December 3, 2012
6:00 p.m.
1 Call to Order
2 Prayer
3 Superintendent’s Report
A) Lawrence County High Gym / Insurance
1) Report
2) Engineer / Lawyer
B) Building Projects
C) MES Property
D) Instructional Coaches / Partnership
Motion to allow J.R. Brooks to litigate the situation concerning the Lawrence County High Gym.
4 Approve adoption of the agenda.
5 Approve minutes of the November 8, 2012 meeting.
6 Approve personnel transactions as recommended by the Superintendent. (3 pg.)
7 Approve Purchase Order Ledger.
8 Approve October 2012 Financial Statements.
9 Approve the renewal of Line of Credit with Bank Independent and authorize the superintendent to execute the documents.
10 Approve to release December payroll on last work day of December.
11 Approve the Code of Conduct for Lawrence County Board Members. Item deleted before agenda adoption.)
12 Approve bid # 13-004-GF for Waste Management for garbage pick-up effective for 1 year (Jan. - Dec 31, 2013) at a cost of $6,300 per month.
13 Approve Contracts
A) Contract with ESG, Inc for monitoring of burglar alarm service at the Tech office and lab.
B) Child Nutrition Program to contract with OCE’ Imagistics for copy machine rental. Funding: CNP
11. Approve School Paid Expenditures
A) East Lawrence Middle School
1. Contract with Dtel Communications to install 5 access points at @$125.00 each. Funding: Local School
2. Contract with Walsworth Publishing for the school’s yearbook not to exceed $7,000.00 for the 2012-13 school year. Funding: Local School
B) East Lawrence High to contract with Xerox for copier service. Funding: Local School
C) East Lawrence Elementary to contract with Premier Travel and Tours for chorus trip to Savannah, GA. Funding: Local School
D) R.A. Hubbard to contract with North Alabama Basketball Official Association for the 2012 - 2013 Basketball Season. Funding: Local School Athletics
E) Lawrence County High
1. Contract with Southern Athletic Field not to exceed $2,000.00 to repair the LCHS softball field and place Astro turf in dugout and other needed areas around the field. Funding: Local School
2. Contract with Jostens to develop the Lawrence County High School 2012-2013 Yearbook. Funding: Local School
3. Contract with Ingalls in Decatur to use facility for Lawrence County High School prom not to exceed $2,000.00. Funding: Local School
4. Contract with Thomas Counts to clean the coliseum after basketball games during November 2012. Funding: Local School
5. Contract with Kevin Cooper to DJ the LCHS Winter Ball not to exceed $100.00. Funding: Local School
12. Approve Mobility Transfers
2012-13-71 -- ELMS to SPKE – K
2012-13-72 -- SPKE to ELES – K
2012-13-73 -- MES to ELES – 1st grade
2012-13-75 -- Russellville to MES – K
2012-13-76 -- SPKE to MMS – 8th grade
2012-13-77 -- RAH to HHS – 8th grade
In-County School Based Employee:
2012-13-45R -- HZES to ELMS – 4th grade
Out-of-County School Based-Employee
2012-13-70 -- Madison Co to ELMS – 6th grade
Majority-to-Minority Transfer
2012-13-74 -- ELHS to RAH – 12th grade
13. Approve Substitutes
Clayton Patterson
Caleb Beason
Stephanie Davis
Whitney Smith
Stella Rikard
Kristi Johnston
Bradley White
Tracie Smith
Christy Martin
Willodean Counts
14. Discussion
A) Board Policy -- JCDABB/JCDACA – Student Drug Testing Program Policy – Revise
B) Board Policy – EF – Live Work Policy – Revise
C) Board Policy – ILA – Community Cooperative Program in Lawrence County – Revise
D) Board Policy – JT – Non-Discrimination for Enrolling in and/or Participating in Career/Technical Programs – Revise
E) Board Policy – ILC/JTD – Clinical Rotation Placement in Health Science – Revise
F) Board Policy – JGFFA – Permission to Drive Cars to Lawrence County Center of Technology – Revise
G) Board Policy IKJ – Eye Protective Devices – Revise
H) Board Policy BBFAA – Safety Policy for Career/Technical Education – Revise
I) Board Policy EGA --
15. Student Discipline
A) Student A – ELHS
16. Adjourn
As required by Section 16-9-23 of the Laws of Alabama Relating to Education, and as Superintendent of the Lawrence County School System, I make the following written personnel recommendations for action by The Lawrence County Board of Education:
Heath Grimes
Superintendent and Board Secretary
- Gloria Smith – Central Office, retirement effective December 31, 2012.
- Cindy White-ELES, teacher, FMLA leave of absence November 1, 2012 – February 13, 2013. Leave of absence February 14, 2013 through May 24, 2013.
- Robert Vinzant-LCHS, leave for on the job injury 10/15/12 (1/2 day)
1. Stanley Johnson- LCHS, approve additional supplement paid from LCHS boosters.
2. Belinda Wilkerson-LCHS, approve cleaning after extra-curricular activities and events after normal school hours at $17.80 hr. plus benefits paid from local school funds.
3. Jack Steele-RAH, approve refurbishing of gym floor not to exceed $500.00.
Funding-local school
4. Dale Walker and Marrieo Davis, approve $250.00 each to refinish gym floor.
Funding-local school basketball
5. Matthew Helms and Russ Lang, approve $2,250.00 each for assistant football coaching. Funding-local school football
1. Victoria King-RAH, English Language Arts teacher, effective December 4, 2012. Vacancy- 11265 Funding-Local
2. America Peralas-HTES, Custodian, effective December 4, 2012.
Vacancy-11264 Funding-Foundation
3. Amber Murray-HTES Pre-K, temporary part-time no benefits on an as needed basis, instructional aide effective January 2, 2013 Funding-Local
4. Mollie Bradford-Speake, teacher effective December 4, 2012
Vacancy 11260 Funding-Foundation
5. Heather Horner-MES, teacher effective December 4, 2012
Vacancy 11261 Funding-Foundation
6. Clay Patterson- temporary, part-time, no benefits, on an as needed basis, Indian Education instructional aide at $11.98 hr. not to exceed 19 hours week effective December 4, 2012 for FY13. Funding-Title VII
7. Charissa Smith- temporary teacher effective November 1, 2012 through May 24, 2013. (Cindy White leave)
1. Gaylon Parker- from Principal at Moulton Middle School to Personnel and CNP Director effective January 1, 2013.
Vacancy 11262 Funding- 75% CNP 25 % Foundation
2. Rosa Allen Cooper- from 10 month Counselor to 12 month Elementary Supervisor / Parental Involvement effective January 1, 2013.
Vacancy 11263 Funding- 80% Title I 20% Foundation
Angie Bowen ELHS Varsity Cheerleader
Leah Hembree ELHS JV Cheerleader
Glenda Reynolds RAH JV Girls Basketball
John Smith HTHS Asst. Varsity Girls Basketball
John Smith HTHS Middle School Football
Michael Hathorn HTHS JV Football
Johnny Chandler ELHS Girls/Boys Golf
Rickey Thompson ELHS JV Girls basketball
Rickey Thompson ELHS Asst. Varsity Girls basketball
Joshua Graham LCHS Asst. Baseball
Leah Hembree ELHS Varsity Cheerleader
Lee Roberts HTHS JV Football
Steven Kerby
Jodie Patrick
Amanda Garner
Leisa Turner
Credit Recovery- Part-time, Temporary, No Benefits at $20.00 hr. on an as needed basis
Funding- Title I Part D (N & D)
Glenda Reynolds Judy Phillips
Note: All employment is contingent upon background clearance through the ABI and FBI as stipulated by the State Department of Education and through an independent contractor (Risk Mitigation Services, Inc).
Employment is also contingent upon Employee completing paperwork at the Lawrence County Board of Education the following day.
All employment of bus drivers is pending Motor Vehicle Report.