Aft and Ground Observer responsibilitiesStart Procedures when using External Power or External Air source
Max allowable acceleration time from rotation to Low RPM
During a start what do you do if TIT goes above 200˚C
During Engine Starts what happens between 16 and 33 %
What are the ground starter pressure and temperature limits
What is considered an overtemp during start
Start TIT limits
Start Oil Temperature limits
Low RPM, RPM limits
Low RPM oil temperature limits
Normal RPM (Start Position) TIT limits
Normal RPM Oil Pressure limits
Normal RPM (start position) Indicated Horsepower limits
Max reverse RPM limit
Max reverse oil temp limit
Flight idle TIT limits
Flight idle oil pressure limits
Flight idle indicated horsepower limits
Max 900 RPM limit
Max 900 Oil temp limits
Military TIT limit
Military Oil pressure limits
Military Indicated Horsepower limit
Normal Rated RPM limits
Normal Rated Oil temp limits
Max Cruise TIT limits
Max Cruise Oil Pressure limits
Max Cruise Oil temp limits
Fluctuating oil pressure limits after negative g flight
What can cause RPM decay
When is operation below 130 psi permitted
When is 1000C oil temperature acceptable
Max acceleration time from start to low RPM
Maximum allowable oil pressure fluctuations at 100% RPM
Allowable overshoot/undershoot for flight operation RPM limits
On the ground what do you do if TIT remains in the 1083 to 11750C range for more than 5 seconds
In flight what do you do if TIT remains in the 1083-11750C range for more than 5 seconds
APU limits for EGT (GTCP95-3)
APU RPM limits in flight
Max altitude/airspeed that you can use the APU
Maneuver flaps airspeed
Land flaps airspeed
Landing gear extension at 1.0 g
Landing gear retraction speed
Bomb bay doors open max airspeed
Main cabin door open max speed
IRDS turret airspeeds
Minimum airstart speed
Max airspeed
Max permitted AOB
What happens if zero fuel weight has to be exceeded
Max fuel differential for tanks 1and 4 during in flight operations
Max fuel differential for tanks 2 and 3 during takeoff operations
Max fuel differential for tanks 2 and 3 during landing operations
Fuel dumping limitations
Landing weight limits
Procedures if the start button pops out below 57%
When does the primary fuel pump light go out
Definition of a stagnated start
Definition of a stalled start
Definition and causes of a hot start
How do you prevent temporary loss of power when ground power is disconnected
When shall wheel well lights be on
When are landing, and wing tail lights on
When shall anti-collision lights be on
Procedures to do before moving the RPM selector switch from LOW to NORMAL
Primary means of turning during taxi operations
Normal Trim tab settings for takeoff
What is torquemeter flopover
What does the co-pilot verbally callout during takeoff
NTS Check parametersNTS Check procedures
Procedures if power lever movement becomes restricted during NTS checkProcedures if NTS action does not occur prior to 500 SHP
Engine sulfidation recommendations
When is autopilot usage prohibited
Required equipment prior to loitering an engine
Minimum altitude with a two engine loiter
How if buffet minimized during two engine loiter procedures
During airstarts what do you do if the feather button light comes on after the PCO is released
When would you E-handle an engine during airstart
During airstart what do you do if you get blade angle rotation
O2 use considerations at night
Recommended downwind airspeed
What should the airspeed be prior to the flare with flaps in the land position
Three ways to check if gear is down
Brake technique during landing
Waveoff procedures
Minimum fuel required for hydraulic fluid cooling
What is condition of flight I
What is condition of flight III
What is condition of flight V
What does the APU do on the ground
Responsibilities of Pilot during start
What is the minimum psi when starting the first engine with a low pressure systemWhat can happen during a slow start
During Engine Starts What happens at 16%
During Engine Starts what happens between 16 and 65%
Max Residual TIT before starting
Procedures if an overtemp is experienced during startStart Oil Pressure limits
Low RPM TIT limits
Low RPM, Oil Pressure limitsLow RPM indicated Horse Power limits
Normal RPM (Start Position) RPM limits
Normal RPM (start position) Oil Temp limits
Max reverse TIT limit
Max reverse Oil Pressure Limits
Max reverse indicated horsepower limits
Flight idle RPM limits
Flight idle oil temp limits
Max 90˚ TIT limit
Max 90˚ Oil Pressure limits
Max 90˚ indicated horsepower limits
Military RPM limits
Military Oil temp limits
Normal Rated TIT limits
Normal Rated Oil Pressure limits
Normal Rated Indicated Horsepower limits
Max Cruise RPM limits
Max Cruise Indicated Horsepower limits
Max time allowed for negative g’s
Contributing factors to RPM decay in low RPM
Procedures if you experience RPM decay in low RPM
When can oil pressure drop below 50 psi during low RPM
With MIL-L-7808 oil is used what is the lower start limit
When can you operate with oil temp between 50-600C
Allowable overshoot/undershoot for takeoff RPM limits
Max TIT in low RPM
During Takeoff what do you do if TIT remains in the 1083 to 11750C range for more than 5 secondsAPU limits for EGT (GTCP95-2)
APU RPM limits on the ground
Max APU RPM limit
Engine starter operation limits
Takeoff/approach flaps airspeed
Max speed with gear extendedLanding gear extension at greater than 1.0 g
Landing gear lights extended speed
Overwing exit door open max speed
APU door open max speed
Fuel dump airspeeds
Minimum airstart speed if range is critical
Max altitude for air starting
Definition of Zero fuel weight
Max fuel differential for tanks 1 and 4 during takeoff
Max fuel differential for tanks 1 and 4 during landing operations
Max fuel differential for tanks 2 and 3 during in flight operations
What tolerance must one set of fuel tanks be at if the other has the max imbalance
Recommended takeoff weight
When does the starter button pop out
If the start valve light fails to extinguish or if air pressure does not return to normal what do you do
When do you discontinue a start
Procedures for a stagnated start
Procedures for a stagnated start
Hot start procedures
What condition requires ground air conditioning system to be on
When shall taxi light be on
Max time limit for landing lights without cooling air flow
What is the preferred RPM for ground operations
When can Prop Pump #1 be on
Precautionary taxi procedures during high winds
Speeds that the flight engineer are required to supply pilot before takeoff
What speed does the rudder become effective
What normal condition may cause #1 or #1A HYD pressure warning lights to illuminate
When is an NTS check preformed
Indication of a satisfactory NTS check
NTS check secure procedures
Maximum number of flight station crew members allowed to be away from their post at one time
When shall the flight engineer maintain a fuel log
Definition of MOSA
Weather considerations prior to loitering an engine
How do you determine loiter speed
Maximum airstart airspeed
Procedures for no light-off within 10 seconds during an airstart
During an airstart what do you do if you get a prop pump light on
When should the cabin be depressurized
Who can initiate the silence of gear warning horn
What should airspeed be before the flare with flaps at takeoff/approach
Max crosswind component
At what airspeed can you pull power levers past flight idle
Bank angle considerations at touchdown
When does fuel topping governor kick in
When does APU automatic shutdown occur
What is condition of flight II
What is condition of flight IV
What does the APU Safe switch do
What does the arm position do for the APU