Sales contract

Supajumpa 4in1 standard


Seller :

Superjumper S.L., existing under the laws of the country Spain (European Union),

located at Camino Huerta Sta. Cruz 21

29196 Málaga / Spain

with taxpayer identification number (C.I.F.) B-92329671

fon: +34 952 34 40 50, fax: +34 952 17 07 58, e-mail: .

Account holder: Superjumper S.L..

Bank: Deutsche Bank – Málaga O.P.

Account number: 0019 0090 11 4010040662


IBAN: ES04 0019 0090 1140 1004 0662

Superjumper S.L. is duly represented by Mr. Sabahattin Gunes,

holder of german ID card number: D-4008142348,

who will sign this agreement, and legally binds Superjumper S.L.

to the provisions set forth.

Buyer :

Company :


ZIP / City:

Tax number:



ID Card no. :

Object of purchase: Supajumpa standard

1 / Central post – square aluminium tube 100x100x4mm
4 / Superior post – round aluminium tube 100x5mm
4 / Inferior post - round aluminium tube 100x5mm
4 / Primary strut - round aluminium tube 80x5mm
4 / Secondary strut - round aluminium tube 50x5mm
1 / Base plate – plate of stainless steel 600x600x3mm
4 / Footing – aluminium plate 250x250x6mm
1 / Aluminium Box for materials
8 / Stainless steel cable 6,45m
4 / Stainless steel cable 1,28m
16 / Aluminium snap link, big
16 / Aluminium snap link, small
24 / Stainless steel snap link
8 / Sewn sling
8 / Swivel
8 / Pulley
8 / Jumping rope
2 / Harness L
4 / Harness M
4 / Harness S
1 / Set of elastics (for 4 trampolines)
4 / Heavy duty trampoline 12’ (~3,70m)
4 / Electric rope winch 230V
4 / Identity delta
4 / Identity banner
1 / Toolbox with spare parts and tools
- / Bolts, split pins, screws and nuts
1 / Assembly, use and maintenance guide

Price for Supajumpa standard: 18.700 EURO


Superjumper S.L. herewith agrees to grant a 2 year warranty on the metal structure,

provided that these are always used correctly and the Buyer acquires all the
spare parts from Superjumper S.L.

The warranty applies to the complete aluminium structure, the fixed spare parts and
the framework structure of the trampolines.

Furthermore, Superjumper S.L. provides the customer with the corresponding manufacturer's warranties for all assembly groups.

Superjumper S.L. does not grant any warranty in case of wilful damage or improper

Payment terms

Price of purchase 18.700.- EURO

Total 18.700.- EURO

Form of payment:

Until payment in full the products remain property of Superjumper S.L.


Signature buyer Signature seller
