Terms of Reference
for design engineering, production and supply of
plastic containers with drop-on plastic lids
By Customer:______Dmitry Pogrebinsky
General Director, Joint Stock Company Firm CV PROTEK
Stamp here / By Contractor:
______(full name of GD)
General Director ______
Stamp here
Contents Directory
1. General information and notice: 3
1.1 Environment of articles application 3
1.3 Compatibility with articles in use 4
2. Description of articles 4
2.1 Item 1.1: Small Tote 4
2.2 Item 1.2: Big Tote 7
2.3 Item 2: Inscriptions on the tote 9
2.4 Item 3: the lid 11
2.5 Item 4: Lid inscription 14
2.6 Items 5 and 6: bar-code labels 15
2.6.1 Item 5: 16
2.6.2 Item 6: 17
3. Delivery 17
3.1 Location of delivery 17
3.2 Terms and conditions of delivery 17
4. Terms and conditions of acceptance 17
4.1 Testing of articles 18
4.2 Acceptance of articles 18
4.3 Lifetime and warranties 18
Appendix to the Terms of Reference 19
1. Routine laboratory tests for polymeric boxes 19
2. Methods to trial the lid rigidity at bending 19
1. General information and notice:
The Customer wants to receive for own use plastic totes and drop-on lids (Item 1 and Item 2) with Customer logo/info engravings (Item 3 and Item 4) and bar-code labels on the totes (Item 5 and Item 6).
Item 2 and Item 4 shall be integral elements of the surface of containers and lids and have been singled out to estimate their price of production. Item 5 and Item 6 shall be integral elements of totes and labeled upon their production.
Supply within 2 stages:
Small totes / Big totes / Lids / Date of deliveryStage 1 / 45,000 / 15,000 / 60,000 / September 01, 2017
Stage 2 / 45,000 / - / 45,000 / March 01, 2018
TOTAL / 90,000 / 15,000 / 105,000
The articles shall be unless otherwise specified herein in accordance with requirements by standard GOST 51289-99
1.1 Environment of articles application
The plastic totes will be used as containers to pick, consolidate ship and deliver customer orders across the logistical chain WAREHOUSE – TRANSPORTATION – DELIVERY – CUSTOMER/PHARMACY. The following general specifications of such logistical chain imply a special focus from the side of contractor to every link to take into consideration for identification of material or engineering of the shape of such tote or lid.
The WAREHOUSE: the totes shall be used to put into pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical goods. A picker puts the goods into totes by hand and each package close to another, any free space is filled with a filler to avoid any loose movements inside the tote. Design and surface of container and lid shall provide for safe delivery to customers without any damage of goods.
Inside the warehouse the totes will be processed by hand or automatic systems.
Manual operations: the totes will be stacked for their temporary storage or conveying on pallets across the warehouse by forklifts or taken from one place and put into another one by one or stack by stack, also the stacks of totes and lids are put/loaded into destacking machines and fed into conveying system. Manual operations with the totes may be conducted on the run, i.e. some weak or stronger bumping with the concrete surface of the floor or metal constructions of the conveying system and so occur from time to time.
Conveying system: the totes will be propelled along roller-track or belt conveyor lines, therefore special attentions should be external bottom surface. The totes may not stall or slip or curl on the rolls or ascending or descending line.
TRANSPORTATION-DELIVERY: upon the picking the totes are conveyed throughout the warehouse towards lidding and address insertion machines (LAI) for subsequent strapping one by one across their long side. The operator at the shipping area will stack the lidded totes to load them into trucks. The truck-driver will take all precautions to fill the inside of the truck with the totes to avoid any strong bumping against metal surface or free fall during the trip, however minor bumping or collisions are always possible and taken into account. However, cracks or fractures frequently occurring with the totes shall not be acceptable. We admit that such damage of totes and lids may occur from time to time but their frequency may not be over 1% a year.
CUSTOMER-PHARMACY: upon delivery to pharmacy the totes are handed over to the customer by hand, they may be exposed for a while on open space to any environment conditions without shelter. Penetration of any environmental precipitations, dust or soil from any way. Every tote will be lidded and strapped to keep the goods safe. Also, the quality of the cross strapped lid, its material and structure should prevent from any unauthorized access to the contents. The strapped lid across short side may not bend over 4 cm if pulled by pressure of 5 kg in the middle of short side edge. Elasticity of lid should be the same across the whole production and conform to the trial lids or otherwise it may be challenged according to the methods described in Appendix 2.
General temperature range for conditions of use of the containers will be: +2 …+25° С.
It is admitted that during short periods of time (approximately 2 times per day within 30 minutes) the containers will be under temperature conditions within -50 … +50° С, including staying under direct sun rays.
Empty totes will be washed and dried from time to time under conditions of +90° С in automatic washing machine.
1.3 Compatibility with articles in use
The Customer will provide the Contractor with articles – tote and lid – to ensure their compatibility with the new articles.
Compatibility of the articles in use and new articles in terms of their general dimensions will be important for their common use. Their external dimensions should be similar and allow for their mixing and mixed stacking and seamless processing in the automatic stacking and destacking equipment.
Minor differences upon the Customer’s approval will be tolerated. For more details the Contractor may see personally all technological processes of article application.
Notice: the samples that are supposed to be provided have been produced of primary polypropylene used under ТУ 2211-136-05766801-2006 updated 1-13, ПИ1.
2. Description of articles
2.1 Item 1.1: Small Tote
Returnable nestable container with dimensions 600х400х172 mm.
Material: primary polypropylene.
Color: Ral 7045 (ultimate color shall be specified and approved on the base of manufacturer’s color array).
Maximum useful volume of tote under lid will be 30 liters.
Operational carrying load will be 10 kg. Maximum tote load bearing capacity will be at least 20 kg. A tote turned over upside down should endure the weight pressure of a standing adult, approximately 75-85 kg.
Deflection of bottom under maximum load may within 3% of bottom diagonal line.
Warp distortion of an empty tote may be within 5 mm, preferable close touch between tote bottom and surface across the whole perimeter.
Permissible tolerance: external dimensions may tolerate "- 5" mm, other dimensions may be: max ± 5.3 mm (preference to close proximity to sample). Tote weight may not be over 1.5 kg.
The inside surface of the tote should be smooth and even, without expressed buckle or any protrusion that may cause any damage to the goods or their packing if under condensation or pressure.
Stack height will be estimated according to the following formula: L=172+((n-1)x50)
20 tote stack height: 172+((20-1)x50)=1123 mm =1,12 m
10 tote stack:
Shifting allowance for stack of totes:
20 tote stack vertical shifting allowance may be within 20 mm.
The new totes in the stack should be compatible with the existing totes in use. Handle shape cavities on each side are mandatory.
Tote long side label window, Item 5
Label window on both long sides of tote will be approximately 61-63 x 46-48 mm and designed for label size 60х45 mm (see Item 5). Label window will be 1 mm recessed against surface level to keep it safe and undamaged. Every label should be within the window borders only. Label will be set on longer side of tote, label’s left side will be 20 mm to the left of tote central axis, label’s lower side will be 40 mm up from tote’s bottom edge.
Fig.: Label window on the longer side of tote.
Larger window will be allowed, however the label spot should be marked with lines for convenience of manual labeling.
Tote short side label window, Item 6
Label window on both short sides of tote will be about 67-100 x 21-27 mm and designed for label size 65x19 mm (see Item 6). Label window will be set onto of tote stacking skirt and 1 mm recessed against the surface level to avoid any damage of the label. The window label will be slightly shifted down to avoid being covered by lid.
Fig.: Tote short side label window
2.2 Item 1.2: Big Tote
Returnable nestable container with dimensions 600х400х272 mm.
Material: primary polypropylene.
Color: Ral 7045 (ultimate color shall be specified and approved on the base of manufacturer’s color array).
Maximum useful volume of tote under lid will be 47 liters.
Operational carrying load will be 10 kg. Maximum tote load bearing capacity will be at least 20 kg. A tote turned over upside down should endure the weight pressure of a standing adult, approximately 75-85 kg.
Deflection of bottom under maximum load may within 3% of bottom diagonal line.
Warp distortion of an empty tote may be within 5 mm, preferable close touch between tote bottom and underlying surface across the whole perimeter.
Permissible tolerance: external dimensions may tolerate "- 5" mm, other dimensions may be: max ± 5.3 mm (in case of any controversy preference will be to close proximity to sample). Tote weight may not be over 2 kg.
The inside surface of the tote should be smooth and even, without expressed buckle or any protrusion that may cause any damage of goods or their package if under condensation or pressure.
Stack height will be estimated according to the following formula: L=272+((n-1)x65)
20 totes stack height: 272+((20-1)x65)=1507 mm»1.5 m
10 tote stack:
Shifting allowance for stack of totes:
20 tote stack vertical shifting allowance may be within 20 mm.
The new totes in the stack should be compatible with the existing totes in use. Handle shape cavities on each side are mandatory.
Tote long side label window, Item 5
Label window on both long sides of tote will be approximately 61-63 x 46-48 mm and designed for label size 60х45 mm (see Item 5). Label window will be 1 mm recessed against surface level to keep it safe and undamaged. Every label should be within the window borders only. Label will be set on longer side of tote, label’s left side will be 20 mm to the left of tote central axis, label’s lower side will be 40 mm up from tote’s bottom edge.
Larger window will be allowed, however the label spot should be marked with lines for convenience of manual labeling.
Tote short side label window, Item 6
Label window on both short sides of tote will be about 67-100 x 21-27 mm and designed for label size 65x19 mm (see Item 6). Label window will be set onto of tote stacking skirt and 1 mm recessed against the surface level to avoid any damage of the label. The window label will be slightly shifted down to avoid being covered by lid.
2.3 Item 2: Inscriptions on the tote
The inscriptions on short sides of tote will be embossed with texture ‘river sand’ or similar. Principal requirement: clear and readable vision of logo and the text. Preferred but not demanded feature will be inscription highlighting with paint. The inscriptions overall dimensions allowance and location allowance may be ± 3 mm. Location and dimensions:
Lidded small tote view:
Lidded big tote view
Amended design of inscription may be allowed upon the Customer’s approval.
2.4 Item 3: the lid
Drop-on lid with external dimensions: 610 x 410 x 29 mm.
Material: primary polypropylene.
Weight: approximately 1000 g.
Color: RAL 7045. Acceptable color tolerance ∆Е will be within 3.
Permissible variation: length and width – “+0/-5.0 mm”, other sizes: max “± 5.3 mm”. Weight of article should be reduced along with observation of its durability requirement.
Canoe shape warping distortion upward at the edges of lid will not be permitted, when the levels point B and point C are higher than point A (on any edge point). Deviation of point B and point C lower than level of point A may be within 3 mm.