Year 2030: What is the future of animal health surveillance in Scotland?

An EPIC Scenario Planning Workshop

Thank you for participating in EPIC’s scenario planning workshop on the future of surveillance in Scotland. The workshop report is now available online at our website at:

Printed copies of the report will be available on request. If you wish to receive a hard-copy, please provide us with your postal address.

Postal Address:

We are very keen to hear your thoughts about the content of the surveillance report.

On the remaining pages of this document, there are four questions to elicit feedback from you on specific aspects of the report. Please take the time to look through the report and think about the content.Participation is voluntary, but we hope that you will be willing to take part and to return this file to Lisa Boden (email address below)before the27th April 2017.

Your participation is greatly appreciated.

This short questionnaire is voluntary.All results will be processed, collated and reported on an anonymous basis.

  1. We would like to understand how your area of expertise might influence your view of the drivers, the future scenarios and strategies. Please indicate your affiliation or alternatively self-nominate yourarea of expertise in the box below.

Area of Expertise
  1. We are interested in your opinions of the five future scenarios created in the workshop and developed in post-workshop analyses. Please consider each scenario and complete the table below.

Please rank the five scenarios from 1-5 (most probable (1) to leastprobable (5))
Scotland Alone / Oceania / Free Fall / Global Farm / Market Farm
Least/most probable (i.e. most likely to happen)?
Any Comments?
Any Comments?
Please rank the fivescenarios from 1-5 (Most desirable(1) to least desirable(5)) from the perspective of each of these stakeholders
Scotland Alone / Oceania / Free Fall / Global Farm / Market Farm
Commercial Farmer
Small-holding Farmer
Private Veterinarian
Government Veterinarian/VIO
Tech Company Executive
Pharmaceutical Company Executive
  1. Please consider the proposed strategies on pages 37-45 of the report. In your opinion, if these strategies were implemented in 2017, which would be the most desirable and which the least desirable? Please tell us why you think this is the case.

Most desirable strategy?
Least desirable strategy?
Please describeany alternative strategy,not discussed in the report, which you thinkmight beuseful.
Why would this be useful?
  1. Is there any other feedback that you would like to express about any aspect of the workshop or the findings in the report?
