"Rotary International Presidential Theme 2017-2018"

In 2017-18, we’ll answer the question “What is Rotary?” with RI President-elect Ian H.S. Riseley’s theme, Rotary: Making a Difference. “Whether we’re building a new playground or a new school, improving medical care or sanitation, training conflict mediators or midwives, we know that the work we do will change people’s lives — in ways large and small — for the better.” Ian H.S. Riseley President, Rotary International, 2017-18

District 5580

Club Membership


Strategic Plan

Revised 8/30/2017

Table of Contents

District 5580 Membership Strategic Plan

District 5580-Membership Committee 3

District Governor’s Goals 4

  1. Create a Sense of Urgency
  2. District 5580 Build a Guiding

Membership Coalition Team

Assistant Governors 5-8

  1. Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives 8
  • Vision
  • Mission
  1. Enable Action by removing barriers and

Institute Change! 8

  • Learning Objectives from District

Visioning Workshop August, 2017

  • The Four Disciplines/Goals 9
  • Purpose of District and Rotary

Clubs 9

  • District 5580 Strategic Goals 10

A.1. – A.5.

B.1. – B.4.

C.1. – C.5.

District Extension Team 11

Indicators Charts for A,B,C 12-14

  • District Goals & tactics/Responsibility/

Target-Attainment Date/Key Performance

RI and District 5580 Resources-District 5580 Membership Website

RI-District 5580 Membership Strategic Plan

District Membership Committee

District 5580 Governor-Debra Warner
Phone: 218-780-3972
District 5580 Membership Chairperson-PDG-Donald Cavalier-Central Area
Phone: 218.289.1776
Extension Chairperson-David Smette-PDG-West Area
Phone: 701-320-6268
Alumni & Club Retention-Brandon Robinson-East Area
Phone: 218-260-1619

DISTRICT Governor’s Goals 2017-2018

Debra Warner

1. Each Club will achieve a net gain of one new member or 1% or more membership growth in the 2017-18Rotary year.

2. Empower clubs to devote at least one club meeting/assembly on the topic ofMembership by providing clubs with resources, education and support.

3. Encourage Club President and Club Membership Chair to sponsor at least one newmember to “Lead by Example” in their club.

4. Empower clubs to host a membership Attraction Event by providing resources, educationand support.

5. Encourage clubs to have an Orientation Program for New Members. A New MemberPassport Program and assign a mentor to all new members.

6. Clubs will have a membership chair who will work with our District Membership Chair,Past District governor Don Cavalier

  1. Create a Sense of Urgency!Enlist a volunteer Army!

A Highly Visible Membership Crisis exists in our District. We need to establish a sense of Urgency as we continue to decrease in Rotary Members in our Clubs over the past 5 years with the exception of 2015.

01-July-2013-3,045 -34

01-July-2014-3,041 -04

01-July-2015-3,070 +29

01-July-2016-3,029 -41

01-July-2017-2,884 -145

This past year we lost 145 Rotary Members from District 5580 and that is the largest lost in the past 5 years.

B.District 5580-Build a GuidingCoalition Membership Team

  1. District Governor and District Executive Committee
  2. Past District Governors
  3. District Governor-Elect
  4. District Membership Chairperson and Committee
  5. Assistant Governors

Membership Team Donald Cavalier. David Smette, and Brandon Robinson

Western Division

David Smette Areas 1,2,3,5,6

Area 1

Bowman, Dickinson, Watford City,


TOM ROLFSTAD - Williston

PO Box 2458

Williston, ND 58801

701.770-2536 (C)

Area 2

Bismarck, Bismarck Far West,

Minot, Minot Sunrise


108 19th St. NW

Minot, ND 58703

701-303-0840 (C)

Area 3

Jamestown, Devils Lake, Valley City

GARY RIFFE - Jamestown

220 9th Avenue SE

Jamestown, ND 58401


701.320.3539 (C)

Area 5

Fargo, Fargo West, Fargo-Moorhead AM,

Fargo-Moorhead PM, Moorhead

KAY PARRIES - Moorhead

3912 5th St. S

Moorhead, MN 56560

218.233.3220 (O)

701.866.0694 (C)

Area 6

Breckenridge, Fergus Falls, Fergus Falls

Sunrise, Wahpeton

KIM NELSON – Wahpeton

19551 Cozy Pt. Dr.

Fergus Falls, MN 56537

701.640.2701 (C)

701.671.2187 (O)

Central Division

Donald Cavalier Areas 4,7,8,9.10

Area 4

Grand Forks, Grand Forks AM,

East Grand Forks, Crookston, Thief River

Falls, Grand Forks Downtown


121 Adams Street

Crookston, MN 56716

218.281.6887 (O)

218.779.0577 (C)

Area 7

Detroit Lakes, Detroit Lakes Breakfast,

Pelican Rapids, Park Rapids, Perham


1195 Maplewood Dr.

PO Box385

Pelican Rapids, MN 56572



Area 8

Bagley, Bemidji, Bemidji Sunrise, Fosston, Walker


Area 9

Aitkin Lakes, Brainerd Noon, Brainerd

Lakes Sunrise, Central Lakes, Staples, Wadena


27488 Ridgewood Drive

Merrifield, MN 56465

763.226.1955 (C)

218.765.3741 (H)

Area 10

Long Prairie, Little Falls


23097 Grandview Loop

Long Prairie, MN 56347


Eastern Division

Brandson Robinson 11,12,13,14,15,16

Area 11

Baudette, International Falls

DAVID McKEE – International Falls

PO Box 43

Ranier, MN 56668

708.469.9205 (C)

Area 12

Grand Rapids Evening, Grand Rapids

Centennial, Hibbing, Hibbing-Chisolm


Area 13

East Range, Ely,

Quad Cities, Virginia


1816 Wolf Road

Virginia, MN 55792

218.290.7775 (C)


Area 14

Cloquet, North Shore, Duluth 25 Duluth,

Duluth-Superior Eco Club

AL MAKYNEN – Duluth 25

1233 Mississippi Avenue

Duluth, MN 55811

218.728.1448 (H)

228.343.2515 (C)

Area 15

Duluth Harbortown, Duluth Skyline, Superior,

Superior Sunrise Centennial, Ashland


2428 Ogden Avenue

Superior, WI 54880

715.394.7453 (H)

218.590.4464 (C)

Area 16

Nipigon, Thunder Bay (Fort William), Thunder Bay (Lakehead), Thunder Bay (Port Arthur)

SANDY LYCHOWYD–Thunder Bay (Lakehead)

2624 Rankin Street

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6A2


807.344.2944 (O)

807.628.0895 (H)

807.620.5860 (C)

  1. Club Presidents
  2. Club Membership Chairperson

8. Club Membership Committee

9. District Public Relations Chairpers Aon

C. Forma Strategic Vision and Intitiatives


The Vision of District 5580 and Rotary Clubs Membership Plan is to increase our attractiveness to prospective members as well as to engage our existing members, thereby limiting attrition andretaining more of our current membership.


•Our Mission is to have a vibrant District with Vibrant Rotary Clubs that review their priorities of membership Attraction, Engagement, and retention on an annual and regular basis. The District is here to serve as a resource to all clubs to help them achieve their membership goals. (Begin with End in Mind!)

  1. Enable Action by removing barriers and Institute Chang!

Learning Objectives from Visioning Process-Summer 2017

  1. Develop strategies for membershipAttraction, recruitment, retention, Attrition, and education.
  1. Have a presence on College Campuses-Rotaract.
  2. Have events Local and District that are Family Friendly
  3. New Members receive a personal welcome from their local clubs and district 5580.
  4. District provides information on the “Plug and Play” new member orientation program and mentor/buddy program.
  5. Utilize the “5 ways to use the new Flexibility RI format for Clubs-Encourage clubs to use multiple formats to Attract and Engage new members. Corporate Memberships, meeting times and schedules, relax attendance requirement, and etc.
  6. Encourage RYLA Campers to organize Interact clubs in their high shools and communities.
  7. Encourage clubs to utilize District 5580 Website and Membership links.
  8. Publish 12 Membership Bulletins for AGs, Club Presidents, Club Committee Chairs and Rotary Executive Committee.
  9. Send all clubs their RI “Progress to Goals 2017-18” monthly membership reports.
  10. Involve the Assistant Governors with encouraging clubs to increase their membership and provideup-dated club membership information and programs in a timely manner.
  1. Lead the clubs in establishing membership goals.
  2. Two things a Leader Can Do! Beginning with PETS Training and throughout the Rotary Year.

-----Strategic Planning and

-----Ability to execute that Strategy

The four Disciplines

  1. Focus on the Wildly Important! Membership is an urgent problem in our District!

2. Membership-Act on Lead Measures!

3. Keep a compelling Scorecard of each clubs Progress to Goal and share with each club monthly!

4. Create a Cadence of Accountability by updating and communication quarterly utilizing Membership Webinars


1. To increase member and retention/engagement to +93%

2. To increase net membership to 1@ (net) or higher by June 30, 2018

3.Be a VIRBRANT Rotary Club (See RI Handout) Provided information in Membership Bulleting on how to be a Vibrant Club

4. District Membership Committee to identify areas for New Club Development

A. Review Club Extension Possibilities

Purpose of District and Rotary Clubs

  1. To involve the entire membership in the understanding that they are

partof the membership attraction and engagement efforts.

To evaluate the current membership relative to the demographics of the community in which the Club serves. Attract new members that represent your community’s demographics.

  1. With the strength and active support of the entire membership, the Club Membership Team and District membership team is encouraged to identify, attract, integrate, and engage prospective and new members as well as long-standing members of all Clubs of District 5580.

District 5580 Strategic Goals

  1. Strengthen Clubs
  1. Ensure all clubs have a designatedMembership Committee Chairperson (Possible 3 year term).
  2. Develop trained District 5580 Coalition membership committee to support Clubs.
  3. Assist Clubs in setting and tracking membership Goals in Rotary

Club Central.

  1. Support Clubs in conducting Club Assessments and developing a written multi-year membership strategy.
  2. Schedule Webinars, teleconferences, and etc. to discuss membership strategies, challenges, and how to improve membership development Goals and tactics.
  1. Membership Attraction
  1. Survey clubs to determine levels of satisfaction among club members: Educate DG, DGE, DGN, AGS, Club Presidents, and Club Chairpersons to assess and implement action that can improve member satisfaction. A GUIDING COALITION.
  2. Encourage and support District Rotary Clubs to Charter new Rotary Clubs in the District by working with the Extension Chairperson and membership committee.
  3. Improve the gender diversity rate of club members.
  4. Improve the racial/ethnic diversity of our club members.
  1. Membership Engagement & Attrition
  1. Increase new member sponsors.
  2. Improve Member Retention in each club.
  3. Publish Club Membership Progress Toward Membership Goals attrition, and retention in Monthly Membership Bulletin.
  4. Identify District Clubs with high attrition/low attraction rates.
  5. Increase “My Rotary” registration and usage in Club Central.

District 5580

Potential Rotary Clubs of the Future 2017-2018


Fort Francis

MinnesotaNorth Dakota

Western Division

New England


Eastern Division Mott

Marais/Grand Portage/Cook/Ore Mandan

Bayfield New Salem

Iron River Killdeer

Carlton Washburn

Tower/Sudan Garrison

Solan Springs Beulah

Silver Bay Linton


Central Division Rugby

Argyle Bottineau

Steven Carrington

Climax Harvey

Fisher Bottineau

Roseau Carrington

Warroad Harvey

Hawley Belfield

Grafton Tioga

Mayville Stanley

Casselton Burlington

Gwinner New Town

Hawley Richardton

Area Hospitals, Colleges, & Reservations

Corporate Memberships

See Attachment for Rotary District 5580 Club Membership Plan 2017-18

Goals and Tactics/Responsibility/Target Attainment/Key Performance Indicators