California Lutheran University
Online Course Evaluation Team
Date and Location: Wednesday, October 15, 2008
President’s Conference Room
Time: 1:30 p.m.– 2:30 p.m.
Attendees:Jillian Benson, Julius Bianchi, Karissa Faulconer, Bruce Gillies, Herb Gooch, Halyna Kornuta, Melinda Wright
Regrets:Cathy Alexander, Patrick Schmidt, Maria Kohnke, Ron Hagler, Michael Graham, Edward Julius, Myungsook Klassen, Sean Kreychik
- Pilot Review and Discussion
- Response rates and comparisons
- Karissa showed charts that were posted on the Assessment website of the percentages of returns and responses.
- Faculty/director feedback
- Survey in process
- One item was to respond to the edited comments
- Bruce said his faculty would prefer un-edited comments
- Jillian mentioned edited comments because of a past event
- Karissa is sending out a reminder email today (10/15/08) for the faculty to complete the survey
- Student Responses
- New link on the Assessment website
- Student technical concerns
- Were sent out to Sean, Patrick and Michael to attend to.
- Halyna may have to meet with them separately to go over those.
- CourseEval contract
- Think about cost and compare
- Don’t have much to compare to
- A few thousand each semester just to pay for printing. That does not include reams of paper for running reports or pay for workers to stuff and enter the data.
- We should put a high value on CoursEval because of the quick turn-around
- Julius: set up is 7500, 2400 hosted, annual for software=6000, 2400 hosting, first year is 9900
- CoursEval is for unlimited surveys\evaluations
- Herb asked if it would make sense to develop this “in house” Julius disagrees
- Over the summer we were given a pilot for free
- Sean=involvement will be minimal now that he has made sure the system works with LDAP.
- Patrick: will be working with Provost to make sure the data is cleaned up. Karissa said working with him on this has been smoother than over the summer
- Difficulty with 15 week courses will be with the cross-listed classes
- AA Will meet with Maria to find out what to do with these courses
- Support from Academic Affairs
- Julius asked about the work load compared to paper and pencil
- Jillian mentioned how they are still getting calls about past evaluations and why they were not received
- A few log in troubles but did not hear from very many faculty about this. Karissa thinks Julius’ slides helped.
- Karissa: emails are already done, just need to change the dates.
- Halyna: need to work on the wording over time. Can cut back, the only ones who would need the wordy emails would be the freshmen or new students.
- Karissa mentioned Julius making a video for students like the faculty one
- Big concern: response rate
- Set up labs
- Set up old computers in labs temporarily so students can complete
- Faculty want some level of control
- Example: Students taking the evaluations at the same time and place like they do with the paper and pencil evaluations
- Halyna has heard that some students have held group discussions about what to put on evaluations
- Can be standardized and positive
- Although, sometimes in this situation students are “influenced” by the negative people and tend to write negative comments
- Halyna thinks it would be a great research project. Ex: positive to negative comments
- Herb suggested that the response ratemight go down if they are doing them on their own opposed to as a group
- Another thought is that the students filling out evaluations on own are going to be motivated to do it because they have negative comments to say
- Jillian thinks it will bring more positive comments if she is doing it on her own
- Herb: key is instructors
- Need to get them to help, especially adjunct
- Problem: Adjunct do not always use their CLU email
- Julius mentioned adding something to their contract that explains the evaluations
- Problem is with a time gap from beginning of semester when they get contract to the end of the semester when the evaluations go out
- Suggestions to get faculty involved
- Talk about at a faculty\chair meetings
- Faculty forum
- Address issues
- Herb: Encourage faculty to put something on the web(example: WebCT, ERES) that goes to the survey
- Add in syllabi
- Academic Affairs created a syllabus template for CoursEval
- Academic Affairs is going to send it to Bruce
- Students feel that no one looks at evaluations
- Herb: Go to Echo and have them make an article about CoursEval
- Really need to get communication out there
- Get student council involved
- RA events
- Difficulty: can’t withhold grades or anything like that
- Team Recommendation toProvost
- Leanne has been informed, need to have an official approval
- Recommendation to move forward with CoursEval: Yes
- Consensus was to move forward (everyone at meeting said yes)
- Future Projects
- Has unlimited survey capabilities
- Look at procedure to use
- Example: Flashlight
- Has a procedure and people on campus who can help
- Students use a lot
- Jillian thinks we should keep Flashlight
- Does CoursEval have the option for people to only see their department?
- Example: when you log on to Flashlight you can only see what you have access for.
- Faculty: interested to look at questions for ART
- Change one question at a time to ease students and faculty in to the changes
- For the pilot questions were added that questioned the process of online evaluations. This could be done for the departments too.
- Would be worthwhile to see how other people\institutions use CoursEval to their benefit
- Another conversation for ART (Herb) and TLC (Julius): can we take out older data and import to CoursEval.
- Example: Program Review
- What about courses with less than 5 students?
- Right now classes with less than 5 do not get evaluated
- Example: music, practicum
- Next Meeting Agenda