Flotsam and Jetsam Garden Club Treasurer
Job Description
The Treasurer needs to have a computer, be computer literate, organized and detail oriented. The Club uses Quicken to track income/expenses. The Treasurer is responsible for tracking and depositing all incoming money, paying all club related expenses, balancing the bank accounts and picking up the mail at the Post Office. Additionally, the Treasurer will submit a proposed budget for the year to the board for presentation to the membership at the October meeting. The numbers for the budget are taken from the prior year’s income/expenses, with appropriate adjustments.
Beginning in April and throughout the summer and early fall, the Treasurer begins accepting dues from existing members for the next club year (September-June). New members who join in May or June will have their dues applied to the upcoming year. Deposits are generally made a couple of times a month depending on activity. The Treasurer informs the Membership Directory Chair and other applicable committee chairs of new members and renewals.
The Treasurer will also deposit members’ checks that are for specific events, such as the Christmas Luncheon (a catered event) and the annual Christmas Philanthropy drive. All such monies are deposited separately from each other and any dues that may have been paid.
Additionally, the Treasurer is responsible for counting and depositing the proceeds from the May Plant Sale and Raffle/Silent Auction. One or more other club members may be enlisted to help count the money the day of the sale. A separate accounting should be made of the money collected from the sale of plants and the money collected from the raffle/silent auction.
Checks are written at each meeting for the speaker and the meeting set-up person. Reimbursement to club members for expenses incurred in the club’s behalf (i.e., plant sale expenses), must be accompanied by a receipt. The Treasurer will advise committee heads of how much money has been budgeted for their particular expenses.
Budgeted contributions to local charities may be made at any time after the budget is approved by the membership. The annual contribution to the Greater Hansville Community Center also includes contributions that will be passed along to the Greenway project, the Buck Lake Native Plants Garden and the Ladies Aid.
Rent for the club use of the community center is paid twice a year; September – December rent paid in January and January – June rent paid in June. Rent is $25.00/meeting with an additional $25.00/meeting when the community center’s projector is used. The rental for the community center for the plant sale is a separate check written right after the sale. Currently we are charged $25.00 for the Thursday floral workshop and $125.00/day for Friday (set-up) and Saturday (sale).
Depending on what is happening within the club, the mail can be checked as often as every day or so, or as infrequently as once a week. When dues are coming in during the fall or, especially when Christmas Philanthropy checks are being sent in December, it is important to check the mail frequently. The Philanthropy Committee needs to be kept appraised of the amount of donations and that money will need to be deposited and converted to cash for the committee’s use. Additionally, when the deadline for the grant and scholarship applications approaches, the mail should be checked frequently.
Three of the Board members (the President, Vice President and Treasurer) are signers on the Club bank accounts. The new Board should go together with the outgoing Treasurer and arrange new signature cards at Bank of America in Kingston.