1. Project Summary (max. 1 page)
Indicate under which Thematic Area you are applying / Strengthen Family Cohesion, Child Protection, anti-SGBV & Child AbuseProject Title / KURANEZA EALY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMNT
Name of Civil Society Organisation / Peace and Hope Initiative Organization
Geographic coverage of the project: / Nationwide
Duration of the project / 6 Month
Project Budget / REQUESTED AMOUNT: 24,469,500.00 RWF
OWN RESSOURCES: 1,200,000.00 RWF
Beneficiaries / Our target groups are nursery school, local leaders as well as parent committee in Kinyinya Sector. Kinyinya is one of peri urban sector of GASABO District., with a good number of children less than 6 years old, most of parents are engage in agricultural activities. Over the period of 12 month the project will have trained and monitor the involvement of 200 people in ECD concept and provide training material to nursery school to increase performance of care givers and community leaders.
The initiative is targeting at list 30 nursery schools teacher, 100 parent committee members as well as 70 local leaders involved in child development
Contact details of focal point of CSO / MUSABYIMANA Albert
Tel : +250788312740
Address & Website / KG 386 Street KIGALI RWANDA
2. Background situation analysis (max. 1 page)
Evaluations of quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs globally have demonstrated that investments in ECD are among the most cost-effective investments a country can make and that ECD returns to investment are higher than for any other age group intervention .Further to this, investment in ECD enhances the child’s survival, growth and development and this is especially so for the marginalized and disadvantaged children.
ECD is the holistic development of a child during the first years of life in a socio-cultural context (physical, social, emotional, spiritual, moral, intellectual development. He or she requires nurturing care from parents, legal guardians and other caregivers, stimulating play and early learning opportunities, good health care, a nutritious and balanced diet, clean water, a hygienic environment, love, safety and security to grow up socially well-adapted and emotionally balanced. (Integrated ECD White Paper August: 2009).
ECD is thus an important element for Rwanda to achieve its vision of becoming a middle-income country by 2020 through its contribution to the development of a strong human capital base of innovative and industrious people who can work efficiently in different spheres of the economy.
Kinyinya is one of Gasabo peri urban district sectors, with a good number of children due to the nature of its geography, poverty of the population, expropriation , limited number of nursery school and access to nursery school children are less frequently in nursery in school or dropped for agricultural activities. Another huge gap is luck of knowledge on ECD concept by care givers and parents . Peace & Hope Initiative Organization (P&HO) is forwarding in a project proposal with an initiative of training nursery school care givers, local community and parent in Early Childhood with aim to strengthen Family Cohesion, Child Protection, anti-SGBV & Child Abuse.
proposed activities Development with focus on
§ Pre-primary education for children from 3 to 6 years to prepare for school;
§ Antenatal, post-natal preventive and basic health care services which improve child survival rates ( including breastfeeding)
§ Nutrition services, which improve children’s physical development;
§ Services for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and paediatric HIV care and support services.
§ Water and sanitation services, which provide a hygienic environment for children.
The initiative is targeting at list 30 nursery schools teacher, 100 parent committee members as well as 70 local leaders involved in child development
3. Problem analysis and needs assessment. Identify the needs and constraints at national and/or local context. (max. 2 pages)
There is strong evidence that the early years of life play a major role in a child’s development. Risk factors for poor development include poor maternal nutrition, lack of stimulation and learning opportunities, and exposure to violence, but protective factors such as breastfeeding and maternal education can reduce these negative effects. Over 40% of children under five years in Rwanda are experiencing developmental delays which may become irreversible. So, investments in pre- primary in Rwanda would be an effective means of ensuring that all children will be prepared to start primary school at the right age and to combat the current primary drop out (12.2%) and repetition rates (14%).
Rwanda has made enormous strives forward in improving access to education for girls and boys at all levels with a Primary net enrolment of 98% for girls, 95% for boys.(2012 Rwanda Education statistics). This has put Rwanda on track to achieve the education-related Millennium Development Goals. However, a pre-primary net enrolment rate of 13.2% for girls and 12.3% for boys is still to be improved.
GASHARU cell is one of KINYINYA’sSectors; it is the poorest area with many orphans and people living with HIVAIDS, drop out and out of school children. After 1994 Rwanda Genocide against Tutsi, many of them lost their parents and extended families; they had to assume a parental role for their younger brothers and sisters while they were still children themselves.
The Government of Rwanda and Non-Government Organization tried extensively its best in replenishing these people’s properties, to find a solution to the country’s Child headed households-one of the many consequences of the Genocide.
Some of them were given houses, which they now call home. However, these people are still poor due to inadequate resources. For about 20 years, almost everyone in this area has been affected by Genocide; therefore poverty has prevailed in this area.They have been living in their homes without incomes to purchase food or water sanitation equipment. Often, they have to wait for donations, leaving many to suffer and many orphans have deserted their schooling to fulfil their other responsibilities and many were given unwanted pregnancies.
The children dropped out schools, others become street children, others are violated, and others are separated with their parents, became drug abusers and are now in conflict with the law committing such crimes like lobbers, violent and late if actions are not undertaken will become terrorist and murders
This therefore raises a need to motivate the parents of these children to work together for a brighter future to their Children who are vulnerable because there is lack of enough care takers. This is because; the relatives available lack enough funds to take care of these people and other necessities which have proved to be expensive for them. The main challenges this community is facing includes:
a. Lack of access to basic needs including access to early childhood development services (education, health care, nutrition) to the most vulnerable children between 2 and 6 years old:
§ Luck of pre-primary education for children from 2 to 6 years to prepare for school;
§ Antenatal, post-natal preventive and basic health care services which improve child survival rates (including breastfeeding)
§ Limited nutrition services, which improve children’s physical development;
§ Limited access to Services for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and pediatric HIV care and support services.
§ Limited access sponsorship and school fees to children between 2- 6 to access education through sponsorship of school fees, basic need of food and hygiene.
b. Early pregnancy and social problems resulted from earlier pregnancy to single mothers and children born to single mothers including, domestic violence , child neglect and negligence , school dropout and poverty.
4. Outline the thematic area and the activities planned (max. 3 pages)
Peace and hope Initiative will strengthen Family Cohesion, Child Protection, anti-SGBV & Child Abuse for an increased access to ECD services, expertise and community engagement. Bellow is a list of proposed activities
a. Increase expertise in ECD service to children between 2- 6 years
- Increased EDC skills among care gives
- Provision of ECD materials to nursery schools
b. Engage local community in Early Childhood Development
- Establishing ECD committee
- ECD training with parent
- Community mobilization meeting
- Training of local leaders
c. Increase access to ECD services to the most vulnerable children
- Provide scholarship to the most vulnerable kids
- Provide hygienic and school material to kids
- Promote access to health services to nursey and ECD centers
5. How will cross cutting issues be integrated? (max. 1 page)
Gender: Gender will be part and pursual on the benficaries selection delivery and content of the training. Peace and hope initiative will recruite 50% males and female for training of teachers, parents as well as children. Peace and Hope Initiative will integrated gender training and mainstreaming in the training content
Human right: Part of the training content will focus on child right as well as human right in general. Peace and Hope initiative will regular promote and document human rights principles during project implementation
Environment protection: Peace and hope initiative organization will strive to promote environment protection through different mechanism including keep nature clean and green, promote re- use and recycle best practice. PHIO will use measure to collect and use rain water among other measure
6. Outline and describe the target groups and final beneficiaries (max. 1 page)
Peace and Hope Initiative organization will focus on three main beneficiaries
- Children between 2- 6 years : At the center children between 2 to 6 years are the primary beneficiaries to promote Family Cohesion, Child Protection, anti-SGBV & Child Abuse for an increased access to ECD services , expertise and community engagement. Bellow is a list of proposed activities
- Parents and parent committee : second beneficiaries are mainly parents who engage in care giving with limited skills an d sometime face challenging for ignorance and povery to efficient support children and invest in ECD services
- Another group of beneficiaries include local leaders and community heath workers who are involved in the mobilizing communities
- The last group of beneficiaries include professional care gives including nursery schools and teachers
7. Describe the Expected results following this format (max. 2 pages)
Results / Description / Indicator / Baseline / Target / Means of verification / Risks and AssumptionsOutcome / Improved ECD services for young children between 2- 6 years / Numbers of children with improved access to ECD / 0% / 2000 children / Parent resitance Enhance parent mobilization and parent committee
Output 1 / Improved ECD skills among care givers / Number of teacher trained and school supported / 0% / 10 schools
Activity 1.1 / Nursery school teacher training / Number of teacher trained / 0% / 30 teacher trained / Training report, attendance list, Certificate, Assessment / Training drop out . Work with school director and involve sector authorities
Activity 1.2 / Provision of ECD material / School supported / 0% / 10 school supported / Material distribution list
Output 2 / Engage local community in Early Childhood Development / Parent trained and parent committee created / 0% / 100 parent trained / Training report, attendance list, Certificate, Assessment
Activity 2.1 / Parent committee members establishment and training / Parent committee created / 0% / 10 committee created / List of committee members, Committee meeting reports / Parent resitance Enhance parent mobilization and parent committee
Activity 2.2 / Parent committee mobilization through umugoroba wababyeyi / Mobilization meetings conducted / 0% / One meeting per month per village (48 meetings / Meeting reports
…. / Training of local leaders ( social affaires) / Number of leaders trained / 0% / 70 leaders trained / Training reports, Certificate , Assessment
Output 3 / Increase access to ECD service to most poor children / 0% / 200 will benefit support through advocacy and campaign / List of supported children, Commitment letter of supporter
Activity 3.1 / Provision of school and hygienic material / Number children receiving material / 200 children will receive school and hygienic material
Activity 3.2 / Provision of food / Children receiving food at school / 4 heath workers will visit regulary school and homes
100 trained parent will consult health workers / Categirizng poor children : PHIO will use ubudehe categories
Activity 3.3 / Access to medical services ( Heath workers and school partnership / Chidlren benefited for medical service at school
8. Outline an Annual Work Plan following a monthly calendar and this format (max. 1 page)
MonthActivity / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Location of Activity
Example / Example
1. Staff recruitment / Gasabo District
2. Selection of pilot nursery school / Gasabo District
3. Community mobilization / Gasabo District
4. Selection of poor children in communities and school / Gasabo District
5. Recruitment of parent committee, schools and local leader’s participant / Gasabo District
6. Conduct training to 200 people in 4 cohort / Gasabo District
7. Distribution of materials to nursery schools / Gasabo District
8. Mobilization of community through Umugoroba wababyeyi / Gasabo District
9. Monitoring training delivery / Gasabo District
10. Monitoring and evaluation / Gasabo District
11. Reporting / Gasabo District
9. Describe the project management structure and division of labor and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved (max. 1 page)
The project will be managed by a team of strong and experienced staff including organizational leadership and board members committee who works as volunteers:
Names / Position / Qualifications / responsibilitiesMusabyimana Albert / Founder & Legal Representative / Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering / Overall management and vision of the organization, Partnership development and legal representation
Rutagarama Hyancinthe / General Secretary / Diploma in Human Science / Daily management of the organization, resources and staff
Ufitinema Grace / Treasurer / Diploma in Human Science / Accounting and record keeping
Uwera Diane / Advisor / Certificate in Social Science / Advisory on key priorities of the organization including skills development, education, health and nutrition
Sezikeye Jacques / Chief Auditor / Master In Project Planning and Management / Auditor and compliance management
Niyonsaba Felix / Auditor / Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Auditor and compliance management
Uwera Diane / Auditor / Certificate in Social Science / Auditor and compliance management
Peace and hope initiative will deploy a team of technical staff to follow on the implementation of the activities bellow is the list and their qualifications.