ACC-KB003BK Keyboard Manual
ACC-KB003BK Keyboard Manual
Part One: Attention………………………………………………………………………………………………………....…2
Part Two: Brief Introduction……………………………………….…………………………………………………………2
1. Brief Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..………………………2
2. Button Functionality……………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Part Three: Keyboard Connection………………………………………………………………………………………….5
1. Connection Diagram of Multiple Keyboards with PTZ Dome……………………………………………5
2. Connection Diagram of Keyboard, Matrix Switch, and PTZ Dome System……………………….6
3. Connection Diagram of Multiple Keyboards, DVRs, and PTZ dome System…………………….7
Part Four: PTZ Dome Mode…………………………………………….…………….……………………………………8
1. Enter PTZ Dome Mode…………………………………………………………………………………………………8
2. Select the Address of PTZ Dome You Want to Control:…………………………………………………8
3. Controlling the PTZ Dome…………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Part Five: Controlling the Matrix Switching System………………………………………………………….…9
1. Matrix Switch Mode of the Keyboard……………………………………………………………………………9
2. The Keyboard Operation Lock……………………………………………………………………………………….9
3. Unlock Keyboard Operation…………………………………………………………………………………………….9
4. Keyboard Password Setup……………………………………………………………………………………………10
5. Select Monitor……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
6. Select Camera…………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………10
7. Controlling the PTZ Dome………………………………………………………………………………………………10
8. Auxiliary Functions…………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..11
9. Auto Sequencing……………………………………………………………….………………………………………..12
10. System Program Switch……………………………………………….………………………………………………12
11. System Synchronous Switching…………………………………………………………..…………………….13
12. System Group Switch……………………………………………………..………………………………………14
13. Alarm Linkage………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15
14. Defense Police Point………………………………….……………………………………………………………..15
15. Police Point State Diagnostic………………………………………………………….………………………….15
16. Sound Switch………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………15
17. Menu Button Operation Instructions…………………………………………………………………………..15
Part Six: Controlling the DVR / Image Processor…………………………………………………………………15
1. Enter the DVR /Image Processor Mode………………………………………………………………..………15
2. Exit the DVR /Image Processor Mode…………………………………………………………………..………15
3. Select the DVR / Image Processor………………………………………………………….…………………….16
4. Controlling DVR & Image Processor…………………………………………………….………………………16
Control Keyboard…………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………17
FCC Statement……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
Part One: Attention
1. Be careful when transporting the device.
Damages caused by stress, vibration, and moisture should be avoided during the transportation and storage process. Any damage due to improper transport or storage is not covered under warranty.
2. If the device stops functioning.
If there is any odor coming from the device, or if the device emits any smoke, please unplug the device and contact the manufacturer or dealer.
3. Do not take the equipment apart or refit its structure.
Do not open the device housing, as this can cause permanent damage. If the device stops operating correctly, please contact the manufacturer or dealer.
4. Do not store other items on top of the device.
Make sure that there are no flammable or metal objects which will cause fire, short circuit, or damage near the device. If water or moisture penetrates the device, please power off the device and allow to fully dry for 24 hours before attempting to power back on.
5. Avoid impact and vibration.
Protect the device from strong impact and vibration when using or transporting the device.
6. Avoid electric fields and magnetic fields.
The keyboard operation may be influenced by electromagnetic field when the equipment is near a TV, transmitter, electromagnetic equipment, electric motor, or loudspeaker.
7. Avoid humidity, dust, & extreme temperatures.
To avoid damage and excessive wear, please do not leave the device in environments with humidity, dust, or extreme hot or cold temperatures.
8. Cleaning the device.
In order to clean the device, soak a soft washcloth with detergent solution and wring out the water. Wipe down the device using the damp cloth. Do not use gasoline, paint thinner or other harsh chemicals to clean the housing of the device.
Part Two: Brief Introduction
1. Brief Introduction:
The ACC-KB003BK Keyboard functions by combining a matrix switching system with a DVR & PTZ dome camera. It can program a matrix switching system, DVR, PTZ dome, and decoder. The LED screen of the keyboard has the ability to display the quantity and operating status of monitors, cameras, and DVRs.
2. Button Functionality:
ACC-KB003BK Keyboard Manual
MON— Select a monitor
CAM— Select a camera
LAST— Auto Switch of Reverse Running
NEXT— Auto Switch of Positive Direction Running
RUN— Auto Switch of Operation
TIME—Dwell Time Transition
SALVO—Sync Transition
HOLD—Save the Image
ON— Lunch the Functions
OFF— Close the Functions
PATRN—Auxiliary Functions
SHOT— Call Presets
ARM—Set Alarm Touch Spot
F1— Select Network Matrix
ACK— Function Confirmation
F2— Soft Lock
PROG— Program Matrix Menu
CLEAR—Clear Digit
CLOSE—Close the Lens Iris
OPEN— Open the Lens Iris
FAR— Adjust the Focus
NEAR— Adjust the Focus
TELE—Get Close-up Image (ZOOM-)
WIDE— Get Panorama Image (ZOOM+)
Direction Block—Control the PTZ to up, down, left and right direction.
Digit Block —digit input.
ACC-KB003BK Keyboard Manual
Note: Pressing the” 0” key for a moment will revert the digit to zero. When the number of digit exceeds four digits, the digit shown on the keyboard will auto revert to zero and reshow the new numbers typed in.
There are three operating modes for the keyboard including matrix mode, PTZ dome mode, and DVR mode.
After plugging in the 9-12V DC power supply and powering on the device with either a matrix switch or a PTZ dome camera connected, the interface will display the address, protocol, and baud rate. The address corresponds to the Matrix mode, the protocol & baud rate correspond to the PTZ dome and the DVR. At this time you can choose the corresponding keyboard address, protocol, and baud rate through the joystick. Press the” ON” key to confirm.
If the keyboard is directly connected with a matrix (the baud rate which is set when power on the device should be 9600), the keyboard will automatically enter matrix mode, and cannot transit to PTZ dome mode and DVR mode by pressing the “F2” Key.
If the keyboard is connected to a non-matrix terminal, the keyboard will first enter PTZ dome mode, and “PTZ” will be shown on the left bottom of the LCD screen. Pressing the “F2” key will switch the keyboard to matrix mode, DVR mode, or PTZ dome mode. When the keyboard is in DVR mode, the left bottom corner of the LCD screen will display “DVR.”
Part Three: Keyboard Connection
1. Connection Diagram
of Multiple Keyboards with PTZ Dome
Note: One PTZ Dome can connect with multiple keyboards, but the addresses of keyboards cannot be the same.
Connection Diagram of Keyboard, Matrix Switch, and PTZ Dome System
Note: When entering into matrix mode, the baud rate should be set as 9600, you can select in the system menu to control the protocol, baud rate, and address of the PTZ dome.
One PTZ Dome can connect with multiple keyboards, but the addresses of keyboards cannot be the same.
3. Connection Diagram of Multiple Keyboards, DVRs, and PTZ dome System
Note: One PTZ Dome can connect with multiple keyboards, but the addresses of keyboards cannot be the same.
Part Four: PTZ Dome Mode
1. Enter PTZ Dome Mode:
Before powering on the keyboard, connect the keyboard signal cable with a PTZ dome communication cable. Power on the keyboard, set protocol and baud rate in the menu of the keyboard the same as that of PTZ dome. The keyboard will automatically enter PTZ dome mode, the left bottom of LCD screen will show “PTZ”. You may now control the PTZ dome and PTZ.
2. Select the Address of PTZ Dome You Want to Control:
To control the PTZ dome set to address ”1” type Number “1” then press “CAM”.
To control a different camera which is not set to address “1” type the number that corresponds to that camera’s address then press “CAM”.
The address number can be selected between 1-255.
The CAM area of the LCD screen will display the corresponding PTZ dome address number.
3. Controlling the PTZ Dome:
3.1 Horizontal and Vertical Movement at Variable Speed:
The deviation degree of the joystick is proportional to the speed of PTZ dome, the farther away the joystick deviates from the center, the higher the speed of the PTZ dome will be. Let go of the joystick to stop operating the PTZ dome movements.
3.2 Controlling the Zoom of the PTZ Dome:
Press “CLOSE/OPEN” to control the lens Iris.
Press “NEAR/ FAR” to adjust the focus of the image.
Press “WIDE / TELE” to zoom in or zoom out.
3.3 Setting Presets:
To set a preset, select one camera and adjust the image to your preference for the preset. Type in the preferred preset number, and press” SHOT” then press “ON” to set the preset. Adjust the image, and go ahead to set another preset.
3.4 Calling the presets:
To call a preset, first type in the corresponding preset number in the digit block which you want to see. Press “SHOT” then press “ACK.” The preset image will be displayed on the monitor. If the preset has not been set previously, then there will l be no change to the preset image.
3.5 Clearing the presets:
To erase a preset, first type in the corresponding preset number in the digit block which you want to erase. Press “SHOT” then press “OFF.”
3.6 Auxiliary functions:
The key “PATRN +ON / OFF” is to control the auxiliary functions, the detailed functions and numbers are as follows:
0 + PATRN + ON / OFF Enable/Disable auto running of the PTZ dome
1 + PATRN + ON / OFF Enable/Disable auxiliary function #1 of PTZ dome
2 + PATRN + ON / OFF Enable/Disable auxiliary function #2 of PTZ dome
3+PATRN+ON/OFF Enable/Disable auxiliary lamplight of decoder
4 + PATRN + ON / OFF Enable/Disable auxiliary windshield wiper of the PTZ dome
If the PTZ dome camera(s) have auxiliary functions such as windshield wipers, lamplights, and auto running, the keyboard can be mapped to operate these functions
A) Call the controlled camera to monitor
B) Type in auxiliary function number (1-4).
C) Press “PATRN”
D) Press “ON” or “OFF” to open or close the functions.
Part Five: Control the Matrix Switch System
1.Matrix Switch Mode of the Keyboard
When the communication cable of the keyboard is connected to a matrix switch, the baud rate must be 9600 when powered-on. The indicator light (CODE) will blink when a matrix switch is connected correctly to the keyboard. The status display area shows “Lock” which indicates that a 4 digit password is required. (The initial password is “0000”) The password input method is: F2 +“****”+ OFF.
If the password is typed in correctly, the status will be displayed as “----”. Type in one monitor number and press “MON” to confirm, the monitor display area will show the current controlled monitor number, which means the keyboard is under matrix work mode.
2.The Keyboard Operation Lock:
After completing the keyboard operation, you have the option to lock the keyboard to prevent unwanted tampering by other parties:
1. Press “F2”
2. Press “ON” The keyboard is now in “LOCK” mode.
Press“65”+“SHOT”+“ACK”tocallupthemainmenu, youmaysetthemenuitemsthere.Moredetailsplease refertohighspeeddometestguidelines.
3.Unlock the Keyboard Operation:
To remove the keyboard lock, complete the following button sequence:
Press F2, (Enter the 4 digit password), OFF
(The initial default password is”0000”)
4. Keyboard Password Setup:
The keyboard password is limited to 4 digits, if you need to change the keyboard password, complete the following steps:
1. Press ”F2”
2. Type in 4-digit password“****”
3. Press key ” ACK ”
Note: If you forget the password, you can retrieve the password at the “KEYBOARD PASSWORD” in the menu function of the matrix switching host.
5. Select Monitor:
To efficiently connect the keyboard to a matrix host, first select a monitor then call a camera to operate on the cameras:
1. In the digit block, type in a valid monitor number you want to call
2. Press “MON”, the monitor display area will show the new typed in monitor number.
For example, to call number 2 monitor the user would press “2” then “MON”
6. Select Cameras:
In the digit block, type in camera number you want to call. This camera number should have video signal to input.
Press “CAM”. The image of the selected camera should now appear on the selected monitor, and the camera display area will display the newly typed in camera number.
For example, in order to call camera #1 to display on monitor #2:
1. Press “2”
2. Press “MON”
3. Press “1”
4. Press “CAM”
7. Controlling the PTZ Dome:
To control a PTZ dome camera under matrix mode, you need to unplug the RS485 bus from port “CODE2” of the matrix switch. Next, either connect the RS485 bus to the PTZ control cable or connect the PTZ dome using a decoder. Make sure to connect the positive and negative polarity correctly.
Set the protocol, address, and baud rate of the PTZ dome:
Press “PROG” (Enter main system) +“1”buttontochoose“system”menu(参考中文:+“1”键(选择“系统”菜单)+ “1”(select menu of “system”)
+ “3” (select menu of “PTZ select”) + joy stick control (configure protocol and baud rate) + digit(save the number setting)+ “CLEAR”(Back to the main menu)
Press “4” Select “PTZ ID Select” Menu + digit (set the address) + “PROG” (exit)
The parameters on the menu refer to the parameter displayed on the monitor after the PTZ dome initializes.
Note: After setting the protocol (joystick up and down) and baud rate ( joystick left and right) in the “ PTZ select” menu, you should save the configuration by pressing the digit key of the setting items to continue normal operation.
7.1 Horizontal and Vertical Movement at Variable Speed:
The deviation degree of the joystick is proportional to the speed of PTZ dome, the farther away the joystick deviates from the center, the higher the speed of the PTZ dome will be. Let go of the joystick to stop operating the PTZ dome movements.
7.2 Controlling the Lens:
Press “NEAR/ FAR” to adjust the Lens focus.
Press “WIDE / TELE” to zoom in or zoom out.
7.3 Set Presets:
Select one camera, adjust the image to the intended position of the preset, type in the preset number, then press “SHOT”
Press “ON” adjust the images, then go to set the next preset
7.4 Call the presets:
To call the controlled camera to the controlled monitor, first type in the corresponding preset number in the digit block which you want to view. Press “SHOT” then “ACK”, the preset image will be displayed on the monitor. If the preset hasn’t been set previously, then there will l be no change to the preset image.