130.  Wilson’s 14 Points

Point 1 No more alliances or secret agreemants between nations.

Point 5 No sharing of German colonies among Allies. This would be unfair

Point 8 Alsace and Lorraine to be returned to France

Point 13 Poland is to be made a nation again (from 1795)

Point 14 A League of Nations to be formed. The League would get nations to solve problems by talking not fighting.

131.  National Self determination meant

Copy box 2 in source 36

Collective Security meant

Copy box 1 in source 36

132.  He wanted fair treatment of Germans. BUT he accepted that British public wanted revenge. “Hang the Kaiser”

133.  Orlando wanted Italy to get land, South Tyrol. Italy seen as land grabbers and had done little to help win the war for the Allies.

134.  Hall of Mirrors, Palace of Versailles, Paris

135.  To humiliate the Germans because it was where the Germans made the French give away Alsace Lorraine to the Germans in 1871

136.  28th June 1919

137.  The terms of the Treaty of Versailles – How the Germans were dealt with by the Allied nations. The Germans were not allowed to have any discussion of the terms.

Alsace Lorraine





Artillery, tanks conscription

Submarines battleships

£6.6 billion (£6,000,000,000)

League of Nations

138.  Complete the map of Europe


a.  Yugoslavia

b.  Czechoslovakia

c.  Poland

d.  Lithuania

e.  Estonia

f.  Latvia

g.  Finland

h.  Austria

i.  Hungary


140.  GERMAN

a.  Hated it because they were told what to do with no chance to discuss it. They called it a dictated peace – DIKTAT

b.  Told to disarm – no navy, airforce, only small army

c.  Told to give up Alsace lorraine, colonies, Polish Corridor

d.  Told to pay huge reparation bill

e.  Told could not join League of Nations. Therefore Germans feel excluded and unsafe.

f.  Clause 231 – Germany must take the blame for the war.

141.  FRENCH

T of V not harsh enough

Wanted the 4 R’s

·  Revenge – for 1870 and 1914 - 1918

·  Ruin of Germany so it could never threaten France again

·  Reparations – payment not big enough

·  Restore – rebuild damage done to Alsace – Lorraine


Treaty is fair

·  No German navy is good

·  Big payment for damage is good

BUT Treaty was severe because

·  Not good to make Germany a weak economy

·  French have control of German coal, iron and steel in Rhineland

·  Germany not the only one to blame for starting the war.


Condemned treaty because

·  It would be bad for business to have a weak Germany

·  Undemocratic way the Treaty was created.

143.  USA was the richest and strongest country in the world

144.  Cartoonist wants to show that the US government does not want to support the League of Nations even though it was the US President’s idea. The keystone is missing so the “bridge” (The League of Nations) is weak

145.  The message is: The Peace treaty will be the cause of another war in 20 years time: “The 1940’s child”. He is crying because he will have to be a soldier in about 20 years.

146.  Words used like – “disgraceful treaty”…..”Vengeance German Nation”

Design used – border is in mourning black

147.  If a member nation was attacked other members should help.

The League of Nations


Russians were Communists and Germans were “uncivilised”

USA scared of getting involved in European problems and another war.



Council of the League

GB, France, Italy, Japan, Germany (1926 to 1933)

148.  Sanctions

Moral – please stop, we disapprove of you being aggressive

Economic – ban trading with aggressive nation

Military – a League armed force made up from member nations

Countries were reluctant to send more young men to fight again so soon after the war.

USA was the strongest and richest country in the world

149.  refugees ………slave trade.

