Monitoring Tool
Healthy Schools Certification Connection - Step 4: Develop an Action Plan
Healthy Schools Certification Connection - Step 5: Take Action and Monitor Progress
Healthy Schools Certification Connection - Step 6: Celebrate and Reflect
How do I use this tool?
The point of the monitoring tool is to keep you on track towards achieving your school team’s vision of a healthy school. It can (and should!) be updated and revised throughout the school year to help your school team assess the impact of your actions and strategies. You want to ensure that the activities in your Action Plan (Step 4) are being implemented (Step 5) and are achieving their intended impact in the school and school community. While Step 5 is dedicated to monitoring your progress (tracking meetings, making sure your activities are meeting the Foundations for a Healthy Schoolsareas, communication, etc.), you can use this tool throughout the entire 6-Step Healthy Schools Process to help keep you on track and to hold you accountable. Monitoring and evaluating can help you see: What are we planning? What actually happened? Did it work? And that will help you plan in the future.
While it is important to monitor the Action Plan that you developed in Step 4 and to keep track of everything carried out to reach Step 6, Celebration and Recognition, we’ve created this tool to help you keep track of what your Healthy Schools Team is doing from start - actually establishing your team - to finish - celebrating your accomplishments. We’ve also incorporated space for you to set targets (e.g. the number of students to include on your team, the number of needs or assets to identify) and track your progress towards meeting your set targets. These targets are up to you and are determined by what your school team (and school community) consider to show success! They are to guide your team.
Monitoring Tool
Step 1: Establish your School Team / Target(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the Reporting Requirement?
(check yes/no)
Who is on your team? (e.g. students, teachers, parents) / (e.g. number of students, # of new parents included) / Roles and responsibilities / Guiding Document
Public Health contact: / (Public Health Nurse Name) / Mechanism for communication
Best method of communication: / (e.g. Email, Google doc) / Student engagement
Step 2: Assess your School Community Needs and Assets / Target
(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the required evidence?
(check yes/no)
List your needs:
- With whom did we engage to determine needs?
(e.g. # of people involved)
Monitoring Tool
- Who collected the data:
- Who does the data represent:
(e.g. will have data representing at least # different groups)
List your assets:
- With whom did we engage to determine assets?
- Who collected the data:
- Who does the data represent:
(e.g. # of people involved)
(e.g. will have data collected from at least # different groups)
(e.g. will have data representing at least # different groups) / None required for this step
Monitoring Tool
Our needs and assets inventory provided us the evidence we needed to determine what our priority health topic should be for the yearYes
If not, consider reviewing what has been collected or collect additional information to determine your priority health topic. / (e.g. a clear priority health topic is identified)
Step 3: Identify your Priority Health Topic / Target
(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the required evidence?
(check yes/no)
Our priority health topic for 2016/17 HS Certification:
Physical Activity
Healthy Eating
Personal Safety and Injury Prevention
Growth and Development
Mental Health
Substance Use, Addictions, and Related Behaviours / None required for this step
We used our needs and assets inventory to select our priority health topic:
If not, consider reviewing what has been collected or collect additional information to determine your priority health topic. / (e.g. a clear priority health topic is identified based on the information from Step 2)
Monitoring Tool
The priority health topic was chosen in collaboration with (check which ones):Students
School staff
Public health
Community partners / (e.g. engage with at least one member from each group to determine your priority health topic) / None required for this step
Step 4: Develop an Action Plan / Target
(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the required evidence?
(check yes/no)
Name of activity:
Describe the activity:
(How does your activity match your priority health topic? Does the activity consider other health topics? How does your activity take into account the Foundations for a Healthy School resource?)
Types of policies addressed by the Action Plan: / (e.g. will address at least # policies) / None required for this step
Monitoring Tool
Who participated in/helped to prepare the action plan?Where did the activity/activities take place? / (e.g. will reach at least # students, # staff, and # community members)
(e.g. activities will take place in at least # settings)
Step 5: Take Action and Monitor Progress / Target
(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the required evidence?
(check yes/no)
Frequency of team meetings:
How do our activities related to our chosen health topic address any of the areas of the Foundations for a Healthy School? (Describe) / (e.g. our team will meet at least # times a month to monitor our progress)
(e.g. our activities will address at least # of the five areas, our activities will address all five of the areas) / Examples of how the action plan met the Foundations for a Healthy School resource:
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
Student Engagement
School and Classroom Leadership
Monitoring Tool
How does our action plan address other health topics? (Describe) / (e.g. our activities will address at least # other health topics, our activities will address all five other health topics) / Social and Physical EnvironmentsHome, School and Community Partnerships
With whom did we communicate our activities? / (e.g. we will communicate all activities at least 3 days/weeks in advance, we will communicate our activities in at least 3 ways) / Sample Communication
Who did we reach with our activities? / (e.g. we will reach # students, # staff, and # community members)
Who was engaged in the implementation of our activities? / (e.g. we will engage # students, # staff, and # community members)
Monitoring Tool
Were students provided with the opportunity to take a leadership role?Yes
If no, reflect on how you could increase student leadership while running future activities. / (e.g. students were in a leadership role all the time, a majority of the time, infrequently, never)
We have re-assessed our Action Plan to make sure that we are meeting our intended goals and achieving what we set out to do?
Step 6: Celebrate and Reflect / Target
(examples are provided but you are encouraged to create your own) / Progress / Did you upload the required evidence?
(check yes/no)
Who did we celebrate and recognize?
School Staff
Parents/ Family
Public Health
Community Partners / (e.g. we will recognize the individual achievements of each team member) / Examples of appreciation for each audience that was celebrated:
School Staff
Parents/ Family
Public Health
Community Partners
Monitoring Tool
How often do we celebrate? (this can be incorporated into the same tables as for meetings, below) / (e.g. we will celebrate at least every activity/ meeting/month/ week) / Evidence of a celebration eventDate(s) of meeting to reflect on Healthy Schools experience: / (e.g. we will meet at least # day(s) to reflect individually/ collectively)
Who was included in the reflection?
School Staff
Parents/ Family
Public Health
Community Partners / (e.g. we will engage all team members in the reflection process, we will engage people outside the school team including # students # admin, # staff, # community partners)
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