Rubric For Critical Response To Reading
Criterion /Level 5
/ Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1Ideas
/ Clearly and succinctly identifies main idea of reading and own viewpoint; sees complexity and nuances of sophisticated readings. Insightful and well-considered ideas, making multiple connections from and beyond personal experience; substantial support; strong focus. / Clearly identifies main idea and own viewpoint in complex and some sophisticated readings; gives solid support and thoughtful ideas and connections from and beyond personal experience; ideas are well-considered and more than one thoughtful connection is made; focus is clear and appropriate. / Clearly states main point of simple and some complex readings; gives some relevant support and subordinate details; own viewpoint is clear and supported; ideas are logical and on-topic; makes connections with personal and some abstract principles/ ideas; focus is generally clear and appropriate. / States main point of simple reading material but misses subordinate points or gives irrelevant details; own viewpoint is stated and separated from reading; ideas are somewhat clear; focus is present, though may meander. / Has difficulty clearly stating main point of simple reading material; confuses main points and subordinate points; own viewpoint is unclear or given as though from the reading; ideas are simplistic; focus is confusing.Organization & Style / Organization is clear and imaginative; repetition used only for effect; introduction hooks readers/listeners and conclusion satisfies; voice and tone contribute to interest, clarity and understanding. / A clear organizational pattern is assisted by smooth transitions, and effective sequencing of information and opinion; introduction interests readers/listeners and conclusion brings closure; voice and tone contribute to understanding. / A clear, if formulaic, organizational pattern assists the reader/listener; there is a sense of who the audience is; some enthusiasm and voice interest the reader; introduction and conclusion are present; few irrelevancies or gaps. / Some organization is present, though there are irrelevancies and/ or gaps; there is a superficial interest in the topic shown; some attempt at introduction or conclusion and some sense of audience. / Organization is confused and confusing to the reader/listener; no audience is identified; voice is stereotyped or copied; introduction is unclear; conclusion is missing; repetition and gaps result a muddled piece.
Mechanics / Absence of errors or errors which result from risk-taking with more complex or original purposes, and which do not unduly impede understanding. / No errors which impede understanding and few errors overall leave the audience to concentrate on the meaning. / No errors in simple aspects and those errors in more complex aspects do not impede understanding. / Few errors in simple aspects and many errors in more complex aspects occasionally impede understanding and require re-reading/repetition. / Many errors in both complex and simple aspects confuse and annoy the readers/listeners.
Regina Public Schools, 2002