This is BASICS.prg if you open file when in RATS you will see a number of files of which this is one.


*** Set the CALENDAR and ALLOCATE range. CAL to start in November, 1959:


calendar 1959 1 12

allocate 1996:2


*** Read in the Data:


open data basics.xls

data(format=xls,org=columns) / rate m1 m2 ip ppi

* For BASICS.RAT, you would use "data(for=rats) / rate m1 m2 ip ppi"

* For BASICS.PRN, you would use "data(for=prn,org=columns) / rate m1 m2 ip ppi"

* For BASICS.DAT, you would use "data(for=free,org=columns) / rate m1 m2 ip ppi"


* Note that you could omit the "/" and series list for all but BASICS.DAT



*** Look at the data numerically:



table / ppi rate

table 1970:1 1980:12 ppi rate

statistics rate

print / m1 m2

* Print M1 data for 1960 only:

print 1960:1 1960:12 m1

* Print RATE rounded to one decimal:

print(picture="*.#") / rate


*** Data transformations and new series


* Need first difference of the produce price index.

* The following two instructions are equivalent:

set ppidiff = ppi - ppi{1}

diff ppi / ppidiff

* Now, need (M1(t) - M1(t-3)):

set m1diff = m1 - m1{3}

print / ppi ppidiff m1 m1diff

* And quarter-to-quarter and annual growth rates for M2 and PPI:

* M2(t) - M2(t-1) divided by M2(t-1):

set grm2 = (m2 - m2{1})/m2{1}

* PPI(t) - PPI(t-1) divided by PPI(t-1):

set grppi = (ppi - ppi{1})/ppi{1}

* IP(t) - IP(t-1) divided by PPI(t-1):

set grip = 100*(ip - ip{1})/ip{1}

* Annualized growth rates:

set anngrppi = 100*( (ppi/ppi{1})**12 -1.0)

set anngrip = 100*( (ip/ip{1})**12 -1.0)


* Need a three period weighted moving average:

set pratio = ppidiff/ppi

set ppisum = pratio + pratio{1} + pratio{2}

* Or:

set ppisum = (ppidiff/ppi) + (ppidiff{1}/ppi{1}) + (ppidiff{2}/ppi{2})

* Or:

set pratio = ppidiff/ppi

filter pratio / ppisum

# 1 2

# 1.0 1.0

* Simple trend and squared-trend series, commonly used:

set trend = t

set trendsq = t**2


*** Graph the data:


* Look at the rate and index series together:

graph(key=upleft) 3

# rate

# ip

# ppi

* Graph the money supply series

graph(key=below) 2

# m1

# m2

* Again, now using some labelling options:

graph(key=upleft,header='Real Money Supply (M1 and M2)',subhead='Billions US$, Seasonally Adjusted') 2

# m1

# m2

* Limit the range to 1959:11 through 1980:12

graph(key=upleft,header='Real Money Supply (M1 and M2)',subhead='Billions US$, Seasonally Adjusted') 2

# m1 1959:11 1980:12

# m2 1959:11 1980:12

* Use SMPL to change default range:

smpl 1959:11 1980:12

graph(key=upleft) 3

# rate

# ip

# ppi

* Reset the SMPL back to full CALENDAR-ALLOCATE range:


* Some SCATTER plots:

scatter 1

# grppi rate

scatter(vlabel='Interest Rate',hlabel='PPI Growth Rate',header='Interest Rates vs. PPI Growth') 1

# grppi rate

compute keys = || '1959-1978', '1979-1983', '1984-1999'||

scatter(patterns,klabel=keys,key=below,vlabel='Interest Rate',hlabel='Monthly Growth Rate of PPI') 3

# grppi rate * 1978:12 1

# grppi rate 1979:1 1983:12 2

# grppi rate 1984:1 * 4


*** Fit some least squares regressions.


* Example 4.2 from 3rd (1991) Edition:

* Data are slightly different, so results do not match text exactly

linreg rate 1960:2 1980:12

# constant ip m1diff ppisum

* Example 4.2 from 4th (1998) edition:

linreg rate 1960:1 1995:8 resids_rate

# constant ip grm2 grppi{1}


*** Hypothesis testing:


linreg rate

# constant rate{1 to 6}


# rate{4 to 6}

* Same thing using TEST:


# 5 6 7

# 0.0 0.0 0.0

* Test that RATE{1}==1.0 and RATE{2}==0.0


# 2 3

# 1.0 0.0

* Test whether coefficient on GRM2 is equal to coeff. on GRPPI{1}:

* Because RESTRICT test linear combinations, to test

* H0: beta1 == beta2

* We write the test as:

* H0: beta1 - beta2 == 0.0

linreg rate 1960:1 1995:8

# constant ip grm2 grppi{1}

* Test 1 resriction: 1.0*(coefficient 3) - 1.0*(coefficient 4) == 0.0

restrict 1

# 3 4

# 1.0 -1.0 0.0


*** Forecasting:


* Using OLS model:

linreg rate 1960:1 1995:8 resids_rate

# constant ip grm2 grppi{1}

* Fitted values:

prj fitted

graph(key=below,header='Actual vs. Fitted') 2

# rate 1960:1 1995:8

# fitted 1960:1 1995:8

* Forecast staring in 1995:1 and extending beyond

* the estimation range, to 1996:2

prj forecast 1995:1 1996:2

graph(key=below,header='Actual vs. Fitted') 2

# rate 1994:7 1996:2

# forecast

* Forecasts (same results as PRJ for static models like this one)

linreg(define=irateeq) rate 1960:1 1995:8

# constant ip grm2 grppi{1}


uforecast(equation=irateeq) olsfore 1995:1 1996:2

* Or using FORECAST:

forecast 1 14 1995:1

# irateeq olsfore

graph(header='Interest Rate and Forecast',key=below) 2

# rate 1994:7 1996:2

# olsfore


*** Scalar and matrix examples:


compute a = 1.0

display a

make xmat 1960:1 1995:8

# constant ip grm2 grppi{1}

make ymat 1960:1 1995:8

# rate

compute invXX = inv(tr(xmat)*(xmat))

compute XY = tr(xmat)*ymat

compute beta = invXX*XY

display beta

open data states.wks

allocate 50

data(org=col,format=wks) / expend pcaid pop pcinc

set pcexp = expend/pop

set small = pop<5000

set large = pop>=5000


linreg(smpl=small) pcexp

# constant pcaid pcinc

compute rsssmall=%rss , ndfsmall=%ndf


linreg(smpl=large) pcexp

# constant pcaid pcinc

compute rsslarge=%rss , ndflarge=%ndf


* Full sample regression


linreg pcexp

# constant pcaid pcinc

compute rsspool=%rss


compute rssunr=rsssmall+rsslarge , ndfunr=ndfsmall+ndflarge

compute fstat = ( (rsspool-rssunr)/3 ) / (rssunr/ndfunr)

cdf ftest fstat 3 ndfunr

cal 1935

allocate 1954:1

open data grunfeld.wks

data(org=obs,format=wks) / ige fge cge iwest fwest cwest


equation geeq ige

# constant fge cge

equation westeq iwest

# constant fwest cwest


linreg(equation=geeq) ige

linreg(equation=westeq) iwest


sur(vcv) 2

# geeq

# westeq


sur 2 / equate 2 3

# geeq

# westeq

cal 1959 1 4

allocate 1999:2

open data drisampl.rat

data(format=rats) / gdpq fm1

log gdpq

log fm1


* Sims' test


set filtm1 = fm1-1.50*fm1{1}+.5625*fm1{2}

set filtgnp = gdpq-1.50*gdpq{1}+.5625*gdpq{2}


linreg filtgnp

# constant filtm1{-4 to 8}


# filtm1{-4 to -1}


* Geweke-Meese-Dent variation


linreg gdpq

# constant fm1{-4 to 8} gdpq{1 to 8}


# fm1{-4 to -1}


* Granger test


linreg fm1

# constant fm1{1 to 8} gdpq{1 to 8}


# gdpq{1 to 8}