Research Assistant Application Form Biernat Lab 480

Research Information RA for (Semester/Year):


Local Street Address:

Local Phone:

Local E-mail:

Contact Preference (circle one): Phone E-mail Either

Permanent Address:


Research Information

Research Experience (Relevant Classes, Research):

Research Interests:

Special Skills (e.g. computers, acting, statistical software, etc.):

Academic Information

Attach or submit your current ARTS form ( check here if e-mailing it to or )

Year in School: Major:

Overall GPA: Psychology GPA:

Psychology Classes Taken:

Psychology Classes Currently Enrolled In:

Psychology Interests:

Post-College Plans:

Please indicate your anticipated availability for the upcoming semester (Monday-Friday): __________________________________________________________________

Research Purpose Questions

1. Did you choose this lab specifically? What is it about our lab specifically that interests you?

2. What do you hope to get out of taking part in research?

3. What do you feel that you bring to our lab?

4. Being a research assistant requires organization, respectful behavior, reliability, and tact. Please give examples from your life where you have needed these qualities, and successfully used them:

Research Assistant Information – To be completed on acceptance # 480 credits:

Availability (Monday-Friday):

Quiz Complete? Y N On-Line Tutorial Complete? Y N