
Stephen Machado,

Associate Professor of Agronomy

Oregon State University

Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center

P.O. Box 370, Pendleton, Oregon 97801

Tel: (541) 278 4416 or

Fax: (541) 278 4188



1997, Ph.D., Crop Physiology/Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan (USA)

1987, M.S., Crop Physiology, Reading University, Reading (UK)

1984, B.S., General Agriculture, University of Swaziland, Luyengo (Swaziland)

1980, Diploma, Animal Sciences, University of Swaziland, Luyengo (Swaziland)


2003- Team Excellence Honor (PM-10 Project)-WSU College of Agric and Home Economics.

1997-Gamma Sigma Delta, Honor Society of Agriculture

1993 Awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship to pursue PhD studies at Kansas State University

1986 Awarded a British Council Scholarship to pursue MS studies at Reading University,

Reading, United Kingdom

1980 Awarded a UNESCO Scholarship to pursue BS studies at the University of Swaziland, Luyengo, Swaziland

1978 Awarded a UNESCO Scholarship to pursue Diploma studies at the University of

Swaziland, Luyengo, Swaziland

Professional Experience:

2007-present Associate Professor of Agronomy, OSU, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Pendleton, Oregon

2001- 2007 Assistant Professor of Agronomy, OSU, Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center, Pendleton, Oregon

1998-2001 Research Associate, TAMU, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Lubbock, TX

1990-1993 Principal Research Scientist, Agronomy Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe

1990 Visiting scientist, University of Western Australia (Fifth Australian Agronomy conference, Perth, Australia)

1988-1990 Senior Research Scientist, Agronomy Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe

1986-1988 Research Scientist, Agronomy Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe

1984-1986 Assistant Research Scientist, Agronomy Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe

Other professional accomplishments.

1. Incoming Chair, Western Society of Crop Science of America (2011)

2. Past Chair, A11-Biometry Division of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) (2010).

3. Member of the ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Western Society of Crop Science, and Western Soil Science Society.

4. OSU representative, NC1179, Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection and Management National Project.

5. OSU representative, NCERA059, Soil Organic Matter: Formation, Function and Management National Project

6. Pendleton Farmers Market Board member

7. Communications and Information Director of the Association of African Agricultural Professionals in the Diaspora (AAAPD). AAAPD is actively involved in the development of Africa (Capacity building, agricultural research, rural based agro-industries, and advocating for increased investment in rural Africa)

Recent Publications

Scientific Journal Articles

Machado, S. 2011. Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in the Pendleton Long-Term Experiments: Implications for Biofuel Production in Pacific Northwest. Agron. J. 103:253–260 (doi:10.2134/agronj2010.0205s)

Dawit Solomon,* Johannes Lehmann, Katrin Knoth de Zarruk, Julia Dathe, James Kinyangi, Biqing Liang, and Stephen Machado. 2010. Speciation and Long- and Short-term Molecular-level Dynamics of Soil Organic Sulfur. Studied by X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure Spectroscopy. J. Environ. Qual. 40: doi:10.2134/jeq2010.0061

Machado, S. 2009. Does intercropping have a role in modern agriculture? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 64(2):55A-57A; doi:10.2489/jswc.64.2.55A

Stevens, J.F., R. L. Reed, S. Alber, L. Pritchett, and S. Machado. 2009. Herbicidal Activity of Glucosinolate Degradation Products in Fermented Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba) Seed Meal. J. Agric. Food Chem., Article ASAP • DOI: 10.1021/jf8033732

Smiley, R. W., and Machado, S. 2009. Pratylenchus neglectus reduces yield of winter wheat in dryland cropping systems. Plant Dis. 93:263-271.

Inostroza, L., A. del Pozo, I. Matus, D. Castillo, P. Hayes, S. Machado and A. Corey. 2009. Association mapping of plant height, yield, and yield stability in recombinant chromosome substitution lines (RCSLs) using Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum as a source of donor alleles in a Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare background. Molecular Breeding 23(3):365-376.

Solomon, D., J. Lehmann, J. Kinyangi, A. Pell, J. Theis, S. Riha, S. Ngoze, W. Amelung, C. Do Preez, S. Machado, B. Ellert, and H. Janzen. 2009. Anthropogenic and climate influences on biochemical dynamics and molecular-level speciation of sulfur in temperate, subtropical and subhumid tropical ecosystems. Ecological Applications 19(4):989-1002.

Machado, S., S. Petrie, K. Rhinhart, and R. E. Ramig. 2008. Tillage effects on water use and grain yield of winter wheat and green pea in rotation. Agronomy Journal 100:154-162.

Machado, S., S. Petrie, K. Rhinhart, and A. Qu. 2007. Long-Term Continuous Annual Cropping in the Pacific Northwest (PNW): Tillage and Fertilizer Effects on Grain Yield and Profitability of Winter Wheat, Spring Wheat, and Spring Barley. Soil and Tillage Research 94: 473-481

Machado, S. 2007. Allelopathy of Various Plant Species on Downy Brome. Agronomy Journal 99:127-132.

Machado, S., and S. Petrie. 2006. Analysis of unreplicated experiments: Introduction. Crop Sci. 46:2474-2475. This paper is an introduction to a series of four papers presented at a special symposium on “Analysis of Unreplicated Experiments”, ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, Nov 8, 2005, Salt Lake, City, Utah.

Machado, S., K, Rhinhart, and S. Petrie. 2006. Long-Term Cropping Systems Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Eastern Oregon. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:1548-1553.

Machado, S., C. Humphreys, B. Tuck, and M. Corp. 2006. Seeding Date, Plant Density, and Cultivar Effects on Chickpea Yield and Seed Size in eastern Oregon. Crop Management Journal, 21 June, 2006).Online publication:

Machado, S., R. Smiley, C. Humphreys, J. Gourlie, S. Easley, R. Whittaker, K. Rhinhart, and M. Siemens. 2006. Paraplow Effects on Diseases and Grain Yield of Spring Wheat and Chickpea, 2002-2003 (Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases. Vol 21:FC057). Online publication:

Machado, S. 2006. Demarcating Management Zones For Site Specific Farming Using Electromagnetic Induction and Yield Maps in eastern Oregon. Crop Management Journal). Online publication:

Machado, S, E.D. Bynum, Jr., T. L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K. Bronson, D. M. Nesmith, and W. Xu. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Corn Growth and Grain Yield: Implications for Site-Specific Farming. Crop Science 42:1564-1576.

Machado, S, E.D. Bynum, Jr., T. L. Archer, J. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, D.T. Rosenow, and G.C. Peterson. 2002. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Sorghum Grain yield: Site-Specific Relations of Soil, Water, Pests, and Diseases. Precision Agriculture 3: 389-406.

Machado, S. and G.M. Paulsen. 2001. Combined Effects of Drought and High Temperature on Water Relations of Wheat and Sorghum. Plant and Soil 233:179-187.

Machado, S., E.D. Bynum, Jr., T. L. Archer, R.J. Lascano, L.T. Wilson, J. Bordovsky, E. Segarra, K. Bronson, D.M. Nesmith, and W. Xu. 2000. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Corn Grain yield: Site-Specific Relationships of Biotic and Abiotic Factors. Precision Agriculture 2:343-360.

Wan, C. G., W. Xu, R.E Sosebee, S. Machado, and T. Archer. 2000. Hydraulic lift in drought-tolerant and –susceptible corn hybrids. Plant and Soil 219:117-126.

Mashiringwani, N. A., S. Machado, and E. Mtisi. 1992. Wheat. p. 102-118. In E. E. Whingwiri, K. Mashingaidze, and M. Rukuni (ed.) Small-Scale Agriculture in Zimbabwe: Field Crop Production. Book Two. Rockwood Publ., Harare, Zimbabwe.

Machado, S. 1991. The Chemical, Physical, and Moisture Characteristics of Vlei Soils in Chihota and Mondoro Communal Lands. Proceedings of the DR&SS Annual Symposium, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Machado, S. 1991. The Effect of Different Water Regimes on the Yield of Seven Spring Wheat varieties in Zimbabwe. 1991. Proceedings of the Seventh Wheat Regional Workshop (CIMMYT), Nakuru, Kenya.

Machado, S. 1990. Response of Wheat to the Amount of Irrigation. Farming World (Murimi/Umlimi) July 16(7) p 15.

Kupfuma, B., S. Machado, S. T. O. Musendo, and N. A. Mashiringwani. 1990. Summer Wheat Production: Is it economically viable? Proceedings of the Second Symposium of Science and Technology, Research Council of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Machado, S. 1989. Summer Wheat: Current Research Trials and Future Prospects. Proceedings of the DR&SS Annual Symposium. Harare, Zimbabwe

Extension Publications (peer reviewed)

Machado, S., B. Tuck, J. Igo, S. Macnab, and J. Maley. 2006. Alternative Crops for the Columbia Basin. Oregon State University Extension Pub no: EM 8915.

Corp, M., S. Machado, R. Smiley, D. Ball, S. Petrie, M. Siemens. S. Guy. 2004. Chickpea production guide. Oregon State University Extension Pub no: EM 8791.

Kettel, K., B. Tuck, W.A. Payne, C. Chen, S. Machado, and R. Karrow. 2003. Dryland Cropping Systems: Narrow-leaf Lupin. OSU Extension Pub no EM 8834-E
