ComMedia Testimonials
It was probably one of the most eye-opening, interactive classes I’ve ever taken. . . AM
I, personally, have taken the most out of Communication Media than I have any other class. It’s satisfying to go home and tell your parents about what you know is going on in the world. . . AA
This class is amazing. It is a fun class, especially if you and others voice your opinion openly to the class. . . Mr. Mac is a thought-provoker who gets you to see that the world isn’t black and white. It has a lot of grey areas. SM
Take good notes because that’s a big part of your grade, and do your AMS report each week. . . TM
I feel like I’ve learned so much about the news. . . I can actually hold my own on issues I’m passionate about, and I can talk about economics. I’ve never been able to do that before. . . JA
I honestly believe it’s the single most important class that can be taken in this high school. People always complain that “we’re never gonna need to know this in the real world” in many classes, but this is the real world. . . I would wholeheartedly recommend this class to anyone and everyone. KJ
This has been, to me, the most important class of my high school career. . . This class has made me more aware of the kind of world we live in. . . This class was also really fun as well as interesting to take. . . CD
Take this if you want to watch news all day. I thought this class was supposed to be more about how news was shared and all the possible outlets. I didn’t like it and would most likely suggest they don’t take it. . . EM
I have seen that there are so many ways of information getting out, like newspapers, internet, cellphone, TV, etc. . . AR
The countless pieces of information I have learned have truly made me more aware of the world around me. . . Also I didn’t feel stressed out by this class and I really looked forward to coming every day. . . SW
It’s a great companion class to Civics because you discuss similar current events. This class makes you think and re-think your views. . . LH
Take the class because you’ll feel more up to speed with the rest of the world. Before I took the class I was completely ignorant of what was going on in the world (and you watch “Jon Stewart” and “Stephen Colbert” sometimes. . . DS
Brace yourself for a general feeling of monotony and repetition. . . There is a lot of irrelevant and extraneous tidbits that seem to be disproportionately talked about. . . TK
It’s good ground for different ways of thought and open discussion. . . Also it could open you to a field that was otherwise relatively unknown. . . JM
There is not as much of an emphasis on homework and quizzes/tests as there is in the majority of other classes. . .