ANTH 260 Midterm Exam Review Sheet
- What is science?
- Empirical data
- Models
- Materialism
- What is life?
- Essence of engineering
- What are functions designed to accomplish?
- Where do functions come from?
a)William Paley’s perspective
b)Charles Darwin’s perspective
(1)Conditions necessary for natural selection
- Adaptation
a)The role of survival vs. reproduction
- Genetics
- Important terms & concepts:
- Nucleotides
- Proteins
- Amino acids
- DNA and inheritance
- Meiosis & Mitosis
- The Blue Print Metaphor
- Gene regulation & gene expression
a)“Code self-regulation”
- Reproduction
- The Book Metaphor
a)Two “books” embedded in DNA code
b)Chapters as chromosomes
c)Diploid vs. haploid cells
- Genetic differences
a)Mutations, copying errors
(1)Positive & negative outcomes
b)The role of gametes in heritable variation
- What is DNA at the molecular level?
a)Two strands of nucleotides
b)Two complete “codes”
- Inheritance
a)Alleles, dominant, recessive
e)Sources of genetic variation
- DNA & Phenotypic variation
- Adaptations:
- The example of Sickle Cell Disease
- What is sickle cell disease?
b)Single point mutation
- 4 phenotypes: Unaffected carriers, unaffected, carriers, affected. Why?
- Heterozygote advantage
- Balancing selection
- Darwin’s finches
- Drought vs. rainfall
- Environment and beak morphology
- Darwin’s theory
- Critical assumptions
- A “struggle” for existence
- Some variation has reproductive consequences
- Variation is heritable
- Before Darwin
- Inheritance & Gregor Mendel
- What is the “tree of life”?
- Trunk?
- Branches, nodes?
- Leafs?
- Two big issues
(1)Process of inferring the historical pattern
(1)Monophyletic cladistics
(2)Paraphyletic cladistics
- What is a species?
- The role of hybridization
- Allopatric speciation
- Sympatric speciation
- Parapatric speciation
- Understanding diversity of life
- Convergent evolution and the role of the environment
- Primitive traits vs. derived traits
- Dating methods
- Isotopes
- Radioactive decay
- Half-life
- Uranium-Lead dating
- Zircon
- Relative dating
- Carbon 14 dating
- The Molecular clock
- “Ticking”
- “Starting”
- Primates
- Unique traits
- What are they good for?
- Arboreal life & predation adaptation
- Proto-primates
- Primate origins
- Niche expansion
- Living primates
- Prosimians & Anthropoids
- Strepsirrhines & Haplorrhines
a)Why the need for both classification systems?
- The Anthropoid branch
- Platyrrhines & Catarrhines
a)Continental drift
- Important characteristics: Lemurs, New World monkeys, Old World Monkeys, Apes
- Mating styles, relations between sexes
- Locomotion
- Geographic ranges
- Physical traits
- Diet
- Taxanomic classifications
- Comparative analysis
- Utility?
- Sexual dimorphism
- Sperm competition
- Mating systems
- One-male/multi-female
- Multi-male/multi-female
- One-male/one-female
- Primate ecology
- Food & Dietary specializations
a)Morphology related to ecology
- Primates & their diets
- Lab content
- Research methodology
- Internal validity
- External validity
- Variables
a)IV, DV, confounds
- Null hypothesis significance testing
- Null hypothesis vs. Alternative hypothesis
- P-value
- Testosterone
- Primary functions
- Where does it come from?
Sample questions:
•According to Boyd and Silk, stabilizing selection tends to prevent traits of organisms changing over time.
- True
- False
•All of the following are true of the relationship between DNA and proteins EXCEPT:
- a sequence of three DNA base-pairs codes for one amino acid
- a single codon codes for one amino acid
- an amino acid is coded by only one codon
- sequences of codons code for sequences of amino acids
•A primitive trait is one that was inherited from a common ancestor and was replaced because it was poorly adapted to local conditions.
- True
- False
•If we found that a species of primate has little to no sexual body dimorphism, what might we infer is the most likely mating system of this species?
- Monogamous, pair bonded
- Multi-male, multi-female
- One-male, multi-female
- One-female, multi-male
•According to Boyd and Silk, independent segregation only occurs for traits controlled by genes on different chromosomes?
- True
- False