Borough of Poole
Planning Committee
List of Planning Applications
15 December, 2016
Planning Committee
DATE: 15 December 2016 at 13.00
1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore no certain advice can be provided about the time at which any item may be considered.
2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.
3. Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning and Regeneration Services before the meeting.
4. Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.
5. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.
6. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.
7. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).
8. Councillors are advised that if they wish to refer to specific drawings/plans which are not part of these papers to contact the relevant case officer at least 24 hours before the meeting to ensure these can be made available.
9. Members are advised that, in order to reduce the size of the agenda, where conditions are marked on the plans list as Standard these will no longer be reported in full. The full wording of the condition can be found either in hard copy in the Members rooms, or via the following link on the Loop http://bopwss3/sus/ww/Shared%20Documents/Standard%20Conditions.doc
Planning Committee
15 December 2016 at 13.00
Not before 13:0001 / Land South of Arts University Bournemouth, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5HH / APP/16/00454/P / 4
02 / 44 Anthonys Avenue, Poole, BH14 8JH / APP/16/01225/F / 21
03 / 8 Martello Road South, Poole, BH13 7HH / APP/16/01390/F / 36
04 / Land rear of 1 & 3 St Georges Avenue, Poole, BH12 4ND / APP/16/01397/F / 48
Not before 14:00
05 / Land adj 3 Cotes Avenue, BH14 0AB / APP/16/01417/F / 54
06 / 49 Sopers Lane, Poole, BH17 7EW / APP/16/01648/F / 64
07 / 60 Blake Dene Road, Poole, BH14 8HH / APP/16/01619/F / 68
ITEM NO / 01
SITE ADDRESS / Land South of Arts University Bournemouth, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5HH
PROPOSALS / Outline application for extension of University Campus to provide new academic buildings (up to 13,000 sqm), student residential accommodation (up to 300 bedspaces), arrivals pavilion (up to 1,000 sqm), new vehicular access from Gillett Road, car parking (minimum of 220 spaces) and structural landscaping.
REGISTERED / 18 March, 2016
APPLICANT / Arts University Bournemouth
AGENT / Turley
WARD / Branksome East
CASE OFFICER / Helen Harris
This application is brought before committee by Cllr Mrs Rampton due to residents concerns about this application.
Recommendation for Grant with Conditions
Outline application for extension of University Campus to provide new academic buildings (up to 13,000 sqm), student residential accommodation (up to 300 bedspaces), arrivals pavilion (up to 1,000 sqm), new vehicular access from Gillett Road, car parking (minimum of 220 spaces) and structural landscaping. The proposal comprises Phase 1 of 3 relating to the strategic development of the Arts University, and ALL matters are reserved.
The principal visionary objective of this proposal is to secure the delivery of economic growth to strengthen the University. This is set out in the adopted Talbot Village SPD (2015) that provides more detail and guidance to the overarching policy SSA 20 of the Poole Site Specific Allocations document.
This economic growth is to be achieved by expanding the Arts University to provide new academic space and student accommodation to reflect its innovative and creative spirit, and to deliver a sustainable transport strategy that will create a safe and attractive environment for walking and cycling, whilst improving public transport access and facilities. The provision of a new access from Boundary Roundabout (known as the 4th arm) recently granted permission in conjunction with development proposals at BU, will also help dissipate traffic, together with other junction improvements along Wallisdown Road in order to improve vehicle management and public safety.
Following this strategic objective, other more detailed issues will include:
· Character of the area
· Impact upon residential amenities
· Talbot Way Spine
· Parking and bus service implications
The Arts University Bournemouth has evolved from the Bournemouth and Poole College of Art (in the 1960s) to becoming AUB in 2012. It is a specialist provider of high quality teaching, learning and scholarship in arts, design, media and performance. Its buildings are situated to the south of Bournemouth University (BU) and to the east of Fern Barrow and the modern residential estate of Talbot Village. The historic Talbot Village (including Conservation Area) is situated to the north on the opposite site of Wallisdown Road.
Bournemouth University's hybrid application (ref: APP/16/00803) for the construction of the 4th arm to Boundary roundabout and car park extension, bus hub, landscaping and tree removal and planting, and 4 storey FB2 building was granted permission 2 September 2016. The Reserved Matters application that relates to this is currently being prepared, with a view to the bus hub (upon which AUB depends) being operation by 2018.
None given.
A briefing for Local Councillors took place on 18 November 2015, at which AUB provided a presentation of their long term vision and aspirations for the Arts University, (along side the work of the Talbot Village SPD).
A public exhibition was held on 26 and 27 November 2015 at the AUB campus to explain the proposals to the local community and invite their feedback (55 people attended the event).
A separate exhibition for staff and students was held on 27 November 2015 (102 attended).
The Head of Transportation Services Drainage: Although there is a drainage strategy supporting this outline application there is no drainage design and associated layout provided. There is also a suggestion that the surface water will be connected to the surface water sewer network as a precaution, a positive drainage connection may not be suitable at this location. The application should be conditioned in such a way that a detailed drainage design and layout should be provided in accordance with the latest SUDs guidance at the time of a detailed application.
The Head of Transportation Services- remarks that the TAA is still work in progress, but with suggested modifications and the attachment of appropriate conditions the application is supported.
There have been more than 250 letters/notes of representation. There is some support for the managed expansion of both Univerisities, and the future provision of the 4th arm road link and bus hub (part of BU permission), and new academic accommodation and car park, but the majority of responses object on the grounds of:
· Loss of green space (horse field)
· Overdevelopment and overpopulation
· Too many student units and positioned too close to Talbot Village residents,
· Excessive height to residential blocks and lack of space between various AUB buildings and adjoining residential uses
· Lack of privacy and light to nearby houses
· Additional traffic and congestion to Wallisdown Road and area, threat to road safety
· Noise pollution
· Telecommunication and broadband issues from high usage
· Inadequate landscaping and tree planting,
· Inadequate assessment and missing information,
· Premature to TVT SPD implications,
· Sewage problems,
· Potential rise in anti social behaviour
· Contrary to local policy.
Responses have been tabulated by the Talbot Village Residents Association, and ordered by number of objections per issue, in descending order these are:
· Impact of the buildings on neighbours
· Harm to the appearance and character of the area and the street
· Traffic generation and road safety
· Effects on landscape and the protection/retention of the open field
· Impact on public services (eg Doctors, broadband provision, drainage)
· Environmental issues like noise.
No views were given on the employment and local economy impact. A suggestion made is that the building layout and design could be reconsidered to address some of these issues, which would be dsecured at Reserved Matters stage.
The Society of Poole Men welcome the growth of education facilities but are concerned that that transport and car parking facilities may prove inadequate.
Wessex Water note the conclusions of the FRA which appears to support a surface water strategy based upon infiltration whilst proposing a surface water connection to the existing public surface water network.
The surface water sewer within the vicinity of the site is 150mm diameter only and will not have available capacity to accommodate additional surface water flows. Where a surface water connection to the public surface water sewer is proposed the applicant will need to agree attenuation rates and the nature of attenuation on site. The applicant should note that infiltration devices cannot be connected directly or indirectly to the public surface water network. There must be no surface water connections to the foul sewer network. This will be addressed by planning condition.
National Planning Policy Framework (Adopted March 2012)
The following policies are listed as applying to this application.
Poole Core Strategy (Adopted February 2009)
PCS17 The A3049 East-West Corridor
PCS23 Local Distinctiveness
PCS24 Design and Access Statements
PCS26 Delivering Locally Distinctive, Self-Reliant Places
PCS27 Safer Communities
PCS28 Dorset Heaths International Designations
PCS36 Joint Working
PCS37 The Role of Developer Contributions in Shaping Places
Poole Site Specific Allocations & Development Management Policies DPD (Adopted April 2012)
Development Management Policies:
DM1 Design
DM7 Accessibility and Safety
DM8 Demand Management
DM9 Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity
Site Specific Allocations:
POLICY SSA 20 states:
The allocation site at Wallisdown Road, Talbot Village, is considered suitable for a mixed-use development comprising:-
450 units of student accommodation with ancillary facilities;
3,500 square metres of academic floorspace;
378 housing units;
Sheltered Accommodation;
Public open space, including a buffer strip;
Pedestrian and cycle links; and
Vehicular access from Boundary Road, Gillett Road, Purchase Road and Cutler Close.
With the development of the above uses on the site, it is envisaged that off site improvement works to heathland including change of use of existing grazing areas for nature conservation purposes, creation of swales/reed beds, installation of fire hydrants and creation of fire access to heath and erection of a cat proof fence will be required.
If planning permission for the mixed use development is refused by the Secretary of State, consideration would need to be given to the reasons for refusal and any alternative development options would need to overcome these. The suitability of the site to deliver a range of these different components of the development with a view to continuing to meet some of these development needs on the site will be assessed in the light of this. Alternative uses such as academic uses (including student accommodation and/or a school to serve a catchment covering both Poole and Bournemouth), specialist residential accommodation and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), may also be considered.
Talbot Village SPD 2015
Arts University Bournemouth (AUB) is a specialist provider of arts, design, media and performance education and is nationally and internationally renowned. It has close links with creative industries and business start-ups, with AUB students bringing an estimated £19 million a year into the Poole and Bournemouth economy. At a local level it provides publically accessible galleries, short courses, library facilities and employment opportunities. However, in order to maintain and develop its role and funciton in the education sector it needs to improve and expand the campus that currently restricts it.
This outline application sets out to demonstrate how the principle of the future development of AUB would provide economic growth to the education sector, the job market and the wider business community, and build upon the future direction of development set out as agreed for BU (for example, the bus hub and fourth arm road link to Boundary roundabout) in its recent Planning permission, and as framed in the Talbot Village SPD.
This strategic objective is framed within the Talbot Project Outline Masterplan, as agreed between the 2 universities; both Bournemouth and Poole Council; and the Talbot Village Trust, and as set out in the adopted Talbot Village SPD. This sets out 3 phases of development as follows:
Phase One (2015-2020) 8,000 m2 Gross non-residential, 204 Student bed spaces,
Phase Two (2021-2026) 4,000 m2 Gross non-residential,
Phase Three (2027-2036) 2,000 m2 Gross non-residential.
For the AUB site the SPD sets out three phases of development amounting to a total of 14,000m2 of additional academic floorspace, 204 additional student bedspaces. As development comes forward certain infrastructure requirements are identified to make the development acceptable. This Outline applications seeks to secure all three phases of the AUB development by a single outline decision, therefore it is important to consider any relevant infrastructure for all three phases at his stage.
Key infrastructure for the AUB proposals mirror that for BU development, such as the delivery of the new bus hub and forth arm to Boundary roundabout. Full Planning Permission has been granted for these works but in the absence of any commencement of development the LPA need to ensure that any decision taken for the AUB proposals incorporates certain triggers and mechanisms to control the level of development until such time as the relevant infrastructure is delivered. Furthermore the delivery of the north-south pedestrian and cycle spine is indicated within the SPD to be considered for both the BU and AUB proposals. For the AUB the current proposal indicated possible provision off site, in the adjoining land owned by the Talbot Village Trust. The Trust have confirmed their support for this approach, however to safeguard the delivery of this strategic cycle and pedestrian link conditions are proposed to ensure phases 2-3 are restricted until such time as an agreed scheme can be delivered.