Alliance For Housing, Oakland County Continuum of Care
HMIS Data Quality/Agency Admin Meeting Minutes
Date: / April 7, 2016 / Start Time: / 9:30 a.m. / Stop Time: / 11:00 a.m. / Location: / Go-To MeetingMembers Present: David Permaloff and Luke Hassevort - Common Ground, Erinn Johnson - Lighthouse, Sarah Sporny & Angela Gougherty- SA1, Jenny Poma & Dan Kelly - SOS, Audrey White - Community Housing Network, Rebecca Fitzgerald and Carolyn Hurst and Elizabeth Kelly & Julia Drew – HOPE, Kevin Bogg - Training and Treatment Innovations, CCRT, Jason Morgan- SOCH Anne Dyet- New Passages, Sheila Lincoln- Lighthouse
Members Absent:
Facilitator: / Angela / Scribe: / AngelaItem / Discussion / Outcome / Action Item / Responsible Person and Due Date
Angela and Sarah go mobile! / CoC request. Any additional training for staff needed? / 1.
Monthly/Quarterly Data Quality Reports / Due by the 15th of each month. Any ideas to make this process easier / SA reminded AA’s of data quality plans and expectations. / All AA’s by 15 of each month.
Attaching Documents in Client Records / Should the CH verification from MCAH be uploaded to the client profile- confidentiality issue?? Who owns the info- client (signed ROI)
Info more readily avail.-most secure spot.
MSHMIS notice of attachments / Client is giving consent to determine CH. Homeless timeline is being attached to profile. / 2. Group discussed-confirmed that Yes upload docs.
PIT/HIC Reports / Due 5/1 for the CoC- anticipate questions coming in the next few weeks. / Various questions for agencies. / 3. We will ask you to confirm all our numbers coming from your agency before it’s submitted to HUD. / We will continue to work with each of the agencies to make sure everything looks good.
PIT/HIC Deadline- 4/30
User Profiles- Adding, deleting, editing, password reset / Review some general info. / Please let us know when you are editing/removing a user’s profile. You no longer have to send a deactiviation request. / 4. None / None
Updating Subassessments (Income/Disability/Benefits) / There has been a lot of discussion for the accurate method for making updates. We have drafted a document and are awaiting confirmation from MCAH. / Will send out and post on CoC website. / Angela
CH FAQ / Has everyone gotten a copy of this? / Will send out and post on CoC website. / Angela
HMIS ROI / The updated HMIS ROI will be released to the CoC on Friday (4/8).
- Agencies listed- in current QSOBAA. May change later.
- MCAH CH Paragraph- initial for homeless history and attach.
- Inclusion of photo.
- One year expiration.
- Sharing Details handout- provide to client- per recommendation from MCAH. / Have received recommendations and approval from MCAH. / Will send out and post on CoC website.
START USING 4/11/2016 / Angela
MSHMIS ROI Outreach Sharing Plan Sub-Assessment. / A new subassessment has been attached to MSHMIS assessments. You are not required to complete this. Our HMIS ROI and Community ROI covers this. / Will confirm there is a final version of the Community ROI. / Agency Administrators
Assessment Changes / Confirm elements that have been added/updated in custom assesssments. / Agencies will contact Angela if changes need to be made to their custom assessments. / Angela
PSH Registry Referrral Reminder / Please remind your staff that clients should meet a threshold of 10+ on the VI and/or meet the def. of CH.
Adding in Move-In Date for RRH projects. / MCAH staff have uncovered that there are still many missing “residential move in dates” for those clients in the RRH projects across the state. This new data element was introduced as part of the 2015 HUD Data Standards and needs to be completed ASAP as it may affect your bed/unit inventory for your local RRH projects. This year, HUD’s guidance for including RRH beds on the HIC includes those with a “move in date” plus financial assistance applied in January. We reached out to Candice Hacker from Bowman for additional guidance. She “recommends using the interim assessment for the move-in date.
REMINDER- Complete/confirm privacy trainings by 4/30 / A reminder and follow email were sent out by Sarah on 4/4. Make sure your users have completed the required training. Original trainings were not sent through the training site. / Confirm trainings are complete for active users.
Send out copy of old completed trainings. / Agency Administrators and Angela
Angela Gougherty / 4/7/2016
Secretary/Scribe / Date
The next Data Quality/Agency Administrators Meeting will be held on May 5, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.