3325 Human Rights and Democracy

Program Offering:

·  Interdisciplinary Minor in Human Rights and Democracy

This programoffers students an avenue to take advantage of the rich offerings in the areas of human rights and democracy available across several departments in the College of Arts and Science. The minor addresses the needs of students interested in a multidisciplinary, non-traditional introduction to issues and skills surrounding human rights and democracy.

Minor Coordinator: Ryan Carlin ()

Program Admission

A 2.0 Georgia State University GPA is required to apply to the program. Application materials can be obtained from the Office of Academic Assistance (see below). Students should apply to the program by the time they have earned 42 credit hours to avoid a delay in graduation.

Academic Advisement for Undergraduate Students

Academic advisement for undergraduate students is provided through the University Advisement Center (freshman through junior status/fewer than 90 hours) and the college’s Office of Academic Assistance (senior status/90 or more hours). Seesection 3040for additional information.

Program Degree Requirements

Please refer to The Interdisciplinary Minor section 3030.40 of the course catalog for academic regulations for this program.

In addition to the Program Degree Requirements, students must fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements (see section 3030) and the University Degree Requirements (see section 1400).

Students who wish to minor in Human Rights and Democracy should choose courses in consultation with faculty advisor. This minor is open to all students. A few courses in this program have prerequisites.

Area H:

No more than two 3-4 credit hour courses (6-8 hours) can be taken within a single discipline. All courses must be at the 3000-4000 levels. Students must take at least 2 courses from the Foundations area, and at least 1 no more than 2 from each of the following thematic areas: Mass Atrocities, Genocide and the Holocaust; Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution; area, and no more than 2 from the Identity Perspectives area. Other related 3000- or 4000-level courses (in any college) may be approved in advance by the faculty advisor. No courses will be approved after a student has enrolled in the course. (* Denotes course with prerequisites)

1.  Foundations (6-7)
Choose twocourses from the following:

o  AAS 4550Activism and the Black Freedom Movement (3)

o  AAS 4600/HIST 4280Enslavement and Resistance in North America (3)

o  AAS 4620/HIST 4290Enslavement and Resistance in the Americas (3)

o  ANTH 3033The Anthropology of Violence (3)*

o  ANTH 4370Forensic Anthropology (3)*

o  HIST 3540Film and the Holocaust (4)

o  HIST 3900Human Rights in Historical Perspective (4)

o  HIST 4640The Holocaust (3)

o  POLS 4131Civil Liberties and Rights (3)

o  POLS 4205Comparative Democratization (3)

o  POLS 4220Comparative Legal Systems and Politics (3)

o  POLS 4420International Law (3)

o  POLS 4427Politics of International Human Rights (3)

o  POLS 4520Theories on Democracy (3)

o  PSYC 4650Special Topics (Study Abroad: Human Rights in Argentina)(3)*

o  RELS 4030Introduction to Human Rights (3)

o  SPAN 3395Special Topics (Study Abroad: Human Rights, Historical Memory, and Democracy in Spain) (3)

2.  Mass Atrocities, Genocide and The Holocaust (3-4)
Choose one course from the following:

o  ANTH 4370Forensic Anthropology (3)*

o  ENGL 3940Postcolonial Literature (3)*

o  FORL 3300/GRMN 4414/FREN 4414/SPAN 4480Society in World Literature and Culture (Topic: Representing the Holocaust) (3)

o  GRMN 4413Introduction to German Film (Topic: German Film Studies from Weimar to Global Cinema) (3)*

o  GRMN 4422Contemporary Germany – Civilization 1871 to Today (3)*

o  GEOG 4760Cultural Geography (3)*

o  GEOG 4778Political Geography (3)

o  GLOS 3500Culture and Change in Africa (3)

o  GLOS 4211Psychology of Terrorism (3)

o  HIST 3540Film and the Holocaust (4)

o  HIST 3680Modern Jewish History (3-4)

o  HIST 4430American Jewish History (4)

o  HON 3260Trauma And Memory In Post-Dictatorship Argentina

o  JST 3000/MES 3710Introduction to Jewish Studies (3)

o  SPAN 3395Study Abroad (Topic: Human Rights in Argentina) (3)

3.  Social Conflict and Conflict Resolution (3-47)
Choose one no more than two courses from the following:

o  AAS 4180/POLS 4157Politics of the Civil Rights Movement (3)

4.  AAS 4180 Politics of the Civil Rights Movement (crosslisted POLS 4157) (3)

5.  AAS 4750 African-American Ethical and Legal Issues* (crosslisted PHIL 4855) (3)

o  ANTH 4114Language and Social Justice (3)

o  CRJU 4040Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (3)

o  ENGL 3900Irish Literature (Topic: Conflict Resolution) (3)*

o  ENGL 3350Literature and War (3)

o  ENGL 3945Literature and Global Conflict (3)*

o  FORL 3300/ENGL 3800/GRMN 4414/SPAN 4480/FREN 4414special topic (Representations of the Holocaust in Literature and Film) (3)

6.  GEOG 4774 Contemporary Urban Theory and Issues (3)

o  GEOG 4778Political Geography (3)

o  GLOS 3500Culture and Change in Africa (3)

o  GLOS 4211Psychology of Terrorism (3)

o  GRMN 4413Introduction to German Film (Topic: German Film Studies from Weimar to Global Cinema) (3)*

o  GRMN 4422Contemporary Germany – Civilization 1871 to Today (3)*

o  HON 3260Trauma And Memory In Post-Dictatorship Argentina

o  HIST 4855Transnational Social Movements in Historical Perspective (4)

o  MES 4210/POLS 4260] Politics of the Middle East And North Africa (3)

o  MES 4230/POLS 4952Model Arab League (3)*

o  PHIL 3855Topics in Political Theory (3)

o  PHIL 4750Topics in Ethics (3)*

o  PHIL 4700Ethics (3)*

o  PHIL 4800Social and Political Philosophy (3)*

o  PHIL 4820 Philosophy of Law* (3)

o  PHIL 4855African-American Ethical and Legal Issues (3)*

o  POLS 3200Comparative Politics (3)

o  POLS 4130American Constitutional Law (3)

o  POLS 4215/GLOS 4215Politics of Peace (3)

o  POLS 4220Comparative Legal Systems and Politics (3)

o  POLS 4422NGOs and World Politics (3)

o  POLS 4250Latin American Politics (3)

o  POLS 4258Government and Politics of South Asia (3)

o  POLS 4421International Organizations (3)*

o  POLS 4422NGOs and World Politics (3)

o  POLS 4425Politics of International Criminal Justice (3)

o  POLS 4424Regional Organization Simulation [Model Arab League] (3)

o  POLS 4426International Organization Simulation [Model United Nations] (3)

o  POLS 4900Special Topics (Ethical Concerns In World Politics) (3)*

o  POLS 4900Special Topics (The United States and Latin American in World Politics) (3)

o  POLS 4951Model United Nations (3)

o  PSYC 4800Seminar-CTW (Topic: Psychology and Social Justice) (3)*

o  RELS 4650Religion and Ethics (3)

o  RELS 4680War, Peace and Religion (3)

o  SOCI 3201Wealth, Power, and Inequality (3)

o  SOCI 3220Activism, Protest and Revolution (3)

o  SOCI 4366Law and Society (3)

o  SPAN 3395Study Abroad (Topic: Human Rights in Argentina) (3)

o  WGSS 4760Activism: History And Theory (3)*

7.  Identity Perspectives (3-74)
Choose one no more than two courses from the following:

o  AAS 3050/PSYC 3520Introduction to African American Psychology (3)*

8.  AAS 4080 African-American Female Activism (3)

o  AAS 4160/POLS 4165African-American Politics (3)

o  AAS 4125/WGSS 4750Black Feminist Thought (3)

o  AAS 4970/PSYC 3901Study Abroad (Tanzania: History, Modern Culture and the Psychology of Skin Bleaching) (3)

o  AAS 4975Race, Class and Gender in Contemporary South Africa (3)

o  ANTH 4420/WGSS 4210Gender and Power in Ethnographic Perspective (3)*

o  ENGL 3920Southern Literature (focus: Cherokee literature) (3)*

o  ENGL 3940Postcolonial Literature (3)*

o  ENGL 3950African American Literature (3)*

o  ENGL 3960African American Women’s Writings (3)*

o  ENGL 3965African Literature (3)*

o  ENGL 3970Caribbean Literature (3)*

9.  ENGL 4000 Jewish Literature* (3)

10.  ENGL 3990Women’s Literature (3)*

o  GEOG 4760Cultural Geography (3)*

o  GEOG 4767Economic Geography (4)

o  GEOG 4778Political Geography

o  HIST 3680Modern Jewish History (3-4)

o  HIST 4430American Jewish History (4)

o  JST 3000/MES 3710Introduction to Jewish Studies (3)

o  PHIL 4860Feminist Philosophy (3)*

o  POLS 4120Southern Politics (3)

o  PSYC 3520 Introduction to African American Psychology* (crosslisted AAS 3050) (3)

o  PSYC 3570Multicultural Psychology (3)*

11.  PSYC 3901 Study Abroad Tanzania: History, Modern Culture and the Psychology of Skin Bleaching (crosslisted AAS 4970) (3)

o  PSYC 4510Community Psychology (3)*

o  RELS 3270Religious Traditions of the World (3)

o  RELS 4690Liberalism, Secularism and Religion (3)

o  SOCI 3212Race and Ethnic Relations (3)

o  SOCI 3216/WGSS 3130Gender And Society (3)

o  SOCI 3356Queer Identities (3)

o  SOCI 4050/WGSS 4050Global Perspectives on Violence Against Women (3)

o  SOCI 4802Gender and Sexuality-CTW (3)

o  SPAN 4440Special Topics (El otro entre nosotros: Emigration and Immigration in Contemporary Spain) (3)*

o  SPAN 4480Special Topics (Latino Literature and Culture in the U.S.) (3)*

o  WGSS 3030Introduction to LGBT Studies (3)*

o  WGSS 3040Globalization and Gender (3)*

o  WGSS 4040Gender, Race and Class In Complex Societies* (ANTH 4040) (3)

o  WGSS 4050Global Perspectives on Violence Against Women (3)*

o  WGSS 4750Black Feminist Thought (3)*

o  WGSS 4770Gender and Sex in the African Diaspora (3)*

o  WGSS 4780African-American Lesbian and Gay Activism (3)*

o  WGSS 4810Feminism And Foucault (3)*

o  WGSS 4840Arab and Islamic Feminisms (3)*

o  WGSS 4846Gender, War, And Militarism in the Middle East (3)*

o  WGSS 4842Sexuality and Nationalism (3)*

o  WGSS 4910Study Abroad Ecuador: Gender, Sexuality and Postcoloniality in Contemporary Ecuador (3)*