Jenks Public Schools
Policies & Procedures 2017-18
1.01 Asbestos Hazard 1
1.02 Attendance Areas 1
1.03 Board of Education Meetings 1
1.03.1 School Board Member Requirements 3
1.03.2 Board of Education Self -
Evaluation 4
1.04 Bond Post Issuance Compliance 5
1.05 Building Security Alarm System 5
1.06 Business Felony Affidavit 5
1.06.1 Oklahoma Sex Offenders
Registration Act 5
1.07 Charter School Proposals 7
1.08 Comparability of Services 8
1.09 Conflict of Business Interest 8
1.10 Contributions/Gifts 8
1.11 Copyright 8
1.12 District Website 10
1.13 Donated Items 11
1.14 Employee Ethics 11
1.15 Energy Management Conservation 12
1.16 Ethnic and Race Relations 12
1.17 Facility Rental and Usage 14
1.18 Food 19
1.19 Grant Proposals/Receipt of Grants or Donations 19
1.20 Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying - Employees 20
1.21 Hazardous Materials 21
1.22 Inclusion 21
1.23 Instructional Materials Selection 22
1.24 Investments 25
1.25 Memorials 27
1.26 Network and Internet Acceptable Use 27
1.27 Non-Discrimination Statement 30
1.28 Oklahoma Open Records Act 31
1.29 Parents/Guardians Concerns 33
1.30 Parents/Guardians Right to Know 33
1.31 District Wide Parental Involvement
(Parents' Bill of Rights) 34
1.32 Parking 37
1.33 Professional Services 37
1.34 Promotion of Trips and Travel 37
1.35 Public Information 38
1.36 Purchasing 39
1.36.1 Purchasing Card 44
1.37 Real Property Acquisition 44
1.38 Requests to Conduct Research in the
District 45
1.39 Religion 45
1.40 School Activity Fund 47
1.41 Sanctioning for Student Achievement
Programs, PTA, PTAG, and Booster
Clubs 47
1.42 School Mail Services 49
1.43 School Volunteers 49
1.44 Sexual Harassment 49
1.45 Superintendent of Schools 50
1.45.1 Superintendent 's Residence 51
1.46 Surplus or Disposition of Fixed Assets 51
1.46.1 Fixed Assets 51
1.47 Tobacco-Free Environment 53
1.48 Trademark, Registration, and Licensing 54
1.49 Travel 54
1.50 Uniform 55
1.51 Use of Technology and Equipment 56
1.52 Video Surveillance 56
1.53 Weapons Prohibited-School and Vehicles 57
1.54 Wellness 58
1.54.1 Safe and Healthy School Committees 60
1.55 Restricted School Safety Information 61
1.56 Safety Drills 61
2.01 Administrative Intern 63
2.02 Assignment and Schedule of Employees 63
2.03 Attire for all Employees 63
2.04 Blood Borne Pathogens 64
2.05 Certified Suspension, Dismissal, and
Non-Reemployment 64
2.06 Certified Reemployment Dates 64
2.07 Child Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, and Trafficking Reporting and Investigation 64
2.08 Classified (Support) Annual Employment 66
2.09 Classified (Support) Employee
Suspension, Demotion, Termination, or Non-Reemployment 66
2.10 Classified (Support) Probationary Employees 70
2.11 Criminal Record 70
2.12 District Vehicles 71
2.13 Drug-Free Workplace 72
2.14 Early Retirement Incentive Program 72
2.15 Employee Assistance 73
2.16 Employee Complaint Procedure 75
2.17 Employees Compensated With Grant
Funds 75
2.18 Employees Infected With Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 75
2.19 Employment of Family Members (Nepotism) 76
2.20 Evaluation-Certified 76
2.21 Evaluation-Classified (Support) 78
2.22 Extra Administrative Assignments 79
2.23 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 79
2.24 Felony Record Search 79
2.25 Fringe Benefits 80
2.26 Hiring 81
2.27 Intern Placement 81
2.28 Leave of Absence 81
2.28.1 Bereavement 82
2.28.2 Family and Medical Leave
Act (FMLA) 82
2.28.3 Holidays 85
2.28.4 Jenks Classroom Teachers
Association (JCTA) Leave 85
2.28.5 Leave Without Pay 86
2.28.6 Leave Without Pay Calculated 86
2.28.7 Leave Without Pay Long-Term 86
2.28.8 Military 87
2.28.9 Personal Business Leave 87
2.28.10 Professional Leave 88
2.28.11 Sabbatical Leave 88
2.28.12 Sick Leave 88
2.28.13 Sick Leave Sharing 90
2.28.14 Transferred-in Sick Leave 91
2.28.15 Vacation 91
2.28.16 Worker’s Compensation Leave 92
2.28.17 Legal Process Leave 92
2.29 Lunch Break 93
2.30 Membership in Organizations 93
2.31 Overtime and Compliance with Wage
and Hour Laws 93
2.32 Parking Permits 94
2.33 Pay 94
2.34 Photo Identification 95
2.35 Physician’s Certificate/Physical Examination 95
2.36 Professional Development 95
2.37 Proof of Eligibility to Work 96
2.38 Reduction in Professional Staff 96
2.39 Reporting of Student Possession of Beverages or Dangerous Substances 98
2.40 Resignations 99
2.41 Safety and Hazards in the Workplace 99
2.42 Salary Adjustments for Graduate Credit
for Certified Staff 99
2.43 Staff Protection 99
2.44 Substitutes 100
2.45 Tax-Sheltered Annuities and Deferred Compensation 101
2.46 Temporary Classified Employee 101
2.47 Temporary Contracts 101
2.48 Testing Employees and Applicants for Employment (Other Than Bus Drivers)
with Regard to the Use of Alcohol
and Illegal Chemical Substances 102
2.48.1 Alcohol and Drug Testing for
Bus Drivers……………… 107
2.49 Tutoring and Other Services 118
3.0 STUDENTS 120
3.01 Academic Credit 120
3.02 AIDS Prevention Education for Students 120
3.03 Assessment of Students with Disabilities 120
3.04 Attendance Waivers 121
3.05 Child Find/Identification, Location, and Evaluation 121
3.06 Classroom Visitation by Parents/
Guardians 122
3.07 Classroom Visitation by Others 123
3.08 Communicable Diseases 123
3.09 Concussions and Head Injuries for
Student Athletes 123
3.10 Contraband Dog/Substance Abuse 124
3.11 Corporal Punishment 124
3.12 Credit for Learning 124
3.13 Disproportionality 125
3.14 Distribution of Written Materials in
School Facilities-Students 125
3.15 Distribution of Fliers/Posters - Other 127
3.16 Dress Code 128
3.17 Educational Services for Students Under Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 128
3.18 Electronic Wireless Devices/Cell Phones 130
3.19 English Language Development
Program (ELD) 131
3.20 Equal Access 131
3.21 Foreign Exchange Student 132
3.22 Gifted Program Statement 133
3.23 Guidelines for Minimizing the Use of Physical Restraining with Students with Disabilities 133
3.24 Hazing 134
3.25 Internet Based Instruction:
Supplemental Online Courses 134
3.26 Intra-District Transfers 137
3.27 Medication in School 137
3.28 Minute of Silence 137
3.29 Non-Accredited Home School
Admissions 137
3.30 Notification of Protection of Pupil
Rights Amendment 138
3.30.1 Rights Under FERPA 140
3.30.2 Directory Information 141
3.31 Notification of Threat to Self or Others 142
3.32 Pledge of Allegiance 142
3.33 Retention 143
3.34 Search 143
3.35 Seclusion of Students with Disabilities 144
3.36 Social Organizations 145
3.37 Student Alcohol and Drug Testing
Participants in Extracurricular
Activities and/or Parking on School
District Property 145
3.38 Student Behavior 152
3.38.1 Disciplinary Options 154
3.38.2 Short-Term Out of School Suspensions of Ten (10) or
Fewer School Days 157
3.38.3 Long-Term Out of School Suspensions of Eleven (11)
or More School Days 158
3.38.4 Student Restrictions During
Out of School Suspensions or During Other Disciplinary or Correctional Measures 160
3.38.5 Education Plan for Suspended
Students 160
3.38.6 Suspension of Students With Disabilities 161
3.38.7 Gun-Free Schools Student
Suspension 161
3.38.8 Weapons 162
3.38.9 Confiscated Property 164
3.39 Student Bullying 164
3.40 Student (Secondary) Extracurricular Activities and Parking Contract 167
3.41 Student Possession, Use or Distribution
of Alcohol, and Illegal Drugs 168
3.42 Student Records 169
3.43 Student Residency 169
3.44 Student Transportation 172
3.44.1 Video/Audio Recordings 173
3.45 Testing Students with Regard to the
Use of Alcohol and Illegal Chemical Substances 173
3.46 Tobacco 176
3.47 Therapy Requests/Facility Use 177
3.48 Transfers-Open 177
3.48.1 Transfers-Emergency 179
3.49 Underage Entrance 179
3.50 Visitors 179
Jenks Public Schools
Policies & Procedures 2017-18
1.01 Asbestos Hazard
(See also Safety and Hazards in
Workplace; Hazardous Materials)
All school facilities within the Jenks Public School District have been inspected for the presence of asbestos-containing materials. That action is in compliance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986. All custodial and maintenance personnel are instructed to consult with the District Management Plan prior to the renovation and/or repair of any facility. The complete plan is available for review during normal business hours at each principal’s office or the Superintendent’s office. Should you have any questions, contact the administrative offices of Jenks Public Schools.
(See also Open Transfer Policy; Intra-District Transfers)
Elementary Students (PK-4)
Students who reside east of the Arkansas River and south of 81st Street and north of 101st Street or in Riverchase, The Lakes, and Riverpark Apartments located north of 81st Street between Riverside Drive and Lewis will attend East Elementary located at 91st Street and South Harvard.
Students who reside west of the Arkansas River and north of 81st Street from the outer District boundary to the Arkansas River or north of 91st Street from the other District boundary to Union Avenue or students who reside east of the Arkansas River and north of 81st Street from the Arkansas River to the outer District boundary with the exception of Riverchase, The Lakes, and Riverpark Apartments will attend Northwest Elementary located on the east side of Elwood between 71st Street and 81st Street.
Students who reside east of the Arkansas River and south of 101st Street will attend Southeast Elementary located at 101st Street and Yale.
Students who reside west of the Arkansas River and south of 81st Street from Union to the Arkansas River or south of 91st Street from the outer District boundary to the Arkansas River will attend West Elementary located at 91st Street and North Adams.
Intermediate Students (5-6)
Students who reside east of the Arkansas River and south of 81st Street or in Riverchase, The Lakes, or Riverpark Apartments will attend East Intermediate located on 91st Street between Harvard and Yale.
Students who reside west of the Arkansas River or students who reside east of the Arkansas
River and north of 81st Street from the Arkansas River to the outer District boundary with the exception of Riverchase, The Lakes, and Riverpark Apartments will attend West
Intermediate located off of 91st Street on North
Revised by the Board of Education January 2000
Revised June 2004
Revised June 2013
Revised May 2017
1.03 Board of Education
(See also Parent/Guardian Concerns)
Regular meetings of the Board are usually scheduled on the first Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Education Service Center. When the first Monday falls on a legal holiday, the meeting will be scheduled on another evening.
When special School Board meetings are deemed to be appropriate by the School Board, there will be an effort made by Board members and administrators to conduct those meetings on the third Monday of the month, insofar as possible.
Any person wishing to attend Board meetings in the capacity of an observer is entitled to do so and is welcomed by the Board of Education. Appropriate decorum should be exhibited by all spectators at all times. Clothing, signs, or any other items that communicate support for or opposition to any School Board issue will not be permitted.
The Open Meeting Law permits the public to view rather than participate in the meetings. The Board of Education or Superintendent may invite members of the public to speak at the regular Board meeting or special Board meetings called for specific purposes.
The Board may allow a time for public input or statements to the Board. Guidelines for comments of citizens are listed as follows:
No person who has publicly announced or filed as a candidate for public office may use the citizens’ comments portion of the School Board meeting as a forum for campaigning.
School Board policies, state law, and federal law have established separate and distinct procedures and forums for the resolution of employee grievances, employee complaints, employee suspension, and terminations, and complaints against individual employees, pupil suspensions and appeals, and litigation. To avoid circumvention of those separate proceedings and ensure fairness to all parties concerned, no person will be allowed to speak regarding the following:
1. An issue in a pending lawsuit, complaint, or investigation filed with an outside agency, wherein the District, employee(s), or the School Board is party;
2. A pending grievance; a pending employee complaint filed with the District or an outside agency;
3. Complaint against individual employee(s);
4. Employee disciplinary action, suspension, demotion, non-reemployment, or termination; or a pending pupil suspension or appeal which may reach the Board of Education.
The Board reserves the right to permit only one (1) person to present the views of an organization or group. The Board reserves the right to limit the time and decorum of any citizen.
The Board may adjourn to executive session (excluding the public) for the purposes as described in the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. Any vote or action thereon will be taken in a public meeting.
The Board will hear and discuss any student disciplinary matters in executive session if requested by the student or his/her Parent’s, attorney, or legal guardian in accordance with state statute.
Hearing of the Public
Organizations, groups, or individuals may request to speak to the Board during the hearing of the public segment scheduled for all regular Board meetings, and must be listed on the printed agenda. The request to speak to the Board must be submitted in writing, outlining the specific topic to be discussed.
A request to speak must be received by the Clerk of the Board by 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to the regular Board meeting date.
Topics for discussion must be specific in nature, as required by law for public meetings. The Board attorney may review items for discussion. The Board liaison will contact citizens by phone if the topic must be worded more specifically.
Five (5) minutes are allowed for each citizen to comment. If the Board asks questions of the speaker, the speaker’s response time will not be included in the time limit. After the citizen(s) has presented his/her views, the floor will be closed to the public and opened for the Board only to ask questions, have discussion, or make comments.
Public Comments
The Board may allow public comments under a segment of the agenda. Such comments will be restricted to the specific agenda items that appear on the Board agenda for that meeting. The total time allowed for the public comments agenda item will be thirty (30) minutes, with a maximum time of five (5) minutes being allowed for each citizen to comment.
Citizens will be required to register fifteen (15) minutes prior to the starting time of the Board meeting with the Clerk of the Board, indicating the speaker and specific agenda item that will be discussed. Citizen comments will be considered on a first come, first serve basis.
1.03.1 School Board Member