Boston University School of Medicine – Master of Science in Healthcare Emergency Management
The Master of Science in Healthcare Emergency Management (HEM) at Boston University School of Medicine prepares individuals to work across the spectrum of emergency and crisis management. It provides a learning environment with experience in multiple areas of biomedical sciences and health care.
Students are prepared for employment in disaster and crisis management in government and private sector emergency management, such as:
· Biomedical Facilities
· Emergency Departments
· Medical Examiners Offices
· Law Firms
· Hospital Pharmaceutical Laboratories
· Hospitals
· Academic Institutions
Boston University School of Medicine uses web-based conferencing software to enable students and instructors from all over the world to attend the lectures. Attendees can both see and hear each other, thereby empowering constructive interaction. Students have the option to earn their degree in-person or virtually in real-time.
There are 36 required credits that can be completed in either one year full-time or two years part-time.
GMS BC600 Physics of Natural and Man-made Hazards (3)
GMS BC610 Medical Consequences of Natural and Man-made Hazards (3)
GMS BC620 Psychology & Sociology of Disasters and Methods of Risk Communication (3)
GMS BC630 Ethical & Policy Issues in Health and Medical Services and EM (3)
GMS BC640 Experimental Design and Statistics (2)
GMS BC650 Community Health and Emergency Management (3)
GMS BC700 The Disaster Life Cycle (3)
GMS BC710 Methods and Practices of Incident Command (3)
GMS BC730 Principles, Methods, and Practices of Modeling and Simulation (3)
GMS BC971 Research Practicum and Thesis I – Designing Crisis Management Research (2)
GMS BC 972 Research Practicum and Thesis II – Conducting Crisis Management Research (2)
Boston University as a whole is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Boston University School of Medicine is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education of the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association.
For more information:
Contact: Patty Jones
650 Albany Street, X-140
Boston, MA 02118
Phone: (617) 414-2315
Additional information:
Update: 7/16/2015
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