TEQIP-II/2012/PY1G01/Shopping/26 29-Jun-2012
Sub: Invitation for Quotations for supply of Goods
Dear Sir,
- You are invited to submit your most competitive quotation for the following goods with item wise detailed specifications given at Annexure I,
Sr. No / Brief Description / Quantity / Delivery Period(In days) / Place of Delivery / Installation Requirement (if any)
1 / Computer chair / 143 / 30 / PEC, PUDUCHERRY / required
- Government of India has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme[TEQIP]-Phase II Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to eligible payments under the contract for which this invitation for quotations is issued.
- Quotation,
- The contract shall be for the full quantity as described above.
- Corrections, if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and re writing.
- All duties and other levies payable by the supplier under the contract shall be included in the unit price.
- Applicable taxes shall be quoted separately for all items.
- The prices quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account.
- The Prices should be quoted in Indian Rupees only.
- Each bidder shall submit only one quotation.
- Quotation shall remain valid for a period not less than 55 days after the last date of quotation submission.
- Evaluation of Quotations,
The Purchaser will evaluate and compare the quotations determined to be substantially responsive i.e. which
6.1 are properly signed ; and
6.2 confirm to the terms and conditions, and specifications.
- The Quotations would be evaluated for all items together.
- Award of contract:
The Purchaser will award the contract to the bidder whose quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest evaluated quotation price.
8.1 Notwithstanding the above, the Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations and to cancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of contract.
8.2 The bidder whose bid is accepted will be notified of the award of contract by the Purchaser prior to expiration of the quotation validity period. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in the purchase order.
- Payment shall be made in Indian Rupees as follows:
Delivery and Installation - 0% of total cost
Satisfactory Acceptance - 100% of total cost
- All supplied items are under warranty of 24 months from the date of successful acceptance of items.
- You are requested to provide your offer latest by 15:00 hours on 01-Aug-2012.
- Detailed specifications of the items are at Annexure I.
- Training Clause (if any) NA
- Testing/Installation Clause (if any) Testing required after installation
- Information brochures/ Product catalogue, if any must be accompanied with the quotation clearly indicating the model quoted for.
- In addition to these conditions, terms and conditions specific to Pondicherry Engineering College as attached in Annexure II are to be followed.
- Sealed quotation to be submitted/ delivered at the address mentioned below,
18. We look forward to receiving your quotation and thank you for your interest in this project.
(Authorized Signatory)
Name & Designation
Dr. T. Senthilvelan,
Prof. &Head,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Pondicherry Engineering College,
Annexure I
Sr. No / Item Name / Specifications1 / Computer chair / size: seat height: 48 cm D X 56 cm H seat size 53 cm W X 48 cm D overall dimension 53 cm W X 48 cm D X 86 cm H Normal padded seat & back, foam molded seat, fabric caster hand rest, 20 swg MS Steel base. Design structure; As per diagram
The persons and firms intending to offer rate for supply of laboratory and other articles and equipments for purchases under TEQIP grant should observe the Terms and Conditions given below:
1. / The tenderer should pay Rs. 250/- towards the cost of quotation documents in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Principal, PEC, payable at Puducherry on any of the Nationalized banks.2. / The offer should be mailed in wax-sealed envelopes addressed to “The Head, Dept. ------, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pillaichavady, Puducherry – 605 014” with superscription “Quotation for the supply of equipment for (please mention the along with the package name as well as the Department-TEQIP)”.
3. / Tenders in wax-sealed covers alone will be considered and others will be rejected.
4. / Quotations received after the due date will not be considered. If no quotation is received by the due date, it will be presumed that you have nothing suitable to offer.
5. / Only reputed firms and their authorized agents need to participate in the tender.
6. / Each tenderer should submit only one quotation.
7. / Wherever possible the make should be indicated with detailed specifications. Incomplete details/specifications will be rejected outright. Offer should be made for reputed brands/make. Goods not conforming to our specifications will be rejected outright. Samples / machine/ equipment if called for should be submitted / demonstrated at free of charges, and collected back at the supplier’s expenses.
8. / The tenders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 55 days from the date of opening.
9. / The tenderer withdrawing the tender once submitted will lose the entire E.M.D paid.
10. / Tenders should be submitted for the exact package of items as per specifications asked for. Offer for each item should be given on separate sheets mentioning the serial number in the tender schedule.
11. / The College will not issue form ‘C’/’D’ applicable to Government Departments as per the Central Sales Tax (Registration and Turnover) Rules, 1957 as this Institution being an autonomous Institution.
12. / Firms offering their tenders should not insist upon any condition of their own.
13. / Acceptance of the tender will rest with the Equipment and Purchase Committee, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry which does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reasons. The committee has the power to accept the material of higher cost if they are of reputed make and are as per the specifications.
14. / The decision of the Equipment and Purchase Committee in all matters relating to this tender shall be final and conclusive. In case of any dispute, Pondicherry courts shall have the legal jurisdiction.
15. / The management reserves the right to change above mentioned terms and conditions without any prior notice and reason.
16. / The quotations should be submitted on printed pad with sales tax and other statutory details of the firm. Authorized signatory should sign on all the pages. Bids without authorized signatures will be rejected.
17. / Corrections, if any, shall be made by crossing out, initialing, dating and re writing.
18. / The contract shall be for the full quantity as described in the tender documents.
19. / The order will be based on the actual requirement at the time of ordering.
20. / The warranty period should be clearly mentioned.
21. / The delivery period should be clearly mentioned.
22. / Delay / loss in postal transit or due to any other reasons for the receipt of tender document will not be the responsibility of the college.
23. / If the rates are under D.G.S. &. D, please specify the same clearly enclosing necessary documents.
24. / The whole supply as per order shall have to be completed within the time mentioned in the order failing which the college shall have the right to accept or reject any quantity of goods ordered.
25. / The item offered for supply must be of the most recent series/models incorporating the latest improvements in design.
26. / The manufacturers of the quoted make of the product must be of national / international repute and having ISO certificate.
27. / The institute is not responsible for accidental opening of the covers that are not properly superscripted and sealed before the time scheduled for opening.
28. / The vendor shall not assign or sublet the contract to any other sub-vendor.
29. / The vendors are informed that they should not call the college over phone or contact the college authorities in person. All clarifications can be obtained through E-Mail/FAX/Post. Vendors shall not make attempts to establish unsolicited and un-authorised contact with the college after the opening of the offers and prior to the notification of the award. Any attempt by any vendor to bring any extraneous pressures on the college shall be sufficient reason to disqualify the vendor.
30. / No negotiation is permitted. Hence, tenderers are requested to quote their best possible lowest price.
31. / The rate quoted shall be “FOR destination” at our premises.
32. / The college reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations and to cancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of contract.
33. a) / The Successful tenderer shall also execute an agreement in the prescribed form enclosed on non-judicial stamp papers within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of communication for the due fulfillment of the execution of the supply. Failure to execute the agreement on the part of the successful tenderer or withdrawal of his/her tender after the intimation of acceptance of tender or failure to comply with our order owing to any reason will entail cancellation of the acceptance of tender and the entire E.M.D paid will be forfeited and his/her firm will be blacklisted from participating in any future procurement.
b) / The tenderer should furnish a certificate as worded below in token of acceptance of all the terms and conditions of the tender. Otherwise the tender will not be considered under any circumstances.
“I/We ………………………. the undersigned certify that the terms and conditions as contained in the documents Viz., ‘Terms and Conditions of Tender Notice of Pondicherry Engineering College’ are accepted and that in the event of selection of my/our rates the agreement in the prescribed form will be entered into.
c) / Audited balance sheet and Profit & Loss Account for the preceding three financial years shall be enclosed with the bid as an evidence of the financial requirements.
d) / Notarized affidavit regarding non-blacklisting of your firm by any organization is to be submitted along with tender.
e) / The tenderer should also submit an undertaking as worded below:
I/we have not tampered/modified the quotation forms in any manner. In case, if the same is found to be tampered/modified, I/we understand that my/our quotation will be summarily rejected and full Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) will be forfeited and I/we am/are liable to be banned from doing business with PEC, Puducherry and/or prosecuted.
f) / Relevant literature pertaining to the items quoted with full specifications (and drawing, if any) should be sent along with the Quotations, wherever applicable. Goods shall not be supplied without an official supply order.
g) / The vendor shall submit a copy of licence certificate for manufacture/supply of the item.
h) / Vendor should mention the PAN No. and submit a copy of PAN card.
34. / Each tender should be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit at the rate of 2 ½% of the estimated cost of the equipments and machineries as mentioned in the tender document in the form of Demand Draft drawn on any of the Nationalised Banks. Any other mode of payment will not be accepted.
35. / E.M.D. should be made in favour of ‘The Principal, PEC-TEQIP, payable at Pondicherry.
36. / No interest will be allowed on the E.M.D.
37. / The tenders submitted without requisite E.M.D. will be straightway rejected and no request for exemption will be entertained except from the firms registered as Industrial Co-operative Society/Small Scale Industries with Government of Pondicherry/N.S.I.C./D.G.S. & D as applicable.
38. / The firms registered as Industrial Co-operative Society/Small Scale Industries/ N.S.I.C/ D.G.S.& D for the supply of particular stores proposed to be purchased may at the discretions of the Chairman, Equipment and Purchase Committee, be exempted from the payment of E.M.D. upto the monetary limit to which they are registered. However E.M.D at the rate of 2 ½% should be paid for the balance amount not covered by the monetary limit (i.e for the difference in amount between the total approximate purchase value and the prescribed monetary limit) without fail otherwise the tenders without the requisite E.M.D. will be summarily rejected. Such exemption will not be granted to the Small Scale Units during the period of provisional registration. Photostat copy of the certificate should be furnished along with the tender.
39. / After finalisation of the tenders, the unsuccessful tenderers will get back the entire E.M.D. paid.
40. / The prices quoted should be for metric/SI unit of the equipments/instruments. The unit for which rate is quoted should be clearly mentioned both in figures and words. Any correction in rates shall be attested by the person signing the tender. In case, the figure varies with words whatever is advantageous to the College will be taken into account.
41. / Indicate the cost of basic items and accessories separately with prices of each item.
42. / The prices quoted should be inclusive of charges like packing, freight, insurance, Testing, commissioning and installation of equipment and training etc. but exclusive of sales tax. If the prices are quoted expressing the cost of freight and other charges as ‘EXTRA’ then such quotations will be rejected.
43. / The College is exempted from paying central excise duty and customs duty. Hence, manufacturers and importers are requested to quote competitive rate.
44. / Government of India DGS&D and Government of Pondicherry rate contracts will be placed on par with other tenders.
45. / The discount given to Educational Institution should be clearly mentioned and the same to be extended to our institute.
46. / The firms are required to quote their lowest rates comparable to the rate quoted for other Institutions elsewhere. The quoted rate, if found at a later date to be higher compared to the rates offered to any other Institution, the difference in cost will be liable to be recovered/adjusted from the subsequent payments including security deposit etc., to the supplier firm.
47. / The rate quoted should be on unit basis. Taxes and other charges should be quoted separately, considering exemptions if any.
48. / The rates quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account.
49. / The Prices should be quoted in Indian Rupees only.
50. / No increase in price will be allowed after our firm orders are placed.
51. / The successful tenderer shall furnish security deposit at the rate of 5% of the total value of the rates accepted and communicated including the taxes, for the proper execution of the contract and also for the proper functioning and stability of the machinery installed and the work executed during the guarantee period.52. / The E.M.D. of the successful tenderer will be retained and adjusted towards the said security deposit and the remaining security deposit shall be furnished within ten days from the date of communication of the acceptance of the tender either in cash or in the form of Bank Guarantee. Security deposit once furnished in cash shall not be repayable on the strength of Bank Guarantee subsequently. If the successful tenderer fails to furnish the full security deposit as stipulated under this clause, his/her E.M.D. shall be forfeited in favour of the college, and the contract shall be cancelled.
53. / In case of Bank Guarantee, it shall remain in force for a period sufficient to cover the time required to supply the machinery/execution of the work and also the guarantee period plus a period sufficient to execute the Bank Guarantee, if necessary arises.
54. / The Bank Guarantee shall be renewable for a further period at the sole request of the Principal, Pondicherry Engineering College who shall intimate the bank in writing before the expiry date of the Bank Guarantee.
55. / The security deposit will bear no interest.
56. / The security deposit will be refunded to the tenderer after the proper performance of the contract by the tenderer and after the expiry of the guarantee period for the supply and erection of the equipment and working of the article/equipment, to the entire satisfaction of the Principal. In case of any default in executing the work or in the event of any breach of any of the terms and conditions of the agreement, the Principal, whether with or without rescinding the contract shall have the right to forfeit the entire security deposit besides withholding any sum which may be due at any time from the College to the supplier.
57. / The materials/stores shall be guaranteed for satisfactory performance/working for a specified period of warranty from m the date of supply/commissioning. Any defects notices during this period shall be rectified at free of cost to the satisfaction of the customer. If the damage is more and the item is not functioning properly at the time of installation, then the entire unit must be replaced with a new one.
58. / Whenever additional security deposit is required during the currency of the contract, the supplier should furnish the same within 7 days from the date of receipt of the demand letter either in cash or in the form of Bank Guarantee Bond.
59. /The requirements found in the schedule are only approximate. The tenderer should undertake to supply those requirements in excess or lesser to those specified in the schedule during the currency of the contract, as per the actual requirement of the College.
60. / The order will be placed with the successful tenderer for the supply of items and the tenderer shall supply on receipt of requisition from the College to do so as and when necessary.61. / Articles supplied to this college should be in good quality and the decision of the Principal in this regard is final and binding on the supplier. If the articles supplied are not to the satisfaction and they do not meet the requirements of the College, the same should be removed from the College immediately, at supplier’s own expenses, on receipt of intimation from this college.
62. /
If the supplier fails to remove the rejected stores/items within 30 days at his own risk, the same will be disposed off by public auction or on private sale at the risk of the supplier. The sale proceeds shall after deducting therefrom the cost of the same, be paid to the supplier provided the costs of the same, are in excess of the amount realized by the sale. If there is any shortage, the shortage will be recovered from the contractor.
63. / In case of replacement of the said items by fresh supply after rejection they are also subject to inspection, removal and disposal as aforesaid.64. /
The tenderer shall supply equipments on receipt of indents from the College, irrespective of quantity, placed on him/her during the validity of the rates.
65. /The supply should be made at the supplier’s own risk. Damages and breakages, if found in transit, the articles/equipments thereof should be replaced, otherwise the cost will be deducted from the bill.
66. / No insurance charge will be payable by the College.67. / The Principal reserves the right to consider and accept the offer for any of the items in the enquiry reserving the right to utilize the offer for balance items at a later stage within the validity of offer.
68. / Time is the essence of the contract. If the materials are not supplied/executed within the specified time the security deposit will be forfeited.69. /
The Principal shall be entitled to determine this agreement and discharge the contract, without prejudice to the other rights and remedies available to him.
70. /Sample of stores items shall be produced for inspection by the College. The samples will be returned at the end of the supply.
71. /The tenderer shall carry out the work in accordance with the drawings and specifications agree to as per the contract and if any variation, while executing the work is found necessary by the tenderer, he shall obtain the previous written approval of the Principal.
72. /It is the responsibility of the tenderer to provide all facilities to the workers and officials employed by him to carry out the work, and the College will not pay any amount.
73. /If factory inspection is required, the TA/DA of the officials of the college should be borne by the tenderer.
G. INSTALLATION74. / Installation and demonstration should be done by the tenderer at our premises free of cost.
75. / The articles/equipments should be commissioned and certified to be working satisfactorily by the supplier. After receipt of certificate from the supplier, the College through its authorized representatives reserves the right to make a final inspection of the working of the articles/equipment.
76. / The tenderer shall submit bills in triplicate along with an advanced stamped receipt immediately after execution of the contract for arranging payment. The payment will be made on receipt of said stores items at site in good condition subject to fulfillment of all other terms and conditions of contract.77. / Apart from the amount payable under this contract for the work, the tenderer is not at all entitled for any other amount from the College.
78. / Payment shall be made after executing the contract to the entire satisfaction of the Principal.
79. / Payment will be made in Indian Rupees by cheque after commissioning of the equipment at this College. NO ADVANCE PAYMENT CAN BE MADE AS PER RULES, negotiating documents through bank is not permissible.
80. / Partial payment, if any, will not be entertained till all the equipment/accessories associated with the proper functioning equipment/instrument are found to be working satisfactorily.