAuthor(s) / Comer, R. J.
Copyright / (2007)
Publisher / Worth Publishers
ISBN / 0-7167-6906-9
Edition / 6th
This Course Requires the Purchase of a Course Packet: YES NO
Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology
Faculty Information
Faculty Name: Jamey DiVietro
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Short Faculty Bio:
Course description: This course provides the student with a body of knowledge concerning the recognition, classification, course, prognosis, and treatment of the range of human problems usually defined as psychological disorders. Human problems are examined within the framework of the DSM-IV TR classification system. In addition, students will be exposed to the various ethical issues and dilemmas associated with identifying, classifying and treating behavior as maladaptive or pathological. The role gender and culture play in identifying, classifying and treating behavior as maladaptive or pathological will also be explored.
Course Pre-requisites: None
Required Textbook:
Comer, R. J. (2007). Abnormal Psychology. 6th Edition. Worth Publishers. ISBN: 0-7167-6906-9
Course length: 7.5 Weeks
Contact Hours: 45 Hours
Credit Value: 3.0
Program Outcomes:
- Cognitive Abilities
- Critical Thinking - Given a psychological issue, employ skeptical inquiry and a scientific approach to respond to the issue.
- Information Literacy - Given a research question related to psychology, access information from a variety of sources and select appropriate sources to respond to the question.
- Research
- Understanding Research Methods – Given an article about research findings in the field of psychology from a scholarly journal, identify the research methods used and the findings of the article.
- Identifying Research Methods – Identify the appropriate statistical tools and basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation.
- Communication Skills
- Oral - Effectively present psychological concepts orally as appropriate to the audience.
- Written - Effectively present psychological information, in writing, using software and style appropriate to the audience.
- Ethics/Diversity
- Ethics - Identify the issues and challenges related to ethics in the field of psychology.
- Diversity - Identify the issues and challenges related to diversity in the field of psychology.
- Knowledge of the Field
- Foundations – Recognize the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, applications, and historical trends in psychology.
- Knowledge of Applied Psychology
- Apply psychological principles to personal, social, and/or organizational issues.
7. Interpersonal Effectiveness
Students will develop and improve positive relationship skills via effective communication, respect for others, appreciation of diversity and cultural sensitivity, and awareness of their impact on others.
7.1 Apply active listening communication skills in interpersonal and organizational scenarios to establish empathetic, collegial relationships that facilitate
consensus building in working toward common goals and are appreciative of diversity and culture.
7.2 Analyze the importance of effective nonverbal communication skills in developing strong interpersonal and organizational relationships that are culturally sensitive and respectful of diversity.
7. 3 Solicit and utilize feedback to develop adaptable strategies of facilitating dynamic interpersonal and organizational relationships.
7. 4 Analyze the impact of technological advances on communication within interpersonal and organizational relationships.
7. 5 Utilize effective communication and relationship skills in order to promote the growth of others and effect change.
Course Objectives:
- The student will be able to describe the major categories of abnormal behavior and to differentiate between disorders within those categories (Critical Thinking and Knowledge of the Field). (Program Outcome(s): 1.1, 3.1 & 5)
- Describe major psychological disorders.
- Differentiate between disorders within a category.
- Differentiate between disorders in different categories.
- The student will be able to understand, examine, and appreciate various controversies related to identification, classification, and treatment of psychological disorders. (Critical Thinking and Knowledge of the Field).(Program Outcome(s): 1.1, 3.1, & 5)
- Identify the historical impact of the evolving theories regarding abnormal behavior.
- Identify different theories of abnormal behavior.
- Discuss the various controversies related to identification of psychological disorders.
- Discuss the various controversies related to classification of psychological disorders.
- Discuss the various controversies related to treatment of psychological disorders.
- The student will be able to discuss the causes and treatment of abnormal behavior in general and for specific disorders (Knowledge of the Field).(Program Outcome(s): 1.1, 3.1, & 5)
- Discuss general assessment, diagnosis, and treatment decisions.
- Discuss the etiology and treatment for each disorder presented, such as anxiety, somatoform, dissociative, mood, eating, sexual, schizophrenic, substance-related, personality, childhood, aging, and cognition disorders.
- Students will become familiar with the contents and uses of the DSM-IV-TR. In addition, they will be able to access, review, and utilize current literature to guide critical analysis of issues related to maladaptive behavior and psychological disorders (Information Literacy).(Program Outcome(s): 1.2, & 3.1)
- Describe the content and uses of DSM-IV-TR.
- Utilize current literature to critically analyze issues related to maladaptive behavior and psychological disorders.
- The student will be able to apply diagnostic categories and clinical descriptions to ordinary language and experiential descriptions of behavior (Knowledge of Applied Psychology).(Program Outcome(s): 2.2, 5, & 6)
- Identify major disorders through case studies.
- Apply various diagnostic categories and clinical descriptions to experiential descriptions of behavior.
- Students will appreciate and understand ethical issues related to classification, diagnosis, and treatment of pathology (Ethics).(Program Outcome(s): 3.1, & 4.1)
- Identify issues and challenges related to ethics in psychopathology.
- Discuss ethical issues related to classification of disorders.
- Discuss ethical issues related to diagnosis of disorders.
- Discuss ethical issues related to treatment of disorders.
- Students will appreciate and understand the roles bias, culture, and gender play in classification, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders. Students will also be able to understand and appreciate the impact and effects of behavior classification and diagnosis for different cultures and genders. It is expected that students will interact in a sensitive, respectful, and understanding manner (Diversity).(Program Outcome(s): 3.1, & 4.2)
- Identify the issues and challenges related to diversity in the field of psychopathology.
- Discuss the roles bias, culture, and gender play in classification, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders.
- Analyze the impact and effects of behavior classification and diagnosis for different cultures and genders.
- Students will be able to describe and explain the importance of examining maladaptive behavior and psychopathology with scientific attitudes and processes as evidenced in the approach they take to class discussions and written assignments. It is expected that students will incorporate scientific reasoning and attitudes throughout the course when formulating and substantiating their opinions, ideas, and responses (Understanding Research Methods).(Program Outcome(s): 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, & 3.2)
- Explain the importance of examining maladaptive behavior and psychopathology with scientific attitudes and processes.
Assignment Table
Topics / Readings / Assignments1 /
- Abnormal Psychology
- History of Abnormality
- Trends in the Study of Abnormal Behavior
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 / Discussion Questions:
- There is a difference between cleaning more often than your friends and suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). When your need to clean becomes so extreme that you simply cannot leave without cleaning the entire house, even in case of an emergency, then your behavior becomes less “normal.”
- The major difficulty in defining abnormality is that the concept of “abnormality” is relative. Discuss.
- Is there any behavior that can automatically be deemed “abnormal”? Why or why not?
- Risk factors are associated with an increased likelihood of mental illness being present or developing.
This article discusses how risk factors can either be independent or work together in the development of a mental disorder. For example, female gender and early puberty may be risk factors for panic disorder.
- Generate a list of risk factors for mental illness.
- Discuss whether or not you feel your peers have identified appropriate risk factors. Why or why not? If not, what is missing from their list?
- Sarah’s professor asked her to be a subject for a psychological experiment. Sarah was intrigued and agreed because she thought it would be a great way to learn more about her self. The professor told Sarah the experiment would simply involve her being in a room for a length of time. During the experiment, Sarah was made to sit in a small room for half an hour. At this point, Sarah began to panic. Sarah’s professor did not know Sarah was claustrophobic. Sarah became so frightened she fainted. This was a huge source of controversy in the school because Sarah blamed her professor for what happened.
- Discuss the ethical dilemmas related to informed consent.
- Why is this procedure so important?
- What should be the penalty for psychological investigators who fail to obtain such documentation?
- Self-Help Books
Some people use self-help books as a starting point to realize they need professional help. Others realize their problems are fairly minor and are interested in improving themselves without paying for professional help.
- Visit an online bookstore to examine self-help books. Evaluate the quantity and quality of the books.
- Create a bibliotherapy handout to give to therapy clients.
- Create a list of five books that appear to be helpful. Write a brief review of about 200 words of each book. Write a description, of about 200 words, of how each book may be helpful to clients.
- Do you have any concerns about the accuracy of the books you selected? If so, write a brief warning about the book. The warning for each book can be about 200 words.
- Final Project
- Explain the reason for classifying Katherine’s behavior as normal or abnormal.
- Describe the other information that would enable you to determine whether or not her behavior is normal.
2 /
- Models of Abnormality
- Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
- Treatment of Mental Disorders
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 / Discussion Questions:
- Think about whether you are the type of person who is talkative and makes friends easily or if you prefer to spend time alone.
- Why do you think you behave in this manner?
- Discuss if you think your own behavior is caused by unconscious processes, biological forces, learning experiences, or the environment.
- Identify the model with which you most identify, and explain why you are influenced by this model.
- An area of debate in therapy outcome research concerns the percentage of patients who improve over time without treatment. It has been suggested that two out of three people improve without therapy. This is equal to those who improve with psychotherapy.
- How can therapists continue to provide therapy when many patients spontaneously remit symptoms?
- If you were a therapist, how would this information influence how you practiced therapy?
- Some practitioners feel a client’s strengths rather than pathology, should be emphasized. They believe giving someone a diagnosis focuses on the problems.
- Discuss some criticisms of using diagnoses.
- Given these disadvantages, discuss why it is still necessary to use diagnostic labels.
- Psychological Tests
Visit the or Web sites, and complete two clinical tests. Imagine you have been asked by Psychology Today to write an article which critiques these tests. Compare and contrast the tests in terms of reliability and validity.
Sometimes, people feel personality tests do not adequately describe their attitudes and behavior.
- Do you feel confident about the assessment of the clinical tests you have taken? Why or why not?
- Reflect on your findings, and write an article for Psychology Today about your opinion.
- Final Project
- Discuss the major tenets of this theory. Explain why you have selected this particular theory.
- Describe the assessment techniques you would utilize to help understand Katherine’s behavior.
- Explain the reason for choosing these particular assessment techniques.
- Analyze the other information that you would require to conduct a thorough assessment.
3 /
- Anxiety Disorders
- Somatoform Disorders
- Dissociative Disorders
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 / Discussion Questions:
- Many people are fearful of common objects such as water, heights, and dogs. When do these fears become irrational? Discuss how mental health professionals distinguish between irrational and rational fears, given that there is no easy agreement.
- Generate a list of rational and irrational fears.
- Comment on whether or not you agree with how other people label fears as irrational or rational.
- People who fall ill frequently often hear that their illness is psychological and occurs because they allow themselves to fall ill.
- Do you think there is validity to this belief about illness?
- Discuss your beliefs about the role of psychology in health and sickness. For example, how do people react to falling ill?
- How can people affect the course of a disease, and what can they do to prevent diseases?
- Sally was five-years-old when she was sexually abused by her stepfather for the first time. The abuse continued for the next seven years. She spent these years feeling ashamed and withdrawn. By the time Sally was 15-years-old, she began to show signs of another personality ― one that was extremely aggressive and angry.
Visit the following Web site:
- Why do you think some people who are sexually abused as children develop Dissociative Identity Disorder while some do not? This may include a discussion of protective factors.
- Why do you think this disorder is more common among females than males?
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment Plan
Include the following in the educational bulletin board:
- Warning signs for OCD.
- A list of four resources regarding where to seek help, including one Web site and one book you would recommend. This may also include movies, which would be helpful for people to watch.
- Treatment options for OCD.
- A hotline where people can call to receive more information about OCD.
- Final Project
Katherine says she has felt particularly estranged from her parents lately and is unable to love them. She reiterates that she is feeling more irritable lately and adds that, for the past two months, she has trouble sleeping because she has nightmares about her abuse.
- Does Katherine’s description meet the clinical criteria for a panic attack? Substantiate your answer.
- Does Katherine meet the criteria for a dissociative disorder? Explain.
- What other disorders does Katherine appear to have? Analyze.
4 /
- Depression and Bipolar Disorders
- Treatment for Mood Disorders
- Suicide
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 / Discussion Questions:
- People diagnosed with bipolar disorder do not feel in control of their moods and often swing from feeling great to sobbing uncontrollably.
- Reflect what it is like to be around such a person. You will never know how to act around this person or what to expect from this person. You might decide it is too complicated a situation and might start avoiding that person.
- Analyze how this stigmatizing attitude might affect the person diagnosed with this condition.
- If you were to try and alleviate the stigma associated with people diagnosed with mood disorders, how would you go about educating people about the causes?
- Gary was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. He experienced swings between depression and mania. In one of his manic states, Gary lost control and ran out into the street and onto the freeway, endangering his life. A police officer saw him and brought him to the hospital.
- Defend the use of either drug therapy or psychotherapy in the treatment of bipolar I disorder.
- Discuss why your position is the most effective form of treatment. Ensure you explain how the other form of treatment may be useful as well.
- People commit suicide for many different reasons, including mental illness, religious, and cultural beliefs.