Workshop on Salivary Gland Tumors: Lectures and Slide Seminars
Pordenone, November 16th - 17 th, 2012
The Department of Pathology at Pordenone General Hospital organizes a two-day meeting on controversial topics and new insights on salivary gland tumors.
The teaching program includes lectures and slide seminars emphasizing diagnostic criteria based on conventional histology, with references to the appropriate ancillary diagnostic techniques. The course program has been specifically outlined for practicing surgical pathologists, and head and neck surgeons.
Alena Skàlova, M.D.
Charles University Department of Pathology Faculty of Medicine, Plzen Czech Republic
Göran Elmberger M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Pathology and Cytology Karolinska Institute and Hospital, Stockholm Sweden
November 16th, 2012
08.30. Introduction
08.30-09.30. “Secretory carcinomas”: Acinic cell carcinoma, MASC and other secretory tumors (Skalova)
09.30-10.30. “Mucinous carcinomas”: Mucoepidermoid carcinoma and other mucinous tumors (Elmberger)
10.30-10.45. Coffee break
10.45-11.45. “Clear and oncocytic carcinomas”: Clear cell hyalinizing carcinoma, oncocytic carcinoma and other clear cell carcinomas (Skalova)
11.45-12.45. “Biphasic salivary gland carcinomas”; Basal cell adenocarcinoma, EMEC, Adenoidcystic carcinoma (Elmberger)
12.45-14.00. Lunch
14.00-15.00. Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma and CAT (Skalova)
15.00-16.00. Salivary duct carcinoma; histological variants and low-grade subtype (Elmberger)
16.00-16.15. Coffee break
16.15-17.15. Pleomorphic adenoma , carcinosarcoma, “benign metastasizing PA” and CEPA including atypical PA (Skalova)
17.15-18.15. Myoepitelial tumors (Elmberger)
November 17th, 2012
08.30-09.30. Unusual and newly described salivary gland carcinomas; sebaceous carcinoma, sialoblastoma, micropapillary carcinoma SG (Skalova)
09.30-10.30. Poorly differentiated salivary gland carcinomas; ADCA NOS, large cell carcinoma, NEC and “dedifferentiation” in salivary gland tumors (Elmberger)
10.30 -11.00. Coffee break
11.00-12.00. Secondary tumors and molecular diagnosis in SG pathology (Elmberger)
12.00-13.00. Other benign neoplasms and tumor-like lesions; SPA, striated duct lesions, intercalated duct lesions (Skalova)
13.00-13.15. CME questionnaire
13.15-13.30. Final remarks.
Aula DML, pad. A, - 1st floor, Pordenone Hospital
Registration fees:
€ 95,00 + VAT 21% (€114,95)
The fee includes the congress kit, participation to scientific sessions, coffee-break, certificate of attendance and ECM certificate.
Registration methods
All participants are required to register using the "online form", which can be found on and to pay via wire transfer.
Online instructions and registration procedure for new users:
· by filling the personal data and password fields, you will be registered to Bquadro website;
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· using USERNAME and PASSWORD in the blue reserved area, you will gain access to the "Event calendar" section. The system will automatically retrieve your personal data after selecting month, event and then "Online registration". Please confirm them selecting “Send”. The website will automatically send a PRE-REGISTRATION e-mail for the event.
Payment methods
To finalise the registration to the congress, it is mandatory to send a copy of the wire transfer for the registration fee to or to fax number +39 0382 27697. ALL WIRE TRANSFER CHARGES ARE ON THE PARTICIPANT. The wire transfer must be headed to:
Bquadro Congressi S.r.l.
Via S. Giovanni in Borgo, 4 - 27100 Pavia
INTESA SAN PAOLO Ag. Filiale Pavia 2
Corso Garibaldi 52,
IBAN IT39 E030 6911 3041 0000 0003 103
In "Cause" box please write:
name, family name and “Iscrizione PPR15-12 ”
Registration without data for invoice issue or with wrong fee will not be considered valid. It is NOT possibile to register by phone. The registration form and the wire transfer copy must be sent to the organising secretariat al least 7 days before the event. The registration will be considered finalised upon receival of the aforementioned papers.
The following professional roles will receive Formation Credits upon attending to the congress: Surgeon (Pathologists, Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons), Biologist.
Scientific secretariat
Dott.ssa Tiziana Salviato
U.O. Anatomia Patologica
Azienda Ospedaliera ‘S. Maria degli Angeli’- Pordenone
Ph. +39 0434 399854 0434 399219
Fax +39 0434 399967
Organising secretariat
Bquadro Congressi Srl
Via San Giovanni in Borgo, 4 - 27100 Pavia
ph: 0382 302859 - fax: +39 0382 27697
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