

Emergency Action Plan

Dave McDill Aquatic Center

In the case of emergency:

·  Recognize that someone is in danger

·  Signal to other guards and or personnel that an emergency is in effect—3 whistles means going in for rescue- 2 whistles means to cover your area- 1 long whistle means clear the pool

·  If an entry is made—other guard(s) must clear pool and assist with rescue and crowd control

·  Send for someone to call 911. If using a school phone, you must Dial 9+911

Tell Dispatcher the emergency, your name and the following:

Harper Creek Aquatic Center is located at 12677 Beadle Lake Road

Follow signs to the back -Athletic Entrance

Pool is located on right side of the entrance (Look for personnel either at athletic entrance or by the pool doors)

·  Perform appropriate rescue and give care needed

·  Other guards or personnel shall get appropriate rescue materials

·  After emergency, make sure to return all materials to appropriate locations and make sure first aid kit is stocked.

·  Acting guard should fill out accident report—located on top of shelves inside the pool office or located in the schools office. The lifeguard or designated personnel shall interview bystanders

·  Notify personnel in charge of incident depending on the emergency- see phone list below


·  In case of fecal/vomit contamination---pool operator needs to be alerted and pool chlorine levels must be raised to 20 to 30 parts per million

Equipment Failure:

·  In case of equipment failure—notify pool operator and clear pool until problems are corrected.

For all Emergencies first call:

Ed Greenman Home 964-3713

Cell 420-5312

School 441-8462

If unable to reach Ed Greenman and it is an Equipment or Contamination problem or If the emergency is facility related call:

Jim Robinson Home 979-1485

Cell 209-8687

School 441-6575