CPD in regulatory changes for construction professionals
Thursday 19 & Thursday 26 November 2015, 2-5pm
This event, in two parts, is to update architects and design team professionals about recent legislative changes that impact on the design, construction and delivery of housing. Practitioners who attend will receive a detailed briefing from senior professionals and academics working directly in these specialist areas.
Part 1 focuses on Building Control, certification, litigation and contract.
Part 2 deals with Planning, regeneration, energy and sustainability.
Thursday 19 November
BCMS, Multi-unit Housing under Building Control (Amendment) Regulations Mairead Phelan, Local Government Management Agency, Programme Manager for Building Control Management System (BCMS)
Costs and certification of multi-unit housing under BC(A)R
Maoilíosa Reynolds BArch Dip PM MUBCons MRIAI RIBA architect and speaker at the recent Dublin Economics Workshop on BC(A)R costs.
Caselaw update for construction professionals
Deirdre Ni Fhloinn, Construction Law Solicitor, TCD PhD candidate- Legal Remedies for Defective Housing
Dealing with disputes and payments under the Construction Contracts Act
Martin Waldron BL, Accredited Adjudicator and Mediator, Law Library
Cost€95- per afternoon (3 hours structured CPD)
Venue UCD Sutherland School of Law, Belfield, Dublin 4, map at:
(building 73)
BookingPlaces are limited so early booking is advisable, book online at:
Further information about upcoming UCD CPD events at:
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy“REGULATING HOUSING- Part 2” /
CPD in regulatory changes for construction professionals
Thursday 19 & Thursday 26 November 2015, 2-5pm
This event, in two parts, is to update architects and design team professionals about recent legislative changes that impact on the design, construction and delivery of housing. Practitioners who attend will receive a detailed briefing from senior professionals and academics working directly in these specialist areas.
Part 1 focuses on Building Control, certification, litigation and contract.
Part 2 deals with Planning, regeneration, energy and sustainability.
Thursday 26 November
Social & Affordable Housing, Part V, & Urban Regeneration & Housing Act Declan Redmond, Lecturer in Housing, Planning and Sustainability, UCD School of Architecture Planning & Environmental Policy
Urban regeneration including the implications of the Vacant Sites Levy
Kieran Rose, Senior Planner, Property, Enterprise & Economic Development Department, Dublin City Council
Evaluating Housing Energy Performance- from Part L to near Zero
Vivienne Brophy, Director UCD Energy Research Group, UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy.
Speaker TBC
Cost€95- per afternoon (3 hours structured CPD)
Venue UCD Sutherland School of Law, Belfield, Dublin 4, map at:
(building 73)
BookingPlaces are limited so early booking is advisable, book online at:
Further information about upcoming UCD CPD events at: