Use only if course is offered in the Distance Education Mode.
Each proposed or existing course, if delivered by distance education, shall be separately reviewed and approved by the Curriculum Committee prior to being offered (Education Code §55378).
- Form of Distance Education
The Board of Governors (BOG) and the Peralta Community College District have defined a distance education course. A distance education course/section or session is defined as the use of technology utilized 51 percent or more of the time to deliver instruction during the course term and where the student and instructor are separated by distance. Furthermore, distance education courses may then be considered a virtual equivalent to a class-room-based course (California Community Colleges Distance Education Regulations and Guidelines).
Please select the category that best fits your course:
100% Internet-based
Combination – _99_% Internet and _1_% Face-to-Face
Live Interactive TV (2-way)
TV/Video (1-way)
Other (explain):
- Need/Justification
What is the purpose of offering the course by distance education?
To give students an alternative to face to face instruction. To allow students to take the course during periods of time when they are off-campus.
- Instructor-Student Contact
Select the different types of regular Instructor-Student contacts planned per semester:
Announcements/Bulletin Boards
Chat Rooms
Discussion Boards
Email Communication
Resource Links
Scheduled Face-to-Face Meetings (orientations, review periods, exam periods, office hours, etc.)
Other (explain):
4.Do the following sections of the Course Outline of Recorddiffer by offering this course via distance education?
Student Performance Objectives
If you answer YES to any of the categories above, please explain.
[Note: If the Student Performance Objectives change, a new course and course outline are required.]
5.Methods of Instruction
How will you deliver the course content (for example, will you use lecture, threaded discussions, group projects, web conferencing, CD-ROM material, live broadcast, audio/video streaming, textbook, etc.)? How much time will you allocate to each format (please provide an exact percentage for each format, i.e., 10% Chat)?
Online lecture and discussion25%
Web-based content20%
Podcasts 5%
Links to web resources 5%
Links to course examples 5%
Instructor feedback on course development40%
6.Technical Issues
What equipment and staff are necessary to support the course for students and instructors?
What are the contingency plans if access to the delivery system is interrupted?
Teacher and students need access to a high-speed internet connection and computers. Equipment and staff are provided by the hosting provider for both students and instructor (Moodle). If access to the online course is interrupted, the instructor will use a web page where assignments can be posted, downloaded/uploaded or students can use email.
7.Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Distance education courses, resources and materials must be designed and delivered in such a way that the level of communication and course-taking experience is the same for students with or without disabilities.
Will this course, as designed, accommodate students with disabilities?
If NO, please explain.
8.Additional Resources
Are additional resources or clerical support needed or anticipated?
If YES, please explain.
Both students and instructors for this class need support from the District for class hosting and technical support for issues as they arise with installation of CMS, updates, etc.
AA 4/16/08
Approved by CIPD 12/6/04