FYI the latest version is 6.21 from Evaults site as of today which still doesn't support the latest version of AS400 IBM I series which is V7R3. It may work, never tested an install tho...

Agent Version 6.21

Compatibility: Supported on IBM i v7r2, v7r1, v6r1, v5r4, v5r3 platforms only.

#1 Setup/install

NOTE:be aware that the AS400 backup agent is only accessible through the Green Screen.

The instructions are. The installation procedure is written out by support as it is easier to follow.

Agent Installation Procedure AS/400 Backup Agent 6.21
NOTE: This is just to install the software
(see below for configuration of backup jobs)

  1. Connect to the target AS/400 (iSeries / System I / IBM i)
    In 5250 terminal session with AS400(Green Screen) (withQSECOFR or equiv user ID)typeCRTLIB EVSAVE
  2. Create the savefile by running the following command:CRTSAVF FILE(EVSAVE/IBMIAGENT)
  3. Go to a Windows System.
    DownloadiSeries agent from link toWindowssystem.
  4. Extract zip to C:\ or some easily accessible location. File will be calledibmiagent.
  5. Open an Elevated Command prompt.
  6. Navigate to C:\ or wherever you extractedibmiagent
  7. Type FTP followed by the AS/400's IP address or hostname.
  8. Login as user with *SECOFR authority (QSECOFR or equiv user ID)
  9. TypeBINpressenter
  10. LCD C:\ (or wherever you unzipped "ibmiagent"JUST THE LOCATION NOT THE FILENAME "ibmiagent") (enter)
  11. Typeput ibmiagent /QSYS.LIB/EVSAVE.LIB/ibmiagent.savf(enter)
  12. When the upload completes just typequitand exit the command prompt
  13. Back to the AS/400...
    Run this command to find out the save library:DSPSAVF(PRESS F4 to bring up dialogue) ---This command may not work on all systems ->SAVF(EVSAVE/IBMIAGENT)
    Where savelibrary is the value found in the 1stStep. (as of 6.21 it isBUILD2702)
  14. TypeCALL EVSAVE/ISSETUP(this will bring you to the setup menu)
  15. Press "F6" to begin a new installation; follow the instructions displayed on screen.
  16. To access IBM I (or iSeries) Agent menu typeGO BUAGENT/ISAGENT

#2 Licensing

30 Day Grace Period:
To get a permanent key,You need Screenshot of License screen(to obtain permanent key after 30 day trial expires). Go to this knowledge base entry to get the required information.

See (AS400.pdf) for references of the agent and normal procedures.

#3 Configure AS/400 Backup Agent

First thing you will need to do is go toAgent Configurationto register a Vault Connection so you can backup to offsite.


Account: XXXX

User: XXXX

Pass: XXXX

See attached "AS400_Full_Backup.docx" for procedure of how to setup backup jobs to backup the AS400.