International School Manila High School
IB Visual Art ()
Teachers: Mark Kucharski() ,Steph Dodd ()
Course Description
IB Art is a 2 year course. During the 2 years you will develop a portfolio of substantial artworks based on a theme of your choice. You will also keep a detailed ‘Visual Arts Journal’. At the end of the 2 years you will present a Comparative study, Process Portfolio and Exhibition for online assessment by the IB.
The Core Elements of IB Art are
- Introduction to Art concepts, criticism and analysis
- Acquisition of studio technical and media skills
- Art in its sociocultural and historical contexts
What does all of this mean?
IB Art is about more than just making art. It is about understanding art in its context (Why did the artist make this particular piece of art? What does it say about society?); looking at the art of various cultures (How are the arts of Asia different to Western art?) and, of course, making thought provoking and technically proficient art (practicing techniques and planning your work in Visual Arts Journal). In order to help you stay on a time line we will expect you to complete a piece of work about every month. We will expect you to do some homework in between lessons. At the end of Year1 you will have a‘mock’ exam. This will help you to be ready for the real thing in IB2.
The Visual Arts Journal
We will collect your journal on a regular basis. Every piece of artwork you do must be 'tracked' in thehere. There are 3 aspects to this:
Project Plan (Ideas Development)This is where you sketch out your ideas and describe what you want the piece to look like and be about. This can change as you are working on the project.
Art History/Subject Reference. Research an artist that has done artwork similar to what you want to do. Using art vocabulary, provide examples of his/her artwork AND your opinions. You will also have to research the concept the artwork will be about. This should not be cut and pasted. You must use your own words, always cite your sources and use a variety – not just the internet.
Experimental Studio ResearchThis is where you practice your techniques and materials before you begin your piece. IB has high standards for technical skills and you should always be practising them.
Studio Finals
You will have approximately 3 weeks to complete each studio final. In this time you should also be thinking about your next final to be developed in your Investigation workbook. You have a wide variety of media available to you. Over the 2 years in IB Art your skills and techniques with media will develop. After each studio final you will photograph it and write a short evaluation to be included in your Visual Arts Journal. The photo of the studio final will also need to be saved for upload at the end of the course.