BMA-IBT-2 Technology Unit
Intro to Business & Technology
Course Standard 2
Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish industry-appropriate documents.
2.1 Practice respectful and responsible use of technology.
2.2 Demonstrate ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws.
2.3 Execute efficient online searches for specific and creditable resources.
2.4 Model the ability to work independently and as a team member.
2.5 Demonstrate time-management and organizational skills to complete tasks in allotted time.
2.6 State how changes in technology affect the workplace and society.
a. Social media, cell phones, tablets, cloud computing, operating systems, and other emerging technologies.
2.7 Apply good design principles to create professional appearing and functioning business documents.
2.8 Compare and contrast technology tools’ uses for efficiency in business.
2.9 Apply practices that deter, detect, and defend against identity theft for a business and personal safety.
2.10 Utilize technology in a variety of ways while solving business problems.
Support of CTAE Foundation Course Standards and Common Core GPS and Georgia Performance Standards
ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
ELACC9-10SL2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.
Essential Question: What is identity theft?
Bellringer: Week 4 #16
Objective: Students will be introduced to the technology unit and begin thinking about identity theft.
Guided Practice: Introduction to the unit – show Identity Thief movie trailer. Ask students to open their wallets/purses and find any items that reveal their personal information. Discuss how those items could be used to steal their identity. Then ask students to think about items in their parents wallets/purses. What are some differences?
Independent Practice: Create a flyer containing a minimum of 10 things you would need to do if your identity was stolen. For example, contact your bank, credit card companies, etc. Do not copy and paste anything from the internet. Submit flyer in Edmodo.
Grade: Flyer
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Identity Thief Trailer, Projector, and Computers / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: Where are 3 places that your identity/ personal information can be stolen?
Bellringer: Week 4 #17
Objective: Student will continue to learn about technology and will become aware of places that someone’s identity could be stolen.
Guided Practice: Show the 10 minute video about identity theft from the FTC.
Independent Practice: Create a Stolen Identity PPTPowerPoint showing places where your identity could be stolen. Use pictures and captions for each place. Example: mailbox, trash, etc.
Grade: PowerPoint
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: FTC Video, Projector, Stolen Identity PPT Instructions, Place Your Identity Could Be Stolen (Partial Example),and Computers. / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: What is copyright and why is it important?
Bellringer: Week 4 #18
Objective: Students will be introduced to responsible use of the internet, and will develop a better understanding of copyright, plagiarism, and fair use.
Guided Practice: Show and discuss the Copyright Prezi while student complete the Copyright Law Activity and show and discuss the Plagiarism and Fair Use PPT while students take notes on the teacher-guided notes.
Independent Practice: Complete the Copyright Law Activity while viewing the Copyright Prezi and complete the Notes Sheet while viewing the Plagiarism & Fair Use PPT
Grade: Copyright Law Activity
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Copyright Prezi, Copyright Law Activity (Answer during Prezi), Plagiarism & Fair Use PPT, and Notes Sheet for PPT / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: What is plagiarism and what happens when you plagiarize?
Bellringer: Week 4 #19
Objective: Students will continue to develop a deeper understanding of copyright, plagiarism, and fair use through the use of a handout and a scavenger hunt activity.
Guided Practice: Handout the Copyright & Plagiarism Cartoon Handout and discuss with the students. Give instructions for the Copyright Scavenger Hunt and answer questions as needed.
Independent Practice: Complete the Copyright Scavenger Hunt Activity using the Internet
Grade: Copyright Scavenger Hunt
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Copyright & Plagiarism Cartoon Handout and Copyright Scavenger Hunt / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: How do you determine a credible website?
Bellringer: Week 4 #20
Objective: Students will become familiar with how to determine a credible website and how to evaluate internet research sources before stating them as a fact.
Guided Practice: Show the French Model Commercial and discuss why you shouldn’t believe everything you read or watch on the internet, discuss How to Determine a Credible Website, and guide students to the Classzone website (give the students the TinyURL to access the website).
Independent Practice: Classzone Online Lessons and Internet Basics Quiz (located on the right side of the page)
Grade: Teacher Observation
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: French Model Commercial Video, How to Determine a Credible Website Handout, and Classzone Online Lesson for Evaluating Websites and Internet Basics Quiz (right side of website).
Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9
Essential Question: What is social media?
Bellringer: Week 4 #21
Objective: Students will be introduced to how social media postings can affect your life in the workplace and will review social media principles for three different businesses.
Guided Practice: Show the video on the Dangers of Social Media in the Workplace and discuss further how social media presence can be used as a good thing and a bad thing in the business world.
Independent Practice: Students will begin to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the Coca-Cola, Ford, and the Marines Online Social Media Principles using a Venn Diagram.
Grade: Compare & Contrast Venn Diagram
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Video, Social Media Principles Websites, and Computers / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: Why do businesses have social media policies and guidelines?
Bellringer: Week 4 #22
Objective: Students will continue to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between three different businesses’ social media policies.
Guided Practice: Discuss the goals for completing the assignment today and submitting the assignment in Edmodo.
Independent Practice: Students will finish comparing and contrasting the Coca-Cola Company, Ford, and the Marines Online Social Media Principles using a Venn Diagram.
Grade: Compare & Contrast Venn Diagram
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Social Media Principles Websites and Computers / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: What are some popular social media websites?
Bellringer: Week 4 #23
Objective: Students will learn about what social media is and how it works, the ad-vantages of using it, dis-advantages of using it, rules to follow within a business, and consequences rules are not followed.
Guided Practice: Using a timer, time the students for 1 minute to write down as many social media sites as they can. The person with the most listed wins a prize (bonus points and/or candy). Discuss the activity and requirements for the Social Media Project.
Independent Practice: Students will work with a partner to complete a poster board of the top social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Path) that answers the questions in the activity.
Grade: Social Media Project
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Poster boards, markers, and computers. / BMA-IBT-2
Essential Question: How are social media websites used in the business world?
Bellringer: Week 4 #24
Objective: Students will continue to learn about what social media is and how it works, the ad-vantages of using it, dis-advantages of using it, rules to follow within a business, and consequences rules are not followed.
Guided Practice: Review the activity and requirements for the Social Media Project.
Independent Practice: Students will finish the project with a partner to complete a poster board of the top social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Path) that answers the questions in the activity.
Grade: Social Media Project (No written assessment given for the unit – use this as a test grade)
Closure: Review today and preview tomorrow.
Materials: Poster boards, markers, and computers. / End of the Unit
Identity Thief Movie Trailer -
Identity Theft Flyer Rubric
FTC Identity Theft Video –
Identity Theft Website –
Stolen Identity PowerPoint Instructions
Places Your Identity Could Be Stolen (Partial Example)
Copyright Prezi -
Copyright Law Activity Handout (Use during Copyright Prezi)
Plagiarism & Fair Use PowerPoint
Plagiarism & Fair Use Notes Sheet Handout
Copyright & Plagiarism Cartoon Handout
Copyright Scavenger Hunt
French Model Commercial Video -
How to Determine a Credible Website Handout
Classzone Online Lesson for Evaluating Websites and Internet Basics Quiz -
Classzone Tiny URL -
Dangers of Social Media in the Workplace Video -
Social Media Principles Websites
-Coca-Cola -
-Ford -
-Marines Social Media Policy -
Social Media Principles Websites and Directions - To put on Edmodo for easy access to the websites for the students.
Social Media Principles Venn Diagram Handout
Social Media Poster Project Instructions