Fall, 2013
Final Exam
- Which of the following job responsibilities is NOT appropriate for a Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS)?
a. Instruction in basic spatial concepts (e.g. up, down, over, under)
b. Instruction in braille reading and writing
c. Provision of adapted maps and other tools for helping the student
master routes in the school
d. Working with babies and severely involved students with multiple
and visual impairments
2. Self-concept is based on all of the following EXCEPT:
a. self-acceptance
b. feelings of competence
c. genetic predisposition
d. perceiving oneself as having a purposeful life
3. Define the purpose and need for reflective practice (what is it and why it is important).
4. According to the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) Code of Ethics for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments, which of the following is NOT an ethical obligation of TVIs.
- Helping to raise funds to support the education of students with visual impairments.
- Protecting the student from conditions interfering with their personal growth.
- Contributing to the body of knowledge, expertise and skills related to the profession.
- Before beginning services, obtains and evaluates relevant information about the student.
5.According to the Code of Ethics for TVIs which of the following statements is FALSE?
a.The TVI believes in the dignity and uniqueness of each student
b.The TVI is solely responsible for possession and control of
information regarding the student’s visual impairment.
c. The TVI respects the worth, culture and dignity of each individual,
including exhibiting courtesy and temperance in situations of
d. The TVI shares knowledge, concepts, and skills with colleagues.
Kay Ferrell (from the Scholl readings)discusses five stages in the grieving process which parents of children with disabilities may experience. (We discussed a similar process in the Tuttle and Tuttle readings.) List and describe what these stages may look like when present in a parent or family of an individual with visual impairment.
11. A process by which a group of educators and administrators develops and/or evaluates the overall program for students with visual impairments in their district is called
- Developmental Analysis for the Visually Impaired (DAVI)
- Quality Programs for students with Visual Impairments (QPVI)
- Strategic Developmental Programming for students with Visual Impairments (SDPVI)
- Administrative Review of Programs for students with Visual Impairments (ARPVI)
12. In order to develop “cultural competence” one must
a. be willing to see the world exclusively from an ethnic point of view.
b. ignore the interests of the educational institution in favor of the interests of the student’s family.
c. be willing to complete a thorough self analysis.
d. learn to say the “politically correct” thing, even if you don’t really mean it.
List (and describe) three of the six ideals that we discussed in the web entry “Things to Strive for in Your Relationships with the Families of Your Students”.
List and describe at least 3 of the 12 standards identified in the Educating Students with Visual Impairments in Texas: Guidelines and Standards
19. Which of the following variables is NOT typically included in a caseload analysis?
a. the socio-economic status of the student
b. the student’s primary literacy medium
c. travel time
d. time necessary for preparation of materials
20. Which of the following organizations was formed by and for parents of students with visual impairments.
a. APH
b. NFB
d. AER
21. The National Agenda has a total of ten goals. Which of the following is NOT one of these goals?
- Improvement of the quality and appropriateness of assessment of students with visual impairments.
- Greater emphasis on the education of public school administrators as to the roles and responsibilities of professionals who work with students with visual impairments.
- Enhanced efforts to encourage parent participation in the student’s educational program.
- Mandated access to an array of services for students with visual impairments ranging from the regular classroom to residential school settings.
22. According to federal law,
- (IEP) teams are required to make provision for instruction in braille and the use of braille for blind and visually impaired students, unless, based on relevant evaluations, the IEP team determines that instruction in braille or the use of braille is not appropriate.
- No student may be served as a student with visual impairment whose vision is better than 20/200 in the best eye with the best correction.
- Every student is required to have a Functional Vision Evaluation and Learning Media Assessment.
- No IEP meeting can be conducted without the presence and full agreement of at least one parent of a child with a visual impairment.
23. According to the AER Code of Ethics for Orientation and Mobility Specialists, which of the following statements is NOT true?
- Services cannot be withheld from a person with visual impairment on the basis of sexual orientation.
- The COMS will not allow consideration of personal comfort or convenience to interfere with the design or implementation of O&M programming.
- The COMS should attempt to influence any decision made about the rights and appropriateness of individuals to receive O&M services based on needs or philosophy of the agency or organization.
- A COMS is not allowed to offer or provide O&M services to a person being served by another COMS.
24. The roles and functions of teachers of visually impaired was expanded to highlight the specific needs of
- Infants with visual impairments
- Students with multiple impairments including visual impairment
- Administrators of programs for persons with visual impairments
- Assessment personnel working with students with visual impairments
25. Which of the following is not one of the roles of the Teacher of students with Visual Impairments in relation to building collaborative teams?
- Contribute information and insights to the team concerning the unique needs of the student with visual impairments
- Facilitate communication and collaboration among team members
- Serve as a team leader for all teams that are formed to address the needs of a student with visual impairment
- Ensure that the team includes the parents and a range of professionals who are needed to address the students needs
26. Which of the following would be an appropriate reason to refer and or place a student at a residential school like Texas School for the Blind or Visually Impaired or the Arkansas School for the Blind?
- The student requires special education services and support that cannot be currently provided by the local school district
- The student needs instruction in compensatory or disability specific skills
- The student needs to be in a segregated environment and be educated apart from non-disabled peers
- The student and the family believe that the school cannot meet the student’s extensive needs.
27.What is thename of the major rehabilitation agency in your state. Include the agency and the sub-division that is specifically concerned for persons with visual impairment? (two parts)
List three critical events identified by Kay Ferrell in Chapter 15 of Scholl’s book.
31. What is the name of the principle national professional organization in visual impairment?
32. a. Define “role release.”
b. Define Functionally Blind
33. The chart/article “LIFE CYCLE CHANGES FOR FAMILIES OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES” highlighted the important issues surrounding the impact of having a child with disabilities on parents and-
a. the community
b. relatives
c. siblings
d. grandparents
Identify the 3 groups/individuals who need equitable caseloads and give a reason why they need it.
37. What is the best way to help your STUDENTS become more culturally sensitive?
38. Finding effective ways of implementing the ECC is a long-standing challenge in our field. Given the many identified constraints that we discussed. Describe how do you feel that you can improve the implementation of the ECC with your students?
39. Why is it so important that you as a TVI or COMS understand and respect cultural diversity?
40. The Leadership question. Answer one of both of the following sets of questions:
A. What keeps you from becoming a leader in the field of visual impairment? Are you ready to become a leader in the field of visual impairment?
Can you make a difference in the field? How can you improve your leadership capabilities in the field?
BONUS 1 – List and define the areas of the ECC
BONUS 2 – Describe the challenges you are facing you as a new professional in the field of visual impairment and describe what you see as the challenges facing the field.