Supervisor's Meeting April 5, 2016
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Supervisor's Meeting April 5, 2016
Bank Balance 03/01/16
/Receipts Credits $560,160.60
(Act 13) /Expenditures
$207,063.89$ 65,850.00 /
Bank Balance 03/31/16 $1,011,860.89
The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, held at the Township Municipal Building, was called to order by Chairman Greg Happ at 7:30 P.M. Present were Vice Chairman John Nowicki, Supervisors Duane Rape, Brian Giles and Fritz Retsch. Also present were Manager Walter Beighey Jr., Secretary Patricia Pfaff, Treasurer Elois Nadzak, Solicitor Philip Lope, Engineer Jim Culler, Police Chief Ron Leindecker, Road Foreman Tom Milligan, Lonnie Vodenichar, Sherry Lewis, Lisa Lewis, David Bauman, Lisa Bauman, Casey Bowers, Tom Applequist, Dan Brenner, Chris Ziter, John Hayes, Dan Swartz, Albert E. Horn, Bruce Persinger, Larry Hough, Buddy Meade, Linda Mitchell and Sam Landis.MINUTES
ORD # 203
RES 03-16
ADJOURN / Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles, to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2016 meeting as written. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Retsch, seconded by Rape, to pay the bills from the General Account, March 2nd through March 31st for $188,205.32, April 5th for $199,888.44 and from the Act 13 account $65,850.00 with the signing of the checks after the meeting. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to authorize the Solicitor to draft an ordinance banning the use of tannerite explosives in New Sewickley Township. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Retsch, to adopt Ordinance #203, authorizing the Township employees to participate in the PA Municipalities Pension Trust. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Chairman Happ reported that the Municipal Authority Board did not sign the Agreement with West View Water Authority at their last meeting.
It was the consensus of the Supervisors to table action until they receive a recommendation from the Municipal Authority.
It was the consensus of the Supervisors to also table action on adopting a resolution for the condemnation of Edward McDonald’s property on Lovi Road until they receive a recommendation from the Municipal Authority.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles, to approve the purchase of two roll-off recycling dumpsters not to exceed the cost of $11,495.00. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to approve the recommendation by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affair to continue the exemption of Donald T. Wolfe, 4 Barton Drive, of all 2016 real estate taxes. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles, to authorize the Township Engineer to follow-up on the conditions of the Conditional Use that was granted to Cardinal Midstream for the compressor station and SBA for the cell tower that was constructed on Grange Road. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Retsch, to authorize the office staff to purchase up to $300.00 on craft materials for Community Day. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles, to authorize the Chief of Police to apply for a permit from PennDOT to travel on the state roadways for the tractor parade on June 10th. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Retsch, to appoint Officer James Kopaz as New Sewickley Township Crime Watch Officer. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Giles, to approve Police Policy No. 517 authorizing New Sewickley Township Police Department to administer Naloxone, contingent upon changing the wording “shift supervisor to officer in charge”. Vote of 4 to 1 in favor. Rape voting NO.
Chief Leindecker reported that Cardinal Midstream donated $4,000.00 to the Police Department.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Retsch, to authorize the purchase of one Taser from Taser International at a cost of $941.41, with $41.00 to be taken from the small tools account and a Dell Power Edge T130 Server from mgsoft-net at a cost of $3,100.00. The remaining cost will be paid from the Cardinal Midstream donation. Vote of 4 to 1 in favor. Rape voting NO.
Chief Leindecker read his monthly report for March 2016, which included the number of police calls, vehicle maintenance, arrests and citations issued.
Buddy Meade, Pine Run Fire Department, and Lonnie Vodenichar from Big Knob Fire Department, read their reports for the month of March which included the number of calls they responded to and man hours.
Lonnie reported that Big Knob Fire Department has contacted Economy Borough regarding merging the two departments.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles, to authorize to advertise for a full time road department employee. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Due to schedule conflicts for road inspection on April 9th, there was a motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to change the date to April 30th at 8:00 a.m. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Retsch, to advertise for two separate bids for Slurry Seal to seal Fezell Road and Danburry Farms with Fezell Road being the priority. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to place the following items on Municibid each starting at $500.00; John Deere Mowing Tractor, 1985 Chevy Truck with Salt Box and the 2007 Crown Victoria. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch to place the flashing school lights on Municibid with a starting price of $50.00. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to authorize the solicitor to advertise an ordinance for no tobacco, nicotine or alcohol to be used in Green Valley Park, Freedom Area School District and any Township property. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to have the Code Enforcement Officer, Tom Albanese, follow through with the Matthew and Micheline Barkley water runoff problem from their driveway onto Paige Drive. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Jim Culler Township Engineer reported on the following:
· He completed two engineering reviews of the Young-Sotiriou Subdivision and submitted his comments to the Township.
· He reviewed the Township’s Flood Plain Management Ordinance for consistency for the Crows Run Road Project requested by PaDOT.
Motion by Nowicki, seconded by Giles, to approve the Young/Sotiriou Plan contingent upon the Beaver County Planning Commissions approval. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Motion by Retsch, seconded by Rape, to accept the resignation of William Gass from the Municipal Authority. A notice for letters of interest to be placed in the newspaper. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
The Township Recreation Board submitted a letter to the Supervisors requesting they absorb the cost of $26,000.00 for a master plan for Green Valley Park provided by John Buerkle from Pashek Associates.
Supervisors Rape suggested that prior to the Supervisors making a decision, that a workshop be held with the Recreation Board, Mr. Buerkle and the Planning Commission to determine what everyone would like to see in the park.
Lisa Bauman advised that a survey will be placed on the Township website that addresses these questions.
Lisa also submitted the Recreation Board’s financial report.
Supervisors were advised that Robert Meier returned to work at Green Valley Park.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Giles to increase Robert Meir’s wage .50 making it a total of $12.50 per hour. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Supervisors received a report of the building permits that were issued in the month of March along with a copy of Tom Albanese’ zoning enforcement report.
Chairman Happ questioned the status of Melony Place.
Solicitor Lope reported he has not had any other correspondence with the property owners. He said he spoke with the Township manager and that he was going to put together the standards for bringing the road up to Township specifications.
Supervisor Retsch commented that he was pleased with what the Board accomplished during the meeting.
There was a motion by Supervisors Rape, to hire an auditor for the purpose of auditing the police department to see how to make it more efficient. Motion FAILED for a lack of a second.
Supervisor Rape asked the other Supervisors why they were against this.
Supervisor Nowicki replied that Supervisor Rape is concerned about the money and he feels that if there is a problem, the Board should look into it with Chief Leindecker.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Nowicki, to adjourn to executive session to discuss the acquisition of property. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:50.
Meeting reconvened at 9:08.
Chairman Happ reported that during the executive session the Board discussed the acquisition of property.
Motion by Rape, seconded by Retsch, to authorize the Solicitor to pursue the acquisition of property. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Supervisor Rape stated that he attended the Municipal Authority’s meeting the previous night where Supervisor Nowicki commented that he did not feel that it was fair that Freedom Crossing homeowners association will now have to handle the water and sewage on their own.
Supervisor Rape said what isn’t fair is, that Danburry Farms did not sign an agreement that they receive all salt on their roadways.
Supervisor Nowicki said the matter with the salt was taken before the Board of Supervisors and was voted on in favor. He said it is up to Freedom Crossing to take this matter before the Board of Supervisors.
Motion by Giles, seconded by Retsch, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Vote of 5 to 0 in favor.
Patricia Pfaff