TOURA 45 04


Minutes of Tourism Alliance Executive Committee Meeting on Wednesday 14th January 2004 at the British Hospitality Association, Queen’s House, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2 3BH

In the Chair

Bob Cotton British Hospitality Association


Robin Broke Association of Leading Visitor Attractions

Chris Collier Regional Tourist Boards

Sandie Dawe VisitBritain

Colin Dawson BALPPA

Stephen Dowd BITOA

Rob Hayward British Beer and Pub Association

Tony Millns ARELS

Ros Pritchard British Holiday and Home Parks Association

Ian Reynolds Association of British Travel Agents

June-Alison Sealy CBI


Sir Michael Lickiss VisitBritain


Rebecca Sutton-Ward Tourism Alliance

Richard Tobias Tourism Alliance


Cllr Denise Jones LGA

Agenda Item 1: Introduction and welcome

Bob Cotton (Chairman) welcomed both members and meeting observer, Sir Michael Lickiss. Richard Tobias (Director General) introduced Rebecca Sutton-Ward to the Committee as the new Tourism Alliance Secretariat Administrator.

Agenda Item 2: Matters arising from TAEC meeting 28th October 2003

Bob Cotton asked members to report on the action points of the last meeting. Chris Collier reported that Dorothy Naylor would be standing down as the RTB’s representative and that Malcolm Bell would succeed her. Ian Reynolds reported that the Constitution committee had met and had appointed Nicholson Graham & Jones to draft the TA Constitution, (detailed later in the meeting). Bob Cotton reported that the TA cash flow was good and that the current cash balance stood at £49,000.

Action Points:

·  RT to talk to Chris Collier re RTB Invoice

·  RT to meet with Sue Piper in respect of RDA participation in the TA

Agenda Item 3: Sir Michael Lickiss Presentation – Chatham House Rules

The Chairman commented that Sir Michael’s presentation had been‘food for thought’

Action Point: RT to meet with June-Alison Sealy to update the document “Priorities for Tourism” – circulation prior to the next TAEC meeting

Agenda Item 4: Constitution

Tony Millns reported that the lawyers preparing the TA Constitution / Mems & Arts had produced the first draft and had agreed to cap their fee at £2,500. Ian Reynolds, Martin Couchman (BHA), Tony Millns and Richard Tobias would be reviewing the draft. Executive members were requested to come back to Ian or Tony with any comments by 23rd January. TAEC members agreed to the proposal that the Constitution Committee deal with the technical points in the first draft without further reference to TAEC, with the final draft being sent to all TAEC members prior to the next meeting.

Agenda Item 5: Financial matters (See Agenda item 2)

Agenda Item 6: Tourism Prospectus

Richard Tobias said that officials at DCMS had reported that the second draft of the Tourism Prospectus would be ready for circulation/consultation by the end of January. After discussion it was agreed that the TAEC would respond as a body, acknowledging that individual members may also wish to respond in their own name.

Ros Pritchard proposed that TA members that had settled their subscription accounts may also wish to add their names to the TA response and that they should be invited to do so.

June-Alison Sealy said she hoped that the CBI would be able to endorse the TA’s response. Colin Dawson reminded members that it was unlikely the TA would be able to amend the prospectus – it would simply be a case of responding to it.

Given that the response time for consultation would probably be twenty-eight days it may be desirable to call an additional TAEC meeting to discuss the prospectus contents. Robin Broke suggested that the TA should prepare a draft two-page document to be sent to Number 10 and 11, signed by Digby Jones (TA President), outlining what the industry wanted to see government doing for the industry. After discussion it was agreed that Richard, June-Alison and Rob would prepare a letter as a response to the prospectus. The decision as to when to send the letter would be taken by the TAEC.

Action Points:

·  When the TA’s response to the Prospectus is drafted, Richard to circulate it to all members who have settled their subscriptions

Agenda Item 7: Reports from Sub-committee Chairs:

Skills and Training Issues – Bob Cotton

Bob reported that the Skills & Training sub committee, consisting of seven members, had had its first meeting and that they would produce a first draft paper for the next TAEC meeting.

Training and Infrastructure Issues – Ros Pritchard

Ros was in the process of forming her group. Some work had been undertaken in reviewing infrastructure issues. With regard to planning, she asked whether the Tourism Alliance would be endorsing BISL’s position with regard to PPS 7 and PPG 6. Ros suggested that Brigid Simmonds work with the TA to produce responses to planning issues.

Action Point: Ros to talk to Bridget regarding this proposal

Taxation Issues – Stephen Dowd

Stephen reported that the Taxation Issues sub committee had met on 6th January and had determined a work programme identifying their objectives. This would include identifying the total tax revenue generated through the tourism industry and comparing it with taxation regimes in other countries, and comparing benefits and incentives available to UK companies. The sub committee would be producing a draft paper for the TAEC by the end of March identifying key proposals on tax issues.

Bob Cotton commented he would like the sub committee to look at the “bigger, wider picture”. Sandie Dawe said she would like to see outputs, time frames for all sub committees and requested a list of the members of sub committees.

Chris Collier stated that the current VAT threshold artificially deflates income for husband/wife tourism businesses. Many of these businesses close for part of the year for this reason – doubling the VAT threshold would be of real benefit.

Action Point: Stephen to send notes from the sub committee meetings to the Tourism Alliance Secretariat

Funding and raising the profile of tourism – Richard Tobias

Richard Tobias stated that it was acknowledged by the industry and by government that the profile of tourism and the Alliance needed enhancing.

Previously, when considering this issue it had been ruled out by the TAEC on cost grounds. RT had met with Senior King Communications who proposed a solution that would not entail the Tourism Alliance in any additional cost.

Richard tabled a presentation document prepared by SKC. The document contained branding ideas as well as an overview of the current Tourism Alliance profile as SKC perceived it. The proposal put forward by SKC was that, in conjunction with the TA, SKC would raise funds from private sector companies in the industry to promote and raise the profile of the TA. Whilst SKC would raise the funds it would be the TA who would decide how those funds would be utilised.

RT asked for the TAEC to endorse the principal of the proposal, stating that there was no financial risk to the TA. He also asked that TAEC members review the branding/logos prepared by SKC and state in order of preference first, second and third choices, giving that information to Rebecca in the TA Secretariat.

Bob Cotton pointed out that the TAEC needed to be clear what the Tourism Alliance is, and what it can and cannot do. It was important to start raising the TA’s profile to a key target audience and that taking no action was not an option. Bob added that it was important not to undermine the responsibilities of the trade associations.

Rob Hayward said that the proposal did not fit in with anything he identified with and that he wanted time to review the tabled document. Ros Pritchard requested assurance that the TA’s communications strategy was not being outsourced. Richard Tobias assured her that this was not the case and that the TA would retain full control of all TA output. Sandie Dawe said the TA needed a clear communications strategy, particularly if sponsorship was funding that function.

It was agreed that this issue will be discussed at the next TAEC meeting and that SKC be invited to enhance their vision of the relationship between SKC and the TA if agreement is reached to take this proposal forward.

Action Points:

Sandie and Bob to prepare draft communication/sponsorship strategy for the next TAEC meeting

Agenda Item 10: Any Other Business

·  BHA has now merged with the Restaurant Association

·  Agenda item for next meeting – grading of Britain’s hotels

·  Bob stated that he was meeting with the Olympic Bid committee week beginning 19th January regarding hotel bedstock for the 2012 Olympics

·  Richard had spoke to Richard Caborn MP regarding his recent comment in the FT

Future dates for TAEC meetings

26th March at 8am at the BHA offices

19th May at 8am at the BHA offices
