Upper Coastal Plain Learning Council (UCPLC)

  1. Name

The Upper Coastal Plain Learning Council (UCPLC)

  1. Mission
  1. To enhance the educational achievements, economic opportunities, health care and in general improve the quality of life for residents of the five (5) county region comprised of Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, Northampton, and Wilson Counties in the State of North Carolina.
  2. To establish and prioritize the challenges and opportunities in the areas referred to in (A.) above.
  3. To address the challenges and opportunities identified through three (3) above by working collaboratively with the academic partners and utilization of the resources of the five (5) county area and the resources of the academic partners.
  1. Members of Council

The UCPLC shall consist of twenty (25) members;fifteen (15) of whom shall be identified as Area Partners, and ten (10) who shall be identified as Academic Partners. There shall also be three (3) Ex-Officio members.

The members of the Council shall be the following:

  1. Area Partners: (15)

Three (3) representatives from each of the counties in the five county region. Each representative shall be a resident of the county they represent. One representative shall be a local government representative, one an education representative and one a business representative. The area representatives of local governments, educational systems, and businesses above shall be the Commissioner, Board Member, Chamber Director, Superintendent, or Company Manager of said entity, or his/her designee and serve at the pleasure of the above representatives. The representatives shall serve a three (3) year term and may serve two (2) consecutive terms.

  1. Academic Partners/Representatives (10)

One representative from each of the following educational institutions to wit:

Barton CollegeNash Community College

East Carolina UniversityN.C. Central University

Edgecombe Community CollegeNC State University

Elizabeth City State UniversityN.C. Wesleyan College

Halifax Community CollegeWilson Community College

The representatives of each institution above shall be President or Chancellor of said institution, or his/her designee and serve at the pleasure of said President or Chancellor.

  1. Ex-Officio Members

The following shall serve as Ex-Officio members of the Council:

NC State University

Assistant Vice Chancellor, McKimmon Center for

Extension, Engagement and Economic Development

University of North Carolina – General Administration

Associate Vice President forAcademic Planning

Upper Coastal Plain Learning Council


  1. Each member of the Council shall have one (1) vote. Ex-Officio members shall have no vote.
  1. Vacancies of Area Partners shall be filled upon recommendation of the remaining members of the county representation of the county of vacated position.
  1. Members who are unable to attend a meeting of the Council may designate a representative to attend and participate in the Council meeting; however, the representative will not be entitled to vote.
  1. Any member who is absent for three (3) consecutive Council meetings without an excuse acceptable to the Council may be replaced. If a Council member is replaced under this provision, a replacement for said member will be named as provided in section E. above.
  1. Meetings

The fiscal year of the UCPLC runs from July 1 through June 30. The council shall meet at least bimonthly (once every other month). Meetings will be held at a time and location as determined by the Council. Special meetings may be called or scheduled by the Council. All meetings of the UCPLC and its committees shall be open to the public.

  1. Officers

The following shall be Officers of the Council:

  1. Chairman:

The Chairman shall be elected by the Council from the Area Partners/Representatives and shall serve a one-year term. The Chairman may serve two (2) consecutive terms. The Chairman will preside at Council meetings, assist the UCPLC Director in planning Council agendas and carry out other duties as directed by the Council.

The Chairman shall cast the deciding ballot in the event of a tie vote in matters voted on by the UCPLC. The Chairman shall submit an annual report of the UCPLC’s activities to the (Executive) Director of the UCPLC.

The UCPLC Chairman will appoint all committee Chairs and members to all other committees which shall be created and disbanded by the Executive Committee as needed and in accordance with the mission of the UCPLC.

Upon completion of the one year term, the past Chairman shall serve as a member on the Executive Committee and shall serve as Chairman of the Nomination and Election Committee.

  1. Vice Chairman:

The Vice Chairman shall be elected by the Council from the Area Partners/Representatives and shall serve a one-year term. The Vice Chairman may serve two (2) consecutive terms. In the absence or incapacity of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall serve and perform the duties of the Chairman. The Vice Chairman shall perform such other duties as directed by the Council.

The Vice Chairman shall serve as the Guest Speaker Coordinator for the Council meetings. Annually, the Vice Chairman shall invite all local state legislators to the December meeting. In addition, the Vice Chairman will serve and have responsibility for any delegated task or initiative as requested by the Chair. Examples: coverage with an upcoming conference call with the Executive Committee; serve as a host at UCPLC functions; assist in membership orientation; and/or assistance in drafting the agenda for the UCPLC meetings. The Past Chair will serve as a mentor to the Vice Chairman.

  1. Committees:

The Council and/or Chairman may appoint Committees as deemed necessary to carry out special assignments or projects of the Council.

The Nomination and Election committee shall consist of three members. The Chair of the Committee shall be the immediate past Chairman of the UCPLC. Two other members shall be appointed by the Chair.

  1. Elections
  1. Officer Numbers, Roles and Compensation-The Officers may consist of up to three and not fewer than two members. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson are responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Council and delegates responsibility for day-to-day operations to the Council Chairman and committees. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson receive no compensation.
  2. Officer Elections-Election of new Officers will occur as the first item of business at the last meeting of the fiscal year before the new officers tenures would begin.
  3. Terms-All Officers shall serve one year terms but are eligible for re-election for an additional year.
  4. Vacancies-Vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the Council members for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor in office and shall serve until his/her successor is qualified and elected.
  5. Removal of Officers-An Officer may be removed by majority vote of the Council at any regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Council.
  6. Resignation-An Officer may resign from the Council at any time by giving written notice to the Council. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, and unless otherwise specified therein, no acceptance of the resignation shall be necessary to make it effective
  7. Quorum- A quorum must be attended by at least 51% of the Council members before business can be transacted or motions made or passed unless intent and information has been shared with all members one week before the meeting date.
  8. Informal Action by the Officers-Unless otherwise restricted by these Bylaws, any action required or permitted to be taken by the Officers may be taken without a meeting if a majority of the Officers consent in writing through fax, email or by mail.
  9. Voting-Each member shall have one vote with the exception of the Council Chairman, who will vote only in the event of a tie. All voting at meetings shall be done personally and no proxy shall be allowed. Reminder that any attendee serving as a Council member’s delegate will not be entitled to vote. (See Bylaws Section III, Letter F)
  10. Absence-Each Council member is expected to communicate with Chair/Vice-Chair in advance of all Council meetings stating whether or not she/he is able attend or participate by conference telephone or other agreed-upon means of communications. After two consecutive absences, the Chairman/ Vice Chairman shall intervene through personal contact, reminding member in question of attendance expectations. Any Council member who is absent from three successive Council meetings shall be deemed to have resigned due to non-participation and his/her position shall be declared vacant, unless the Council affirmatively votes to retain the member.
  1. Bylaws
  1. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority of those professional members voting at the next meeting of the council.
  2. In the event that an article or section is found to be contrary to the Charter or Bylaws of the UCPLC, such article or section is automatically void without affecting the remainder of the Bylaws.
