Nevada Academic Content Standards- Resource Page
The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.
CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RL.7.9-Compare andcontrast afictional portrayal ofatime, place, orcharacter andahistorical account of the same periodas a means of understandinghowauthors of fiction useoralter history.R.CCR.9 Analyzehow two ormoretexts address similar themes or topics in orderto build knowledgeor to comparetheapproaches the authors take. / Questions to FocusLearning
Whydoauthors usehistorical accounts in their stories andhow can thoseaccounts be altered to shape events in fiction? Authors affect andalter historybased on their fictional portrayalsofhistorical accounts.
Student FriendlyObjectives
I can definefact and opinion.
I can definestoryelements of portrayal of time, place,character, period, and historical account.
Reasoning Targets
I can compare a fictionalportrayal ofatime, place, or character with an actual historical account. I can contrast a fictional portrayal ofatime, place, or character with anactual historical account.
I can determinethe differences between thefictional and historical accounts. I can explain how authors of fiction usehistorywithin theirstory.
I can determinehowauthors of fiction alterhistorywith their accounts.
historical account
means of understanding place
portrayal same period time
Teacher Tips
Seven Directions: MakingConnectionsBetweenLiteratureand AmericanIndianHistory - This middleschool lesson uses picturebooks to integrate AmericanIndian culture and belief systemswith language and visualarts.
Beyond the Story: A Dickens ofaParty-In this lesson from ReadWriteThink, students areinvited to attend a19th
Centurypartyas acharacter from CharlesDickens'A Christmas Carol.
Entering History: NikkiGiovanni and MartinLuther King, Jr.-Students studythe social impact ofMartinLuther King
Jr.’s “IHaveaDream” speech byreadingNikkiGiovanni’s poem “The Funeral of MartinLutherKing, Jr.”.
Myth and Truth: "TheFirst Thanksgiving"-Students learn to think criticallyabout commonlybelieved American
myths in this lesson that explores the first “Thanksgiving”.
Seeing Integration from Different Viewpoints-This lesson from ReadWriteThink usesTheStory of RubyBridges, by
Robert Coles, as abasis foraDirected Reading-ThinkingActivity.
Vertical Progression
RL.K.9 -With promptingand support, compareand contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
RL.1.9 -Compare and contrast the adventures andexperiences ofcharactersin stories.
RL.3.9 -Compare and contrast thethemes, settings, and plots of stories written bythesame authorabout thesameor similar characters (e.g., in books from a series).
RL.4.9 -Compare and contrast thetreatment of similarthemes andtopics (e.g., opposition ofgood and evil) and patterns of events (e.g., thequest) in stories, myths, andtraditional literature from different cultures.
RL.5.9 -Compare and contrast stories in thesamegenre(e.g., mysteries and adventurestories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics.
RL.6.9 -Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres(e.g., stories andpoems;historical novels and fantasy stories)in terms oftheirapproaches to similar themes and topics.
RL.8.9 -Analyzehow amodern work offiction draws on themes, patternsof events, or charactertypes from myths, traditional stories, or religious works suchas theBible, includingdescribinghow thematerial is rendered new.
RL.9-10.9 -Analyzehow an author draws on and transforms sourcematerial in aspecificwork (e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bibleorhow alaterauthor drawson aplaybyShakespeare).
RL.11-12.9 -Demonstrateknowledgeof eighteenth-, nineteenth-and early-twentieth-centuryfoundational works of
American literature, includinghow two ormoretexts from thesameperiod treat similarthemes ortopics.
The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RL.7.9