West End Area
Administrative Committee Meeting
2031 Metropolitan Parkway
January 7, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 2:20 pm withthe Serenity Prayer.
Traditions 2, 5 & 6 were read by Robert A.
Concepts 2, 5 & 6 were read by Bonica F.
West End Area Administrative Members:
Dianna B. (Chair), Melissa R. (Vice Chair), Burnadette A. (Treasurer), Tim J (Alt Treasurer), Shyvonne K-A.(Secretary), Kathy P. (Activities Chair), Curtis L. (Activities Treasurer), (Policy Chair),
Angel J. (Phoneline Chair), Charlotte Wilson (Archives Chair), Robert A. (Public Relations Chair), Patricia C. (Literature Chair), Todd B. (RCM), Bonica F. (Alt RCM), Sandra J. (H&I Chair), Debra C. (Web Facilitator), Arlene AC (Hospitality)
Agenda included the following items:
Open Forum
●Bonica F. said it would be nice if all Admins can purchase all access tickets for WESNA 32
●Robert A. Let us know that the web facilitator will not be able to attend this month’s admin meeting due to a medical issue
●Todd B. said there was an issue with a marathon going on at Afro Centric the same time as our holiday marathon at Essence of Hope. Also the requested minutes from region was received on the day of our admin meeting. Any info need to go to him the RCM sad not Bonica F.
●Dianna B super well done job on the marathons
Open Forum Closed
Sub Committee Check in:
●Secretary - Tim J voted in as Alt Treasurer and Curtis L has been voted in as activity Alt Treasurer
●Treasurer- we have a simple business account at the bank, which stated if we deposit more than $3000 or make more than 50 transactions a month we will be charged 30% of every $1000. This goes for each individual accounts. Looking into the possibility of changing the account we have to a bigget one being a good idea. All checks cleared. Will have a full report at the Area meeting.
●Audit - no report
●Activities - Kathy P. says we need to be mindful of all meetings being held at the Essence of Hope. $6.71 was paid out to the Essence Of Hope for the toilet. Everything is in place for the January 13 event. Deadline for the logo contest is the day of area which is January 27th. Sponsor/Sponsee MTG place being researched. GA State increased their fees. *We must address the issue of things being needed for activity or hospitality being brought to the groups and not being done by the admin. Activity Treasurer all deposits are accountable from marathon a total of $2294.07 with an ending balance of $4577.23. A fill report will be available at area
●H&I - We lost Metro State Prison and Job Corps. Vice chair was voted out. There are open positions that need to be filled, Vice Chair, Secretary, literature coordinator. Right now we have 6 facilities we go to.
●Literature- All orders have come in. No back orders. She would like to see all GSRs to order medallions at least a month in advance. Inventory will be done by next meeting.
●Archives - no report
●Public Relations - Robert A. said he would like a copy of the minutes emailed to him and the web facilitator so it can be added to the website. No tradition was broken when it came to the radio PSA. Addiction Awareness Day on Tuesday January 9 at Capital and NA was invited. Metro area meeting starts next Sunday January 14 3pm at the I-20 club.
●Phone-Line- Angel J. says she had no report but is in dire need of support and will be making flyers. There may be a workshop for CAR.
●Chair- Dianna B. said each chair should know what all people who are helping them sell are doing and make sure everyone is responsible for what they sell. We will discuss it next meeting
Meeting adjourned.
In Loving Service,
Shyvonne K-A