ADDITIONAL STAFF - A huge welcome to Mhairi Cook and Marie Howie who have been appointed until the end of term. Mhairi will be here on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Marie on a Tuesday and Thursday (Mornings only).
NURSERY TRIP – Covering letter attached.Morning trip 19th June, Afternoon trip 21st June. If you are able to come please sign in the “Parent Folder”.
GYM – We will going to the gym on a Wednesday for the next 4 weeks. The children were asked what they thought about their first experience in the gym last week. They indicated their opinion by placing a stone in a jar which had a smiley face, a sad face and an enjoyed it a little face. Only a few said they did not like it. Hopefully we can make it a better experience for them this week!
NEW STARTS VISITING– Our new 2018/2019 children will be coming for a short visit on 29th or 30th May.
SPORTS DAY– Our Sport’s Day is the 7th June. (Information attached).
EARLY YEARS EVENING– Parents/carers of current ELCC 3 and ELCC 4 are invited to come along to the schools Early years Evening on 13th June at 6.15pm.
SWIMMING QUESTIONNAIRE– Thank you to those who completed the swimming questionnaire. Every response indicated positively - The price was fair, the children gained in confidence and yes, the ELCC 3 parents would like it to continue next year.
BOYS CLOTHES– If anyone has second hand boy’s trousers and pants they no longer need, we could use them as a change of clothing.
BUDDIES – Children going to school in August will meet their buddy this week. We will print out a photograph of your child with their buddy for you to keep at home. Various activities have been organised for your child and their buddy thoughout the coming term. Your child may have more than one buddy as we have more P6 than ELCC 4 children.
LIBRARY BOOKS– We are delighted to say that the library books have been well used this year. As we are now near the end of term, could you please return books as soon as possible. We understand that some books may get temporarily mislaid. If you find a nursery book any time in the future we appreciate it being returned.
LEARNING BOOKS – If you have a personal learning book(PLP) at home, please return it as information will be added to it next year for all ELCC3 children. The PLPs for ELCC4 children will be passed on to your child’s class teacher.
Thursday 17th May / Transition into P1Monday 21st May / Swimming
Monday 28th May / HOLIDAY (No nursery)
Tuesday/Wednesday 29th/30th May / New children visit
Thursday 31st May / Transition into P1
Thursday 7th June / Nursery Sports
Wednesday 13th June / Early Years Open Evening 6.15pm
Thursday 14th June / Transition into P1
Monday 18th June / Activity Week (Details to follow)
Wednesday 27th June / Last day of term
Tuesday 21st August / First day of new term