1. Individuals should complete this form for requesting PERMISSION to attend professional meetings at least 30 calendar days in advance of the meeting.

2Advance funds will not be issued for anticipated expenses of less than $50.00; however, permission must be obtained prior to travel.

3.Be sure to include an accurate estimate of your expenses (excluding Texas sales tax). The approved mileage, which the district will pay, will be based on Texas Comptroller’s calculation, see website: The approved amount of reimbursement will be listed on the form when it is returned to you indicating approval or disapproval. (Refer to the back of the white copy of the form for limits on round trip Comptroller allowances.)

4. After the approved travel has been completed, please resubmit your request for reimbursement using the white copy of the form. Forward immediately to the Business Office with receipts and “proof of attendance” (certificate, etc.) attached.

  1. If the travel form and receipts are not accurately and timely submitted upon return from the trip, the employee may be unable to receive advanced funds for any additional travel for the remainder of the year.


  1. TRAVEL: Individuals will make their own travel arrangements using the most economical travel available. Round trips in excess of 500 miles will be reimbursed at the cost of air coach travel or mileage, whichever is less. There are limits on round trip mileage allowances. (Refer to #3 above) Reimbursement for automobile usage will be at the mileage rate of forty cents ($0.40) per mile. This reimbursement will only apply to the number of vehicles required to meet a four person per car ratio.
  1. MEALS: Maximum meal and gratuity expense will be $33.00per day. Allowable reimbursement rates are as follows: $8; breakfast,$10;lunch, $15;dinner:. You must be required to leave for your destination before 7:00 a.m. to receive breakfast allowance. You must leave prior to 12:00noon to receive lunch allowance. You must be required to arrive home after 7:00 p.m. to receive dinner allowance. No person shall claim another person’s meal expense on his or her expense reimbursement report.
  1. LODGING: Maximum lodging is $85.00 per night or actual cost, whichever is less, excluding Texas Hotel Sales Tax. Employees should attempt to stay at the conference hotel since their rates are generally lower.When makinghotel reservations; be sure to ask for ‘The State Rate’ as this should allow for a discount. Staff members staying at hotels should complete a Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption form (attached to travel advance check) at the time of check-in in order to qualify for tax exempt status. Thetwo- person-per-room rule will be in effect, unless prior approval has been obtained. If an employee chooses to room by their self and by doing so causes a higher room rate for them and another employee, that employee will have to personally pay the added cost of their room as well as the other employee’s room.
  1. MISCELLANEOUS: Original itemized receipts are required for miscellaneous expenses. Miscellaneous expenses include the following: toll booth fees, parking, business related telephone calls, and cabs. These expenses will not be advanced.
  1. Original itemized receipts are required on the following:

Registration FeesRental Cars

HotelCab Fare

A single expenditure over twenty dollarsAirline Tickets


Revised 7-14-056-2-06